Breaking: Dr. Melba Ketchum Will Not (Physically) Be at Primal People Conference This Weekend? [Unconfirmed]

The Pacific Northwest Conference on Primal People is at full swing and already, we're hearing from multiple sources that Dr. Melba Ketchum has cancelled her plans to show up at the conference. One source tells us that Ketchum will be calling in via Skype video conference.

Here are a few other speakers scheduled to make an appearance who may or may not show up:
  • David Paulides - Founder of North America Bigfoot Search.  Person responsible for assembling Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA team.
  • Ron Morehead - Sierra Sounds, Samurai Chatter
  • Autumn William has cancelled. She's the purported "Mystery" keynote speaker.

Not all is lost however. There are still some heavy hitters out there like Dr. Jeff Meldrum and Bob Gimlin and sources are telling us that there seems to be a much younger crowd this year than usual.

For Ketchum, this isn't the first time that she has backed out of showing up at a conference. Back in October 2011, at the Honobia Bigfoot Festival and Conference, Dr. Ketchum was scheduled to give a talk about the Bigfoot DNA research project but she never showed up. According to attendees, the good doctor, instead, gave her talk via a video tape that was play for the audience.

"Apparently Ketchum backed out at the last minute and sent a video tape in her place, sighting more research to be done on the peer reviewed study as her reason for not showing. The video apparently gave no new information on the study," wrote one source.


  1. Yup. Of course. I am the one who said she wouldn't show up because her paper has been REJECTED !!! Will anyone ever learn ???

    1. Can you provide some evidence the paper has been rejected?

      Didn't think so.

    2. Can you provide some evidence the paper has been submitted?

    3. BURN!!!!!! Good one 8:06

    4. Shes a very hideous person, because she is a liar.

  2. Maybe she will just replay the video from 2011 via Skype. And somehow, this is anything but shocking news.

  3. Yup. A real class act she is. Can't even get on a plane for her dearest fans. Maybe now people will see how she's been using them.

    1. Are you kidding? I'm one of those saying all along it's best for her to say as little as possible at this late stage, until the work is finished then she can and will make all the live apperances time shall allow for.

  4. why bob gimlim is a "heavy hitter" in the same category as a legitimate scientist meldrum god only knows.

    the guy (if you believe his story) just happened to roll up on a "bigfoot" once - wooptey fucking doo. It was a hoax anyway, but bigfoot believers cant see that because it destroys their whole faith based religion.

    1. Spot on on all fronts. Gimlin's a LIAR.

    2. Both of you Gimlin bashing nitwits can shove it where the sun don't shine. Talk like that where I can hear you and you'll be eating soup through a straw. Bob Gimlin is the most polite, sincere, honest and trustworthy man anyone could ever hope to meet.

    3. Every video ive ever seem Mr Gimlin in, he always came across as a truthful person, His story has never wavered an bit.. I believe Patty is real so you skeptics can run along and find another blog to do your bashing in.

    4. Good point, so why keep inviting him? The story never changes, just run the video.

    5. Is sex better with or without rubber? You can bet your ass the Patterson Film's no fake, that's why he's there. Is it possible to eat crow through a straw? LOL

    6. Gimlin hasn't changed his story because it's made him a celebrity. Now add in book sales, free travel and chicken dinners and conference rooms full of devotees wallowing in his every sacred word. Why stop the gravy train and let down his fans this late in the game?

    7. Anon 8:51,

      Don't let your mouth write checks your little ass can't cash. I'd wreck you, after that I'd make you watch as I gut your whore mother from asshole to throat. Gimlin's a LIAR! Let me know where you are and I promise you, I'll stand right there, call him a liar and you won't do a damn thing about it. He's a thief, accepting stolen property and then lying about being arrested for it. Face it, you're hero's just another criminal who tries to use Christianity as a shield. If that little sawed off fuck wit will lie about something as easily verifiable as his arrest and who posted his bail, then what else would he lie about, faggot? Anytime you cock smoking queer. Anytime

  5. Only dumbass dreamers fall for the "bait and switch"

    1. Are you saying ketchum has done a bait and switch?

    2. She is a liar just like Justn Smeja- NO EVIDENCE and stringing people along for god know what reason.

    3. And why are you here, troll?

  6. MAYBE she's just afraid of being mobbed at the conference! Did anyone even think of that????
    I would be reluctant about being mobbed in her position with her paper not released yet.
    Chad W

    1. I agree with you on that. Can you picture what it would be like if she was there. Every word out of her mouth would be quoted. and if she couldnt answer something i believe people would actually boo her. If i was her i wouldn't show up in person either.

    2. It's probably more about sitting down in the same space with Dr. Meldrum, and a a dinner conversation that would be uncomfortable. Imagine Paulides trying to referee that! Chicken is the word that comes to mind here.

    3. Anon at 542 that is the dumbest response ever on this board. Obviously she is a liar this has nothing to do with she and meldrum arguing over whether they are human or ape. Besides dumbass she wont talk about her findings, evidence so what would they telk about? How they are psychic shapeshifting giant native american apes who like to hang out with her? Geez people unplug from Matrix!!

    4. Obviously you're a troll.

  7. There you go - a whole gaggle of commentators who do not have the full facts but still isist on passing judgement. I think that is called hypocrisy, is it not. And you wonder why we think you all have the combined IQ of a tree? Yep, until like some, the rest of us wait to see what she has found, or not. Until you KNOW you are just flapping your gums in the dark. Talk about an unbridled, uneducated bias! Fools one and all who just embarrass themselves with mindless rants.

    1. science won't publish what she has, that speaks volumes

    2. It is called having faith in a system of scientific review and NOT in an individual.

      When will you trolls learn the bloody difference. Are you all really that stupid?

      This the same system that approves scientific papers for ALL new discoveries, including brain transplants that some of you clearly need. She will be able to tell us all when the paper is published and NOT before.

    3. You stand waiting at the train station and the train is late. That doesn't prove the train is not coming or that there has been a crash in the tunnel. Take a deep breath and wait a bit longer is what you do. Then again, that analogy is probably too hard to follow.

    4. Is she even real? Has anyone ever seen her or do we only have pics and film of her? I'm beginning to doubt her existence.

    5. Brain transplants? Lol, you aren't making a very convincing argument there.

    6. I thought it was spot on. Maybe Dr. Ketchum has read my mind and taken some sound advice to wait until the final result's published. Then we can all donate a few bucks for a big get-together crow dinner for the skeptics and trolls, can't you just see it now all those embarrassed red faced losers posing there with plates in hands to the photographers on the balcony. That forced smile should be priceless.

  8. You guys do realize that there are many peer reviewed papers on sasquatch that are posted in credible scientific journals...don't you?

    1. Hi 6:06...just wanted to let you know that there is a little thing called Google and another great tool called EBSCO that many universities let students use to do research with. How bout taking a moment before you post your dumbass remarks and look it up. Then maybe you just won't look so stupid.

      Just a tip, asshole. :)

  9. We know and can prove that trains exist.

    1. and Sasquatch regularly jumps them for a ride from cali to oklahoma, to visit Arla and Melba.

    2. Admit you're just jealous.

  10. It's not the same system that approves things like brain transplants etc,far from it,it's a peer review,anyone can have one done by their peers, how do you think all these fraudster religious nutcase preachers get there credentials,a peer review means bugger all and is not recognised by true scientific analysis and real proper scientists,the woman is a complete idiot,her DNA company has many complaints on the past for shoddy work or not even completing work,she is a pure waste if time!!

    1. You are exactly right. I was just wanting to point that out because everyone that is in this chic's camp things that peer review is the end all. There are peer reviewed papers about sasquatch in respectable scientific journals. Some even touch on DNA evidence.

      Peer review or this paper isn't gonna mean a thing.

    2. Can you please stop talking about brain transplants like they are real? It isn't a very good analogy if you are arguing the big guy exists.

    3. do some homework dipshit, it was 3 samples that
      people didnt get back on time so they filed with the BBB.
      She does dna work for many law inforcement agencies, and is well respected. Oh and by the
      way, the samples that the complaints were filed were around 50.00 each.

    4. The stuff shown on the BBB complaints is just the tip of the iceberg of issues she had with the Cat Fanciers Association. It was bad, trust me. The CFA severed relationships with her in 2010, and I quote our minutes:
      "Dr. Melba Ketchum of Shelterwood Laboratory has been our primary service provider since the beginning of our CatGenes program. During the last 9 months, we have been working very hard to address the problems that have been associated with this program. In February, Kitty Angell, Roeann and I visited the lab to address these problems. We gave it a few weeks and we found the problems were not being addressed, so on April 15th, we pulled the order page from the CFA CatGenes website. We did this for two reasons: one, to give her the opportunity to catch up on the timelines, on the orders that we already had in-house in the lab that had to be processed, and the other one was to keep it down permanently if these problems were not addressed. On June 11th, it was determined that Shelterwood was unable to meet the requirements that we asked for in February, and the contract agreement was terminated. Dr. Ketchum mailed a letter to us, giving the effective date of the termination, April 15th of this year, and in terminating the contract she promised us that she would process all the DNA samples that had been sent to her by April 15th and would render the appropriate reports. This is in writing and this is a promise. CFA still has a contractual agreement with Texas A&M. Texas A&M was simply serving as a research arm or a back-up laboratory that would run retests if the original testing provided markers that were inconclusive. We have begun a search. In April, we started a search throughout the United States, talking to the various DNA labs asking them about their ability to continue the program that was already started and we ended up talking with Dr. Gus Cothran at Texas A&M, and their service lab will be glad to take over the program. It will be a seamless transition from Shelterwood labs to the service lab at Texas A&M, and they will provide us with the same type of service with SNP testing, the same number of tests, and they are even adding three new tests. We found during the conference call with Dr. Cothran that he was actually the person that designed the chip in the first place, so we feel that the change will be seamless...."

  11. Another engagement she isn't speaking at in person? I would consider it rude to back out on an arrangement, and insulting to do so at the last minute.
    Dr. Ketchum better have something good to show for all the smoke and mirrors routine.
    I'm not passing judgement on her, but if her schedule is that busy then perhaps she should not agree to speak at any conferences until she can actually show up for one.

    1. I'll pass judgement. She's made innuendo's of earth shattering news for 2 years now. Now that her paper has failed to do what she said it would, she's donned the chicken suit. Her paper did NOT prove the existence of Sasquatch and with that she has FAILED. She's afraid to face the people now.

    2. I'll pass judgment, too. How many people paid the costs of travel and admission to attend this conference only because she would be there? Now THAT would your bait-and-switch if the organizers knew weeks ago that she was bailing.

    3. She'll pass judgment on you all when it's over, I'm sure she's really longing for that day to come as soon as possible.
      There's no evidence of the paper failing or not proving the species real, this dream remains wishful thinking on her jealous enemies' part, God knows why anyone would be against this discovery but it seems to be so.
      Makes you wonder why they're here every day, as if that could somehow stop this research proving Sasquathes real. It can't and that is the real monster failure here.

  12. Anyone with half a brain can see she hasn't got a clue what she's doing, the woman just keeps dragging things out and digging herself deeper and deeper into a bottomless pit!! Her research,her methods and her public relations skills are a complete joke!! It's her and the likes of Melissa Hovey,rRick Dyer etc that give credible people and the whole of our comunity a bad name,no wonder mainstream science won't touch this subject with a barge pole with chances like these involved and the fact that people are actually giving these individual's credence,a voice and putting them on a pedestal is pretty disgusting and at the same time disheartening if you ask me !!

    1. Ketchum has been tazered along with Hovey, Freezer boy, and Standing by teamtazer. Wonder who is next on their list?

    2. A bunch of sore losers, teamtazer that is.

  13. If the study participants mutiny then we may have a problem. They aren't, yet.

    1. we dont even know who they are or if THEY exist!

  14. I know there are a lot of people out there that aren't keen on her,myself included,but to not turn up is an insult to everybody that actually does support her,and to appear by video link with a recorded tape is insulting to everybody and goes a hell of a long way as to show the woman's real character,all she has to do is be truthful with people and play things straight and shed get a lot more respect,the way she handles her affairs and her public relations are far below part and leave a lot to be desired,she's not doing herself any favours at all,personally I wouldn't trust her to write a shopping list!!

    1. Goes hand in hand with her Grade "F" with the BBB in regards to her DNA Lab. "Business as usual" with Ketchum. Par for the course.

    2. Keep that jealousy better in check guys.

  15. Sextape in 3..2...1.......

    1. Ah, you can't expect anything less from a woman.

  16. I just spoke to Dr. Ketchum in the phone. She is too broken up about the death of MCA to travel.

    - John Bindernagel

    1. Well, I appreciate you relaying the excuse Dr. Bindernagel. However, she's full of shit. I hear her paper is a bust, failed miserably even and that's from someone who'd know. She's too embarrassed to face all of her fan-boys now. I'd be willing to bet she misses the next conference due to a stumped pinky toe.

    2. Finally you got his name right. What's Dr. Ketchum doing in the phone?

    3. You mean that's not Dr. Bindernagel? Dammit!

    4. Dr. Bindernagel,

      I am sorry to hear of Dr. Ketchum's distraught condition.

      I was wondering what your thoughts are on sympatric speciation in relation to the continuum from zero to complete allopatric spatial segregation of diverging groups of multicellular eukaryotic organisms and the "Disruptive Selection Model" (John Maynard Smith / 1966) that, of course, postulates that homozygous organisms may have an advantage in some environmental situations over heterozygous individuals and the effect this would have on horizontal gene transfer, if any. Please forgive me if you are of the "Ernst Mayr Camp". I would also like to hear your thoughts on the possibility of phenotype morphology acting as a genetic road block. Thanks.

      No Shadow

    5. Sorry I meant on the phone not in. I smoked whole lid of Sasquatch hair Fahrenbach sent me. I'm blazing my face off.

    6. Okay,that one made me laugh Anon @ 7:33

    7. Haha! Friday Night P.U.I. (posting under the influence)

    8. Let me give you all fair warning... Dr.John "Jack" Bindernagel is not a man to trifle with. A friend of mine called him on the phone politely asking for him to kindly return the bustare that had been lent him... Bindernagel replied in a cold, hollow voice "you'll get your busfare buddy.youll get your busfare"
      The following night my freind was takIng out the trash when he was suddenly knocked to the ground by a powerful spinning crescent kick to the head.Dazed, he looked up to see Jack Bindernagel huffing deeply from a bag of paint fumes before having a handfull of change thrown in his face!

    9. Chuck Norris runs from Jack Bindernagel.

  17. Based on many of the comments made on this site over the past few weeks, some would argue that, even when Ketchum is there physically, she isn't there mentally.

    Why do I have a gut feeling that this entire ongoing DNA story is one big practical joke, another hoax in a long line of bigfoot hoaxes.

    It wouldn't surprise me at all if it turns out that one of the bigfoot repeat hoaxers (Biscardi, Standing, etc.) is the mastermind behind this, another load of bigfoot BS.

  18. Anybody know why Autumn Williams cancelled as well?

  19. She is apparently not a very good person as her business has a BBB rating of F.

    Lots of complaints there of promising and not delivering. sound familiar

    1. Makes you wonder why she was recruited in the first place.

    2. Was she recruited, or did she volunteer? I was under the impression she started soliciting samples on her own.

  20. Attention all Trolls of the Solar Federation. Attention all Trolls of the Solar Federation. We have assumed control. We have assumed control.

  21. This is so funny. I'm laughing my ass off. She could wipe her ass with a tee shirt and a bleever would think it was an autograph.

    1. Yeah, but with Hovey charging two bucks for her autograph, imagine the going rate on Ketchum's skid marks.

  22. Maybe she heard TeamTazerBigfoot was in the house and anxious to meet her...

    1. TTBF is exposing one fraud after another. Standing, Dyer, Hovey and now Ketchum. And they've earned the wrath of the habituators. Beginning to like those guys.

  23. Sally Ramey is such a joke. Yeah some PR person. She's going down with the SS Ketchum as well.

    1. Sally Ramey is a bitchy, nasty bully. She reminds me of Hovey. Both of them are batshit crazy.

  24. WOW! Some pretty good questions and opinions. Especially liked the (blazin some sasquatch hair comment) but where is the P.R. lady with the answers? Maybe she can shovel us some excuses to explain why. Meldrum has published papers that where peer reviewed and he still came to conferences he agreed to. Then again his where legitimate papers and he had nothing to hide......? Before any of you mindless shirt tail riders start your BS ask yourselves the same questions that are being posed here and then offer a legitimate reason. Not the same old "you suck, wait and see" actually present a good rebuttal.

    1. OH WAIT I forgot to add IN MY OWN OPINION. Wouldn't want to get into trouble. Now a days you have to specify when your exercising your right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

  25. When it comes to BF, everybody knows you can't ketchum with melba toast.


  26. she was not afraid of being mobbed, but ambushed, she thought the paper would be released by now. she's waiting just like we are,it's out of her hands until it get's published. If it were rejected, someone would have
    found the proof of that.

  27. I think Melba doesn't actually exist. She is a hoax. What proof do we have the Melba exists? A few scattered pictures on the internet? No paper though.

    1. Her BBB record. Although I suppose that might prove she doesn't exist, since she's never actually completed the DNA tests.

    2. Ive identified her through DNA evidence, will prove her through peer review in a few years or so..

  28. Irrational as I am I still "believe" in the study as well as in the existence of the big forest folks, of course. But I have my serious doubts now about Melba Ketchum as a person. To back out of this conference in the very last minute - if this rumour is true! - is without a doubt a shameful act of cowardliness. Unbelievable and absolutely unprofessional!!!!!!!! !
    Let´s see what she has to say on her facebook page - Sally cannot not speak for her at the moment, because she is ill,...of course...

    1. All the signs have been obvious for months now. She's a fraud and her paper has failed, her business gets an "F" from the BBB, she believes Sasquatch is paranormal and that they braid her horses hair, she says that Sasquatch made those stick structures as FACT even though she didn't witness them doing it, she hangs out with a family of 5 of them but proof, she backs out of conference at the last minutes citing lame excuses. I know its apparently hard guys, but use common sense. You've been jacked. Hahahaha

  29. Sally is ill alright. She's real sick. Sick of being made to look stupid by Ketchum.

  30. I would be surprised if most of the people who post here believe in anything, much less the possibility of Bigfoot. There a lot of cynical a-holes out and about.

    1. Dont misunderstand, we all believe her of course! Just look at her proven track record and the upfront proactive way she has handled this project!

  31. Who gives a Rats Ass ! I just want to know one thing Is Bigfoot Real ?

    1. Bigfoot is real, but the humans argue so over the body of proof it may never be proven. Go out camping, you will find out more, and faster.

  32. So is this the "sweet vengence" the bleebers were predicting all the trolls would feel? Arent we supposed to eat our words or something now. I better go hide in the closet, lest I be burned by the shining light of the "truth".

  33. Clearly Ketchum cant cook crow,
    Now believers believe she blows;
    800 pound gorilla found with DNA?
    Maybe tomorrow, not today.

  34. All of you haters can suck my balls.

    - Sally Ramey

  35. I think before bigfooting goes any further we need to first establish if ketchum even exists

  36. Sounds like her laboratory is going down in flames. Maybe she is using Bigfoot to pull it out of the red as Al Deatley did for his paving company with the Patterson film.

  37. reading all of these comments posted by you people with your foul mouthed antics and groveling...its like reading a really bad script from a movie about a bunch of high-school drop outs on drugs.

  38. Melba'sa farce to the highest degree. I feel sorry.for the idiots who bought in to her as being some sort of pro. Facts: Her business is as shady as it gets, she believes Bigfoot braids her horses hair, this paper has been supposedly coming soon for 2 years, she keeps baiting and switching conference attendees with her last minute drop outs, she believes Big foot is paranormal, she elopes with a family of 5 Sasquatch but has no proof, she states that Sasquatch built stick structures as matter of fact even though she didn't see it built herself. Am I missing anything? Its all there to figure out, why are people still giving her the time of day?

    1. Tom Burnette says Melba Kechum is a thief she kept my evidence even when her examiner lab assistant said told me I had dna human mitocondria in the tissue she is a thief in my book and you could not trust her anywhere...

  39. Melbas got issues, shes a thief and a liar...


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