South Park Takes A Whack At Finding Bigfoot: Did anyone else watch last night's episode?

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Vicki W.

This week's new episode of "South Park" entitled "Jewpacabra" satirizes the world of cryptozoology and features animated caricatures of the "Finding Bigfoot" team. "South Park" is a Comedy Central animated show about a Colorado town centering on four young boy's experiences, satirizing contemporary issues with frequently irreverent and sometimes raunchy humor.

In the storyline, the Cartman character explains the legend of the "Jewpacabra" an elusive and cryptic creature that he says plans to attack the town on Easter and ruin it's big Easter egg hunt sponsored by a supermarket conglomerate. Characters Butters and Eric Cartman do an investigation trying to get footage of the creature. They manage to capture a familiar blob shot of the creature. That's when the "Finding Bigfoot" team show up.

After careful analysis of the photo, they declare it is genuine, saying, "This has never happened before. It's actually true." As usual the show is not terribly kind to the celebrities it lampoons, and this is no exception. The portrayal of lovable Bobo paints him as a not too bright buffoon. Matt and Cliff are shown as typically overly enthusiastic about the new evidence while curiously, skeptic Renee never speaks. But the team gets some revenge when they decide to dress Cartman up as a bunny and use him for bait to lure the creature in. The four hide behind a bush and watch with their visual aids.

I won't tell how it all comes out, not wanting to spoil it for those interested in watching. But the interesting thing is that in some sixteen seasons of the show, to my knowledge the names "Bigfoot" and "Sasquatch" have never been uttered until this episode, though an earlier episode focused on "Scuzzlebutt", a Bigfoot-like legend as told by character Eric Cartman. Let's hope the team doesn't get too offended, because as I mentioned in a previous article, it is said that being parodied means you have truly made it. And most of America loves Bobo, so let's hope he can laugh it off. I think if I were camping in the woods, I'd feel much safer with Bobo's company than the two "South Park" creators any day!

*Author's note*-- The references to Judaism and Christianity in the episode do not reflect my opinions nor the opinions of Bigfoot Evidence.

[Update] Cliff Barackman posted this statement on his blog about last night's South Park episode:
"I've heard mixed reactions about the episode (I haven't seen it yet), but I consider it an honor to be depicted on South Park no matter how much of a thrashing we receive at the hands of these ruthless, cynical animators."

Click here to watch the full episode at


  1. I couldn't stop laughing, especially during the computer analysis scene

  2. Don't forget about the Manbearpig!Bigdad.

    1. I was really hoping ManbearPig would play a part in the story

  3. I get why Bobo was portrayed as being retarded but why was he so short?

    1. I know and why was Matt so thin lol. This was great and I'm glad Cliff took it all in stride. Well done
      Bigfoots Broski

  4. The episode is barely about Cryptids, it is more of a Easter/Passover satire.

    That happens often in South Park, they push a "current event" to get audience, but the episode's message is often about something completely unrelated.

    However, the small part about Cryptids is funny. Bobo should have been taller.

  5. Remember when TV shows actually had scripts, not personal essays? I so hate current cartoon shows, they exist for one reason and that's provocation solely. Sad how mocking is our modern world's new entertainment, really shows a lack of imagination.

    1. get that stick out of your ass and get a sense of humour.

    2. Ever watch Bugs Bunny? There were plenty of "messages" in some of those cartoons.

    3. This is crap humor for retards, no serious contender or comparison to the classic cartoons.

    4. Because Eisenhower jokes are classy?

    5. Not necessarily, but they were less mean-spirited.

    6. south park is very political. the stories are probably over your head and its why its just fart jokes to some. most of the time the shows about putting the shoe on the other foot.

  6. The show is great. I honestly think that Matt and Trey really held off in their way. I mean, did you see the whale wars roasting? At least the FB crew didn't get rended in pieces by the monster. Also, the amount of background art in the episode, such as the big skulls and such might reveal that these guys might like Bigfoot. Just not the FB show.

  7. I had to watch the "Jewpacabra" episode on line to see what everyone was making a to-do over. I thought it had a couple of clever lines, and I relize that my man BoBo is an easy target (especially if you can do it many miles away from his Sasquatch like grip!)If I could say anything to Matt, Cliff, BoBo, and Ranae, on behalf of Squatcher's everywhere, I salute you gentelmen (and Ranae). Week-in and week-out, you four get to go all over the country, in some of the most beautiful spots on the planet,and actully do, what it is that makes you happy. I am jealous, as are many other people. So let them write jokes, let them throw insults, and let people think what they want to think. We know the truth


    1. its a joke, the creators always say there never serious about their parodies (cept paris hiltons)

  8. I wonder if they need writers? That is great. You know you've made it when you are culturally relevant enough to have cameos.

  9. South Park makes fun of everything ........if it's popular they rip it to way you couldn't laugh when they pasted that dog in there.

  10. Gross... You guys are buying into this disrespectful term "squatch" and squatching.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I love how they didn't let Renae say anything, just like on the real FB show lol..

  13. The cartoon was good for their PR, we know somebody has made it big when they make a South Park comedy of them. It was also meant to be a spoof of the Jacobs creature photos. The BFRO seems happy about the show. I thought it was funny except for the Jew part. Those racial jokes on South Park go a little overboard sometimes.

  14. Wait, Bobo ISN'T actually retarded in real life? I thought South Park was trying to make him seem SMARTER that he probably is in real life. Not dumber. I'm confused.

  15. What do you reckon? Best South Park episodes ever?


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