How Likely Are You to See Bigfoot?

According to these rough numbers by Carl Olinselot, it's very unlikely that you'll ever see a Bigfoot. Hold your horses-- he's not saying that these creatures don't exist. Carl says the 84 million acres of National Park tells us that there are plenty of land for Bigfoots to remain undetected.

Here are the rough numbers from Carl:

United States National Parks

Total acres: 84,000,000 acres
Employees: 22,000
Volunteers in Parks - 221,000
Total recreation visitors to the National Parks in 2010: 281,303,769
Visitors Per month spread out equally across 12 months: 23,441,980

If all the people visiting parks in a month all went at the same time and spread out among the acreage there would be 3.6 acres per person.

More realistic: If approximately 10% of those people went deep into the forest and secluded areas all at the same time (as opposed to staying on roads and tourist locations) equally spread out among acreage: 36 acres per person.
Things to consider:

The percentage of visitors to National Parks that actually venture off the beaten path is probably much less than 10% due to park regulations. This drastically increases the acres per person ratio which also increases the possibility of a Bigfoot avoiding detection.

23 million people will never go to all the parks and evenly spread out and then stay there looking for a full month. The amount of free range wilderness is literally in the thousands of acres for every one person at any given time. It is likely closer to 5,000 acres for every one human if evenly spread out all at the same time.

Most National Parks are closed 6 months out of the year due to snow and temperature dangers providing half a year of open travel without interference.

These estimates do not factor in all the hundreds of thousands of acres that aren’t classified as National Park land, but are still highly secluded with little to no human visits. These estimates are also only for the United States. Factoring in the open wilderness of Canada easily multiplies these figures tremendously.

Even with rough guessing it is easy to see that there is more than enough acreage available for a creature or animal to thrive undetected and undiscovered by humans. These numbers don’t factor in the possible intelligence and physical ability to hide and avoid human interactions.

Watch the video:


  1. It depends on how close you are to a train.

  2. I think it depends on a few things. #1 are you overweight #2 do you think you know everything there is to know about the woods #3 do you have a website a book or a tv show to plug #4 do you say Squatchy #5 have your tried looking in the mirror and saying Sasquatch 3 times.
    If you answered yes to any of these you have a 10% chance of seeing one and a 90% of lying about one.

  3. I like the photo of Henry May "mad as hell" pointing his finger into the camera.

  4. You are unlikely to see a Bigfoot since they are not real.

    1. I am unlikely to ever see you since you are unreal. Ergo, I presume this means you do not exist. Flawless logic strikes again.

    2. No Harold, that would only parallel if a Sasquatch was commenting on internet message boards. Then again, if they can jump a train, ninja-scurry everywhere they go, outsmart our finest camera technology and evade mankind for decades.....they do not exist.

      Hate all you want, Gimlin was a con, Ketchums paper doesnt exist, there are ZERO credible pieces of evidence including photo and movies....bigfoot do not exist. Except of course, in the same realm as aliens, unicorns, Santa and the tooth fairy.

    3. ManoWar is my new fave poster

    4. Man o war, your use of relatavism in your logic is unpressidented.

      Just because something cant be prooved to you, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I dont care what subject were discussing.

      Remember, proof and evidence are not the same thing.

      The phenomenon is real, what it is, I cannot say or offer proof.

      Tracks, eye witness accounts, very minimal photo and video (i grant you) is evidence, not proof, evidence!

      The lack oc scientific Proof, seems to be evidence of something un-scientific!

    5. Leon it's unprecedented, and I agree with you it is a phenomona. Likely based in boredom, stress, need for attention. As for proof we're not talking about Jesus here but a giant monkey man who lives in the forest. Yet no bodies, camps, proof of any sort, broken branches, kills. If so then please post links to something besides blurry pictures and fat men howling. Produce a Sasquatch and Im outta here.

    6. The poster above brings forward a good point: Why can african trackers take a hunter directly to elusive game? Jane Goodall and other primatologists were able to reside WITH extremely rare, extremely intelligent primates. Current primatologists track apes and can always locate the troupe in dense brush. Its the same with bear hunters in the PacNW USA. So, why no Bigfoot? Why cant anyone find them, an expert track them? Why not assemble a SEAL team and mounted deputys and dogs, and just go FIND the damn thing?

      And why all the bullshit? Someone shot two but didnt get a specimen...someone found graves but a flood destroyed them....the "holy grail" video was shot by a con artist cowboy who just happened to film a "specimen" that looks just as he drew it years we have "habitation" bullshit, where Bigfoot appear and speak to a select few, but vanish into air when a stranger is near. Please note too that DVM Ketchum is from this camp, and is doing the "DNA ID" from that angle, with samples included from the same guy that discovered Bigfoot in a Gerogia freezer! And if someone cared about species preservation and acceptance, and they had "hours of exceptional video" from a habitation site, and were already rich, aka Erickson Project, why in hell would you not produce the video and pics? Why not involve primatologists and universities? Why doesnt Ketchum hire Barry Scheck and a few good Biochem and Cell Molec PHD candidates, who would be considered even more reputable than her? WHY you ask?

      The only possible answer is that Bigfoot is not a real species, it is a psychological affliction similar to mild schizophrenia/megalomania, much like those who believe aliens abduct them or their middle eastern neighbors are a terrorist cell. Humans have a tendency to latch onto complete bullshit as a cultural sensation, otherwise the Voice wouldnt still be on TV and people would reaize the inconsistencies and utter rubish associated with belief in a literal 800lb gorilla, in this case invisible and so smart humans dont compare. OK i'm convinced LOL!

    7. Damn doc, hate Bigfoot much? Why you care if we believe

    8. Hey doc it burns like fire when I poop! I literally scream when I poop and dread going, Work is unbearable, even reading this blog has become a pain in the ass. Seriously if you are a doctor what could be wrong? ER said no hemorrhoids.

    9. Why should this new troll MoW even care, if he thinks bigfoots don't exist he can happily leave already. Nor should it matter to him what Patterson filmed, which by the way was no hoax but a proven sasquatch. MoW doesn't have to submit himself to what bigfooters think yet he will of course, because he's pulling a fast one here as another classic example of a narcissist discovering the latest place for attention, bigfoot.

    10. Uhh wrong blog, but I'm guessing anal fissure (lining tear). Its a scourge worse than death for those who suffer with it, and you need to immediately go to an ER or urgent care, do NOT let them examine you internally only externally, then get referred immediately to a gastroenterologist. And if you wind up needing surgery go to a reputable colorectal surgeon, not a general surgeon, i repeat NOT a general surgeon. If you have any external swelling or redness with discharge you may have an abcess or inflamed fistula. Dont screw around go get treated. And you mentioned a previous ER visit so call that ER and tell them to refer you.

    11. I am no troll. People on this blog beg for logical discussion then piss and moan when they get it.

      How/who/when was it PROVEN that Gimlin filmed a real sasquatch? What universe did that happen in? Most logical discussions involve his antics directly before filming Bigfoot, as in trying to create a documentary and book about Bigfoot for financial. He was sure a lucky SOB to later walk right up and film one.

    12. Agreed Gimlins film is shit but how did I go from Bigfoot to asshole problems? Only on a cryptozoology blog or f---ing Youtube !

    13. Nobuddy you're confusing the Gimlin film with the Gable film, the latter is fake and the former is not.

    14. For what it's worth, it was Patterson not Gimlin who shot the film whatever it shows. This blog invites people to evaluate the evidence and draw their own conclusions. That means pro or con. The site does not require anybody believe in anything. I think people find the phenomenon interesting from a wide range of perspectives, and while its not likely to happen, it would be nice if people would respect opinions different from their own.

  5. Remain calm and assertive because you wont see anything.

  6. The title post here proves an old crucial point nicely. Skeptics have always thought a species as big as this would be easy to find, but wilderness areas are simply impossible to surveillance at all times therefore making it completely conceivable that an intelligent primate (another human species very likely) could hide out there, and by all accounts in fact is.

    1. According to what experts is there another species of human "out there"? I think you apply this blogs rules to reality and it wont work

    2. Meaning? Who knows exactly what this species is, the only thing it's not is Giganto or a bipedal gorilla.

  7. I understand how hard this may be for some of you guys/gals to wrap your head around...First let me reply to the guy who asked about the SEALs tracking Bigfoot...I am retired USN SEAL Team 4...During our cold weather training in Norway is where we leard on what to do if we encountered a Bigfoot or Alien...they actually have this in the Special Ops handbook...Not that its open for public view...It says to Contain them Do Not Confront them, and then how to file the report and what code nae to use...The aliens apparently there is more than one kind was to be described exactly....Our Teams have far better things to do than bring you proof that a creature the goverment knows all to well is alive and living in the woods...I was in the invasion of Panama (Operation Just Cause)...Now after knowing about the two other cryptids I thought for sure there would be mention of a Chupachabra...but there was none....
    Matt MonkeyFaker is making everyone who has had an ENCOUNTER (different than a sighting) look bad...that show is a joke and he is profiting big time off of ignorance...he know ZERO about tracking , scouting, surveillance or woodsmenship...In my book he is a community assclown...You see I had an encounter when I was 14 in Northern WI...I too like you folks never thought this thing was real ..I had spent most of my life in the woods, lakes , rivers of some very remote places...But I assure you what I seen at about 15-20 ft was a bigfoot...there is no roads going to the back of this lake no people, no nothing...If it was a guy in a suit he woult of had to be 9 ft tall and weigh 600 lbs...Oh and in the water ruining a sure to be $50,000 suit....Just because the are elusive don't discredit them..Remeber the Mountain Gorilla and the Celacanth was thought long gone too


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