Clawed Costume Maker Confirms For The Second Time That The Creature In Melissa Hovey's Photo Is Not His

To finally put down the claim by Karl Kozak, the director of Clawed, that the creature in Melissa Hovey's Bigfoot photo was used in his 2006 film, Melissa spoke with John Healy of Healy FX, the original costume maker for Clawed, and got a definitive answer.

If the creature in the photo from Melissa Hovey is a suit and considering how pricey it would be to produce one like it, Melissa learned that "If this is a hoax, he doesn’t understand it. He is a complete agnostic toward Bigfoot (as he put it) but does not understand why someone would go to such an expense to fool people, then not do anything to recover their money."

Healy also told Melissa that these suits that are used in motion pictures usually cost around sixty thousand to make. Healy stated that he would not “get out of bed for less than $70,000.00."

Read below by Melissa Hovey:

Email and Discussion with John Healy of Healy FX Studio - The Unknown Photo Update.

Email from John Healy of Healy FX:

It is not uncommon to price out these suits for a motion picture at or around sixty thousand. Remember, these are prototypes (one-off's) and they are form fitted for one performer, hence the cost. We have made costumes for about four or five thousand as well...assuming they are coming from a pre-existing mould and fur quality is a highly depending factor. I will attach a Sasquatch suit we fabricated last year and although the final billing is confidential...lets just say that you could purchase a well equipped domestic vehicle for the same cost.

Please feel free to call anytime if you have any questions or comments.

Best,John Healy
Healy FX Studios Inc.

So, I decided to call Mr. Healy and see if I could get more specific questions answered. I don't have permission to post the photo, but lets just say it is not even close to the subject of the photo in question. If this was the same subject, I am sure he would have said something. Notes of that conversation are below. Very interesting information.

03-10-2012 Phone call with John Healy of Healy FX:

Today I spoke by phone with John Healy and here are the points we discussed.

Costumes from Clawed a/k/a the Ghost of Echo Mountain.

1 Original (completely trashed by the time the film was completed). Mr. Healy explained that once the film completed the suit built for the movie was completely ruined by the blood, cleaning of the blood, and just wear and tear. These suits are not made for a lifetime of use.

2. One full copy of the suit went to Romania. One went to the Playboy Mansion (for a photo shoot) and one stayed in Victoria British Columbia and used in an exhibit.

He went on to say the photo released by our organization – IS NOT – one of his costumes, unless someone completely ripped off all the hair and used a very, very, very (he repeated the use of the word very) expensive NFT custom mesh type werewolf fur.

He also said there was no glue used to put the hair on the subject of this photo. He said there were only 2 ways this happened. Hand punching, which he says drives him nuts after one square inch so he refuses to do it, but there are people who do it, and they are very well paid for it also. The last option is the very, very, very expensive NFT custom mesh type werewolf fur, but for a full subject (head to feet) the Clawed costume used 40sq Yards – that does not include the waste. There is a lot of waste, which you must figure in when ordering the yardage. So, he said they ordered more than 40 yards but did not elaborate as to how much. The Clawed costume did not use this expensive NFT custom werewolf fur, and much less expensive fur was used.

Mr. Healy said the only part of this photo which gives him pause is that right bicep area. I asked him why? Mr. Healy stated – “It looks too big,” but other than that he can find no evidence that this is in fact a suit.

He also said the more fur used in a costume the less expensive. That is not a mistake. The less fur a suit has, the more expensive it is. He in fact stated the fastest and cheapest way to make a Bigfoot suit is to buy the fur that is very thick. He said he can slap together a suit like that pretty quick.

He also said, the shape of this bicep area issue could also be because of the angle of the photo (or the position of the subject of the photo).

Prices (estimates if this photo is of a suit):

One person suit, or “1 off.” These are made specifically for one person to wear as they are formed and molded for that person specifically. This John Healy stated he would not “get out of bed for less than $70,000.00.

If pre-existing molds were used with crappy fur from head to toe (he used another word, but I won’t share that) he could do it for 8,000.00 – 4-5 thousand for half costume (head down) with crappy fur.

For a half costume (pre-existing molds and just enough to show what is in the photo):

-Good fur (NOT the custom fur Mr. Healy thinks would have had to have been used) minimum 3,000.00.

-Crappy fur $2,000.00.

These minimum quotes are minus a face. He said if you add a face to this – you can double these dollar amounts.

I asked him if this could be done for under $1,000 – he laughed again and said – No, no way!!

I asked him if someone could go to their garage and build this (even half) in 10 minutes. When he stopped laughing (I’m serious he laughed) he said “It’s not possible”.

But then he also said he has been getting 7-12 emails a week since this photo was released. I asked him how many of those people asked him how much it would cost to do this? He said, “NONE,” and he said it very slowly and clearly. He also thought others would be interested in knowing just how much it might cost to do something like this.

Mr. Healy told me – If this is a hoax, he doesn’t understand it. He is a complete agnostic toward Bigfoot (as he put it) but does not understand why someone would go to such an expense to fool people, then not do anything to recover their money.

He also said, he has been making it clear in these emails – this is not his suit. I told him, “you used the word “might”. But, he has told these other people who emailed him, this is not his costume. He says if this is a suit he admires the work, and it is very good work, but it’s not his. He feels he has been completely clear on this issue being his suit.

I also asked him if he knew or knows of any Hollywood productions, going on right now, or in 2007-2008 that had a costume created like the subject of this photo – he said he did not know of one.

In closing, Mr. Healy’s opinion is: He does not know if this is a suit or not. There was only one area of the suit that gave him pause, but not enough to say this is a costume of any kind. But, he stated if it is, it is a very expensive suit.


So, we still don't know if this is a costume. We do know it is NOT the "Clawed Costume" and we know, if it is a costume of some kind, it was not cheap.



  1. Replies
    1. Again, because this is new and interesting information. The cost would be a huge factor in any possible hoax.

    2. FX people from Letters From the Big Man said you can make a suit like the one for the movie for 800 dollars, man this makes know sense, and how come she does not show the actual unedited email conversation she had with this Mr. Healy, I just do not trust this lady anymore.

    3. Also if she had a phone conversation with Mr. Healy she could have recorded this conversation so others could listen to exactly what he said. That way no one can question Mr. Healy's exact words.

    4. Why would MH do that? She works in the law field and is quite aware if she misquoted the gentleman, he could sue her. She is not that crazy. Why do you feel the need to continually call her a actions into question. You really have an issue with her, don't you? What's your problem?

    5. J. L. Man, I don't know where you are getting your numbers from, but you can't hardly buy anything decent for $800 these days. I could buy a cheap Oriental Trader Gorilla suit for around $100 plus S and H. but anyone could spot that from 10 miles away.

      The labor costs alone to create the muscle definition, individual hair incertion, etc. would be through the roof on this "costume."

  2. not if it's a display creature or from some different film. It could also be a photoshop job for all we know...

    The biggest problem with this picture is the strangeness of the positioning relative to the camera. The convenient lack of supporting photos and the rather BS sounding provenance ....

    1. There is no way this can be proven to be a real sasquatch (maybe if there were other photos taken that have yet to be released). Hovey's only move is to challenge attmepts to prove it is fake, and none of this proves it is real.
      I agree that the cons far outweight the pros in this photo.

    2. Are you all a bunch of idiots?? MH has never claimed it's real! She doesn't know! She was looking for opinions and then you morons lost touch with reality.

    3. I look at the positioning of the subject in this photo and this is one of the things that leads me to believe it might be authentic. A trail cam detects movement and then snaps a photo. Where ever the subject is at the time the photo is taken is irrelevant. Usually, a normal trail cam has about a 180 degree motion detection range. Once motion is detected, the camera "wakes up" and then snaps a photo.

      I have taken many photos with trail cams that show nothing. The subject responsible for the movement has walked past the camera lens before it snapped the photo. I have had numerous photos of deers rumps, hind quarters, etc.

      The subjects position would be consistent with a camera being hung 4-6 feet off of the ground (this is normal) the subject is taller than the camera thus the angle in which the picture was taken. What or who ever this is obviously walked past the tree that the camera is hanging on. (The camera is probably pointed toward a game trail) The subjects illumination with a darker background is very consistent with trail cams too.

      You can get on any trail cam site and look and examples of pictures they take.


  3. Problem is Hovey herself is the source of this info. Hovey is paraphrasing from a phone conversation.... Inadmissible.

    It's been established she has motive to hoax or cover up a hoax (upcoming conference). If she wants to authenticate she should have had an independant investigator contact Healy.

  4. Who? like that jackoff phil poling? Lol. Give me a break, hovey never talked to the witness over the phone only through email (which is "admissable") which she has copies of and is still in contact with the witness.
    Some of you idiots that never bothered to take a minutes to read anything and attempted to make a name for yourself by jumping on a costume that didnt have one recognizable matching detail, failed...yes youve failed.
    Learn how to pick apart evidence properly before you make idiots of yourselves and resort to leaving cheap shots as anonymous commenters.

    1. She talked to Healy on the phone. Take a min to read above post again.

      You inadvertently bring up a good point, Hovey should release the e-mail records. She can black out the names and addresses

  5. Are you guys really that stupid? I am sick to death of all you morons who have ragged on this picture from day one. Everyone of you that are leaving negative crap above are the same ones who first said the photo was from the movie clawed or some other movie. Then when its proven that that is not the case, you dont say, hey i was wrong,i probably should shut my mouth and not speak until i know what im talking about, but instead try and find some other lame excuse to discredit it.
    The poster who attacked Hoveys credibility really needs to stop reading his friends post and do some research. Hovey has not done one thing in this field to take away anything from her integrity. so the best you can do now is say this came from Hovey so it cant be taken as fact. How stupid can you get. Do you not think that if she was making that up that the dude would take offense and straighten that point out. Look the lady doesnt care if its real, shes not trying to jump up and down and convince you. Shes posting the facts and thats it. But not surprisingly, its alot of the people on here who are trying their best to convince everyone its a fake.

    Its people like you that are the reason this animal hasnt been proven to exist yet. Why in the world would someone come forward with great HD footage, pictures, dna samples, maybe even a body, when they know they are going to be picked apart by a bunch of arm chair skeptics whose knowledge runs as deep as watching finding bigfoot every sunday. Its pathetic. I guarantee you that out their right now someone has pictures up close HD of live and dead sasquatch's. If they exist, then someone out their has these. But seeing the response that others get from posting a pic like this, what would be their incentive to come froward. Their isnt one. Because some fat dude in an arm chair is gonna start runnin his mouth about how it isnt real because he knows this or that when in reality he knows nothing. And this will always be the case. Their really should be a set protocol to be able to leave comments here. It shouldnt be open to people who know nothing about what they speak. Most of you thought that this was a poor fake when you first saw it, you were so sure of it. Now that that has been shoved down your throat as not the case, youve tried to find other faults in it. And those will be shoved down your throats just the same. Why are you even on this page if you are this ignorant? If you dont know what your talking about go away, and if all you came here to do is try and prove something that just makes you look like a moron in the end, then keep it up, your giving us all something to throw in your face. Im sorry to be negative but for every 2 people who actually have researched this animal and know what they speak of, and have some general knowledge about anatomy and physiology, their are 50 who havent and dont. Those 2 people rarely make a comment though, and why? Because its you 50 people who would just try and tear them down and its easier to say nothing than to argue with a group of people who know absolutely nothing about what they write or speak. except what they have heard out of matt moneymakers mouth. Please lets put a disclaimer on this site: IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT DONT POST OR ACT LIKE YOU DO!

    1. I applaud your post Anon at 12:49 am. All these people are doing are convincing those who have clear photos not to ever go public with them.I know I wouldn't and this is the icing on the cake.

      To suggest that she should release emails from someone who wants to stay anonymous is unbelieveable.

      I suggest if you guys want this to go away stop commenting. That's exactly why it's posted.

    2. Throwing tantrums doesn't remove the FACT that you have no evidence to back up your claims. You have the incredible claims, you provide the incredible evidence. You prove the picture is real. It is not a skeptics job to prove a negative. (that is a logical fallacy)

      So trying to keep your silly little belief system arrive by attempting to dismiss the intelligent people who dare think critically is silly, dogmatic and akin to fundamentalist christians....

    3. I really wish we could edit out posts after we see a spelling mistake.

      Can everyone agree on that or is that a controversial issue?

    4. Nick's overactive hotshot imagination gets the better of him again. No one here's said the photo's real so why whould they try to prove it so, most people have said it could be real or it could be fake. Same as I say, there's just no way of telling at this point.

    5. If the photo looks real, no one can come up with a suit to match it, the picture is a clear a crystal.....Why is it fake? Sorry, I don't buy that thought process. At best, the picture should be considered very hard "circumstantial" evidence. The phrase "A picture is worth a thousand words" apparantly doesn't apply to everything.

      I am not saying this photo isn't some high dollar hoax, but I am not willing to immediately shout that it is either. I firmly believe that anyone who squeals "Hoax" would never be convinced otherwise. Regardless of how many more photos were released, the owner of the pictures, etc. These people would simple attack the owner, destroy their reputation, attack their famalies, and scream that they were liars and the pictures are cropped.

      There is no reason to believe otherwise. Any/all evidence presented in the form of footprints, hair, vocalizations, pictures, videos, eyewitness accounts, etc. etc. etc. are all called hoax and fake by this crowd. Nothing will ever convinve them. So, why try?


    6. I want to thank Anon at 12:49 am. Your post was articualte and to the point. Thanks

  6. I'm sorry but Melissa's credibility has been shot. She said on her blog that she asked her witness to grant permission for her to release the photo. Doesn't that mean that she doesn't have the right to do that?
    Then she said that her witness wanted to wait but that she went ahead and released the photo anyway. Isn't that like stealing? And then she puts her own copyright on it like she owns it. Isn't that against the law? Now she wants us to believe her new story about the suit like it makes any difference? I think she has a lot of explaining to do and she is refusing to answer the questions that really matter.

  7. It's pretty clearly the fiber called "NFT Werewolf Fur" from National Fiber Technology. The comparison pictures are available on the Bigfoot Lunchclub Website here:

    1. I agree - it is painfully obvious, as is the lack of arms below mid-shoulder.

    2. Man, you guys simply see what you want to see. That is what is painfully obvious. I 100% agree that the fur looks 99.9% the same. BUT, I don't recall anywhere in the Hovey picture of the alleged sasquatch wearing a sport coat or white turtle neck. Why is this fur depicted on clothing rather than a cynthetic body? Because the cost is well in access of 50,000 to produce it. That is whats painfully obvious to me.

      A dogs fur can be created in a studio, but putting the fur on something to make it look real, with muscle mass, form, etc. is a totally different story.

  8. No one can say with any certainty if it's fake or real, but most people here probably feel convinced maybe even know the beings exist, so the question would be how on earth should a real Bigfoot's backside look to make you happy?

  9. EVERY habituator and long-term witness I have asked about this photo have said it is not real. EVERY one (and I know a long list of them). Rarely do they all agree on everything. They agree on this. Since they have seen BF multiple times and up close, they would know. And they have no reason to diss the photo as fake. They want their existence proven as much as anyone.

    1. My wife looked at this photo and immediately said, "that looks just like what I saw that day." I have a sketch that she drew on Nov 23, 2009 that so closely resembles this photo it boggles my mind.

      She described the fur as, "the color of a coyote's fur" but she said it looked more like hair than fur.

      I really don't know of any "long term" witnesses out there. If so, where are they? I am sure that you firmly believe that more photos should be released of this, the person who owns the photo should come forward, etc. So, put your money where your mouth is and release the names and addresses of the "habituator and long-term witnesses" who have "seen bigfoot multiple times up close."

      Man, you need to see what they are smoking before they stumble out into the woods. I bet they are seeing more than bigfoot.

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