Erickson Project: Dr. Melba Ketchum backed out of Bigfoot DNA talk? (Updated)

A source tells us the Honobia Bigfoot Festival and Conference that took place over the weekend was missing an important element.

Dr. Melba Ketchum had been schedule to give a talk on the Bigfoot DNA research project. According to the conference schedule, Dr. Ketchum was to give her talk at 10:00am on Saturday.

John, a reader from North Texas who was unable attend said he heard from an attendee that Dr. Ketchum did not give her talk in person. A video tape of her was sent to play for the audience instead.

"Apparently Ketchum backed out at the last minute and sent a video tape in her place, sighting more research to be done on the peer reviewed study as her reason for not showing. The video apparently gave no new information on the study." he said.

This is the least unexpected news to those who have been following Dr. Ketchum and her Bigfoot DNA project. Dr. Ketchum's study and the Erickson Project have been getting major attention from the Bigfoot community and the lack of news from the project is making more people skeptical if they weren't already.

"I don't think we will ever see Ketchum published," said John.

Although it's disappointing Dr. Ketchum couldn't make in person or have anything new to say, there were other important speakers worth noting. Other heavy hitters like R. Scott Nelson (Bigfoot language) and Dave Paulides (Author "Tribal Bigfoot") were also schedule to talk at the conference.

For those who didn't go this year, see what you missed below:

Saturday Oct 1, 2011 - Schedule

  • 8:30 am Welcome and Opening Comments (Troy Hudson)
  • 8:45 am Arla Williams or Troy Hudson (What’s the Future)
  • 9:45 am Break
  • 10:00 am Dr. Melba Ketchum (Sasquatch DNA Process)
  • 11:00 am Charles Branson
  • 11:55 am Lunch
  • 12:30 pm Dave Paulides (Author “Tribal Bigfoot”)
  • 1:30 pm R. Scott Nelson (Bigfoot Language) or Troy Hudson
  • 2:30 pm Thom Cantrall (Author of “Ghosts at Ruby Ridge”)
  • 3:00 pm Round Table with Speakers (Q and A)
  • 4:00 pm Closing Remarks/Completion of Conference (Troy Hudson)
  • 4:30 pm Close of Festival & Raffle Prizes Awarded (Steel Tent)

Thanks to John for the heads up.

Update: A reader name B. wrote this to us: "I wanted to let you know a poster on the bigfoot forums claims to have second-hand information from someone who works for Ketchum. His source claims Ketchum was unexpectedly called away to Europe (likely Germany) to meet the people reviewing her paper. The poster noted this is very unusual and if true would likely mean her findings are significant. The conference organizer did confirm Ketchum got a call last Thursday and had to cancel at the last minute. I have other info that I can't divulge which strongly corroborates the story. Germany, as you probably know, is home to the world renown Max Plank Institute." Thanks B.!


  1. I would not want to be MK. It's not an easy position to be in. She risks her reputation by announcing something unsettling and all her work goes into excessive scrutiny thereafter. She would have to release all of her samples, all of her methods and everything in order to regain her standing. Now, if there is no DNA evidence of note, then she would rush forward to eagerly admit there's nothing, "would everyone please go home. It's over." The fact that she isn't rushing forward but retreating might be telling.

  2. Go figure didn't see that coming. Another bullshit study to get peoples hopes up. The funny thing is they have all the participants in the study brain washed too.

  3. There's a rumor going around that Ketchum was called to Europe late last week to meet with the very people reviewing her paper.

  4. I think this entire Erickson Project is going to be alot about nothing. It's up to the researches who go out in the field and post videos, etc such as on You Tube to get an snswer someday.

  5. oh, that makes total sense. A bunch of jackasses on youtube are going to solve this puzzle. How's that working for you?

  6. I am been following this as closely as I can w/o being a participant in the study. Since the summer of 2009 I have been aware of this effort. It snowballed after the coast to coast (or some such) show and samples grew. The reported Sierra Kills is an interesting twist..and raises many ethics issues if true and samples used w/o reporting the "Kill" to authorities..that in reference to Ketchum and her responsibility to report.

    Otherwise the retaining of lawyers and the NDA's I have seen seem overbearing. But, as noted above this is a 'special' area of inquiry.

    I believe the lack of communication to the EP project (if true) a bit outrageous...and a last minute pull out of a talk also ...couldn't wait to fly to Germany till Saturday night? Perhaps some posters take...that difficulty public speaking is more in line? it is odd behavior.

    So things seem a bit more opaque than just plain science...seems commercial interests are ruling this...maybe not. I would be surprised based on the track this is taking if money/fame aren't the driving forces. We seem to accept those motives as acceptable in this era..too bad, I think this one belongs to the public domain. Arguably Ketchum';s skill in the lab is less valuable than the actual samples...etc. Hard to name a "discoverer" on this...Native Americans and the few thousand pioneers and modern witnesses over the decades might resnt such a sweeping claim. I do.

    I would prefer her and the others to take the tack that, among the many BFers and others who have tried to bring this to light perhaps a way to acknowledge that is poll us on what a good taxonomic designation would be....

    is that too much to ask? a vote for a taxonomic name? I just resist that the idea of "discovery" can be owned....

    Anyone up on patent law and genes? I have some concern this has taken such a secretive track b/c of potential for patents....anyone have any ideas on that?.

    All that said.. I do sympathize with anyone going head to head with these BFers (see Paulides recent article in Mufon August 2011 ejournal...) and their egos.... so

    maybe it is b/c she is a woman so much astonishment over her protective behavior of "her" study?

    I have mixed feelings and thoughts on this...

    But, I do also recognize Stubstad's right to cry foul and move ahead with samples to the Max Planck Institute...if you have some probable samples he says he is going in person to hand deliver and no NDA's or ownership issues...the rights remain with you. Sounds like a deal and given the importance of the work additional studies must be forthcoming...why not now?

  7. The failure to appear is par for the Erickson course and IMO was orchestrated. Everyone knew she wasn't going to be there because it was planned that way.

    As for Bigfoot Language, I heard one talk once via tree knocking. It went like this:









    Scott McMan


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