Rick Dyer Challenges SnowWalkPrime To Survivalist Competition In Florida Everglades [Humor]

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor, Damian Bravo, a Sasquatch believer. You can join Damian's group Sasquatch Lives? on Facebook and the group's official page at www.sasquatchlives.com.

In a crazy chain of events, one of the most disliked men in the BF community, Rick Dyer, has put out a serious challenge to the most interesting man in the Bigfoot community SnowWalkerPrime, from Team Tazer Bigfoot. SnowWalkerPrime has been making fun of Dyer in several of his hilarious parody videos of the disliked researcher.

Rick Dyer is offering SnowWalkerPrime to travel to Florida and meet him in the Everglades to see who can survive the longest. It seems that this could happen since SnowWalkerPrime recently responded to Dyer with a new video.

Watch Dyers challenge:

SnowWalkerPrime's response below:


  1. Slow BF news day.... But they are both hilarious in their own maniacal way!!!


  2. HAH... he'll never send the money.

  3. It's a dream come true, into the swamps never to be seen or heard from again.

  4. Rick Dyer needs to take some WWE smack talk lessons. What a chump. At least SWP is funny.

    1. Without a rick dyer there would be no swo!!

  5. Oh well at least we have the weekly ketchum lottery tomorrow

  6. These types of stories detract from the site, but keep up the other, good work.

    1. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............. most of us enjoy it....... you won't boring shit goto cryptomundo...

  7. DYER,FASANO,and TIMBERGIANT ARE THE BIGGEST HOAXERS and NUTJOBS IN THE COMMUNITY ! Did you catch Timbergiant playing moose calls in backyard, act scared then run in his house like a little girl..

    1. Timmy Fatsano is this you???? You blew it when pointing out timbergiant, just can't stop talking about him can ya. You ran back to your car when you heard a coyote.lol and screamed n cussed.lol

    2. A moose?! There isn't a moose within 300 km of that phony!

    3. Yes unfortunately I do suspect the comment at 6:34pm is T. Fasano and at 5:53 am. He is obsessed with TGBF I don't know why, but it sure isn't healthy however he does give TGBF a lot of publicity every time he spouts of about him.

      TGBF never said it was a moose he didn't know what it was and considering the snow on the ground it was freezing and he went back in his house because he was freezing. So that is a LIE told at 6:34 pm.

      Man, you're are so obsessed with him,it's almost evil, it has to be about money. Does he get more views or subscriptions than you do on UTube?

      FYI I don't care what you say back I'm not responding because that's what you want but I did want to tell what happened in the video that was lied about above.

  8. Dyer has done nothing in any of his videos.. But he is the best bigfoot tracker in the world.

    I thin you should go out with snowwalker..He can be handy changing your diapers

    1. Are you joking? He just came back on youtube at the request of his followers..... Since 2008 Rick has done more than anyone. He found the missing hikers in Russia. Over 80 expeditions worldwide. and the killers charities his organization support. What makes someone a tracker to you ,,,;:putting up videos in the woods. Do some research before you run off at the mouth..

    2. Rick Dyer is fucking clown shoes. Defend him all you want, but the Georgia bigfoot hoax is a skidmark he'll NEVER wash out from his metaphorical underpants.

    3. Were the lost hikers in Russia already in freezers? Or did you need a letter from the Russian Grand Kluegle to transport them across the border?

  9. Get fasano to come and you got a TV show.
    Each contestant gets a twenty five thousand dollar award to throw in the pot AND SURVIVE FOR 75 DAYS. Each day that goes buy, 1000 comes out of the pot(they loose it) Last guy out


    We can probably get Biscardi to host.

    Hey you know what, consider this idea
    copy-right/ed as of right now! LW

    1. I like it. Throw in some obstacle courses and wild game. You put old re-runs of MXC- Most Extreme Challenge- as a lead in. Now down to our field reporter Guy LaDouche.

  10. Title; Super Squatchers, can they survive?

  11. How does this dude make money? Seriously?

  12. sounds like they got a Bro-Mance going down! they might never come out of the glades (que deliverance music). honestly, six weeks surviving in the bush together might be good for them. they can't loosen those screws any more than they already are. my moneys on Snowball Texas Walker Ranger Premium! Throw Down Boys!


    1. FACT>>>>SWO is fake! FACT>>>>Dyer is the man!
      GO bigfoottracker.com!!!!!!!

    2. Take your pills rick. They are on top of the freezer

  13. say what you want about him, He's funny ,cocky and one hell of an entertainer.

    1. No
      He is none of those things.
      He's not funny. He's annoying.
      He's not cocky. He's demented.
      He's not an entertainer. He's an adolescent dweeb, begging for attention.

  14. SWP--Love it, dear! Be sure Dyer doesn't come back. We are really fully sick of that idiot.

  15. Sticky Britches Dyer is at it again !

  16. Squatch Master the hoaxer from Ohio was on with JP Smith http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk2aa8vXtR0
    If you want to hear his latest lies about his Bigfoot video take a listen, the guy is amazing how many times he comes back from the BF death. I saw the original video SM made, and it was Nothing like he discribed on this show. Plus he keeps forgetting he has older boy...to shake tree. I can't count how many times he made a joke out of BF research and would say I'm going back to Ghost hunting which was what I was really doing the day of the tree shaker video. He deleted all those videos right after they aired.Some people saved them though

    1. I just listened to that video. Now he's attacking Tim Stover? On SM's channel he calls Tim "buddy", and can't we just get along or something to that effect.
      I saw the Facebook post from Jeff. Jeff NEVER said Bigfoot was an animal or human, he basically said they were fake/fantasy.
      I also saw Jeff's video of the tree shaker. I did not see other BF's or hear vocalizations.
      I used to follow SM, but I started getting suspicious. I saw enough things in his videos that point to fabrications or exaggerations of the evidence.Jeff has always been nice to me but falsifying claims about Bigfoot is unacceptable, so I removed him.
      Take a look at his big square structure video if it's still up. He made it sound like the structure was so mysterious and so on. I watched it a few times and noticed what looks like wire tying the corner pieces together.
      That was the last straw for me. You shouldn't mislead people.Making an honest mistake, then admitting it is fine with me, but leaving it to the imagination of viewers is uncalled for.
      Okay, my rant is over......
      except......I watched Rick's videos. It's funny that they are all close ups of him, and none are of him in the field.
      Seriously, Rick needs to go away.

  17. i see skunk-face changed his look. now he's got those stalker eyes and shit! well you will always be skunk-face to me snowball as rick has put it.

    1. Mindless spiteful dribble. Someone needs a hug.

  18. send moneywanker and the crew to supervise that way we will know that it is all on the up and up. would love to see a tape of this would give anyone hours of enjoyment listening to these wanks discuss their careers(?) as bigfoot researchers.

  19. I think this Rick Dyer person has some deep issues.

  20. I think Ricky's using these videos as practice for a WWE audition. Still got a long ways to go, buddy, but keep trying!

  21. Sticky Britches Dyer will lose this one for sure--He will be too busy chasing those Florida transvestites hes so fond of. I heard they can be quite deadly though. Like a CROC--Crikey !!!!!
    Way to go Sticky Britches

  22. I hope this takes place.
    Maybe Dyer will just get lost and go away.
    And...maybe Michael will learn some humility.
    We all (me included) need a dose of humility and we all need Dyer to go away.
    It could be a Win-Win for the whole bigfoot community

  23. Is it just me, or does SWP sound like Enos from Dukes of Hazzard? I was cracking up!

  24. Rick, saw your latest video today..Stop trying to be a zany a__hole..Go back to your old personality..Just an a__hole

  25. Different story but the same old king of douche bags...

  26. This Rick Dyer clown should be ignored by any and all legitimate bigfoot websites.


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