This Is Another Way You Can Tell If Something Is A Real Bigfoot Or A Person In A Monkey-suit

The creature in the Patterson-Gimlin footage is still highly debated. Is it a man? Or is it a real Sasquatch?

A man named Bob Hieronymus claimed that he was the person in the Bigfoot costume. According to him, Patterson & Gimlin made him an offer of $1,000 if he wore a "monkey suit."

YouTube user and avid Bigfoot Evidence reader, Think Thunker, found one small but significant problem with Hieronymus' claim. The creature in the P&G film does not walk like a person.

Think Thunker says the angle of Patty's shin rise is 73 degrees whereas most humans and even Bob Hieronymus himself has a 52 degrees shin rise. That's a striking 21 degrees difference between Bigfoot and us!


  1. You are so right my good man !

  2. Excellent, great observation.....ty

  3. epic fail.....when taking longer strides than usual (as to simulate an ape say) one will begin to notice that the shin begins to near 90 degrees.... This guy has never studied anatomy and physiology methinks....

    1. So go ahead and post a video response, douche.

    2. Why on earth would I want to? The BLEEVERS refuse to hear any dissent and those that agree with me need no convincing. Easy to talk tough you little queer when you go by anonymous...

    3. I apologize for calling you a douche. I have anger issues and sometimes they just come out... they stem from not being loved enough by my parents and being loved to much by my uncle Pooch, if you get my drift. I'm sorry I took my frustrations out on you. Because of my early experiences it's hard for me to believe I'm anything except for a bad person.

  4. Did you do this Thinker Thunder or did you find it. I have never seen it done before I believe. Either way it is another great piece proving Patty is "The Sasquatch".

    Patty was brought up in the Cliff Barackman interview on Wed. nite with Kel Outdoors, and listed all the reasons why Bob Heironymous is a bald faced liar, (Cliff did not use this statement) but I will. Cliff is a good friend of Bob Gimlin and could not say enough good things about Bob and his character.


    1. Hey Alpha Dog,

      Yep, it's all me. The production, the voice-over and the concept. I had seen the PGF a million times and then one day it just hit me.

      So I went out, shot a bunch of footage and lo and behold - everyone I saw and continue to see hits the same mark - 52 degrees.

      So anyway, I'm pleased as punch to see it posted here on my favorite BF blog :)

      Thanks everyone for the kind words. And I'm still laughing about the "then post a video response" comment above.

  5. Measure the average human's shin angle walking in swim fins to replicate the oversized feet in the suit. I bet it's on the order of oh 73 degrees.

    1. Stop flapping your gums and go prove your point Mr Armchair Critic.

    2. Unfortunately, that's not how science works. How it does work is that it is on the proponent of the hypothesis to prove their hypothesis. You do this by eliminating other possible explanations. It is incumbent upon the proponent to prove that it is NOT possible for someone wearing swim fins or large costume shoes to create a 73 degree angle.

    3. I'm sorry I called you Mr. Armchair Critic. When i call people names it makes me feel better about having small twigs & berries, if you get my drift. please forgive me.

    4. I'm also sorry I used the phrase "flapping gums" when referencing writing. I realize it doesn't make sense and that I'm not very well educated.

      Peace, bro.

    5. No harm, no foul. I don't take any of this personal. I have frankly been called worse.

  6. That was a really well put together video and pretty much destroys the claim by Hieronymus!

  7. Yep, it's one more goodnight to you Bob Hilarious, you lying sack of dried up dogman biscuits. One more firm 6 foot nail hammers into the hoax claim's already buried coffin.

    1. Bob - I'm sorry I called you a sack of dogman biscuits, whatever that is. I've been slapping my wife and kids around and my anger just got the best of me. really sorry.

  8. No anon 11:46, it'd actually be even more difficult to do in a big suit, in Bob's own infamous red monkey suit by Phillip Morris you see the same 52 degrees. The guy is just a liar, plain and simple. Heironimus is a hero to no one but the most stubborn ignorants left out there, those that bother none with anatomical facts or human locomotion capabilities. In fact, they are fooled by someone even more gullible about Sasquatches than they are. Hilarious indeed.

    1. Never said in the post that it was Bob. It could easily have been someone else wearing oversized shoes in the costume. Try it yourself. Put on shoes way larger than what you wear of swim fins, and without waddling, walk. Have someone measure your shin angle. It's simple geometry that you would have to raise your heel higher than normal due to the length of the shoe or fin. Until you have eliminated every other possibility for creating the shin angle, then you can not point to it as definitive proof of anything other than someone with 73 degree shin angle.

    2. that does not matter,it's the 73 deg while the foot is flat on the ground,the balance point on bf is totally different,you would have to have your knee way in front of your ankle to get the 73 deg, you would never be able to walk like that and look like a normal gait,I'll guarantee it.nevermind while in a rocky creek bed while wearing a shoulder pads and a monkey suit.

  9. lol nerds, its a guy in a suit, just LOOK at the video

    1. I apologize for calling you guys nerds. I'm a huge nerd, and not the cool kind you see on TV these days; I'm the kind with impacted acne and breath that smells like diarrhea. Also I'm nerdy but I don't know anything about computers, comic books or Star Wars, and that's pretty embarrassing. Sorry for lashing out: the video is cool.

    2. I have to agree. If you look at the video, regardless of movement, it doesn't look realistic.

  10. Here's the problem. You people take one bit of observation (done under less than scientific conditions and not by people wearing a bigfoot suit with enlarged feet) and because it fits your viewpoint, you treat it as fact and use it as "evidence" to dismiss the claims. That's lousy arguing.

    If you ant to be able to use this as the basis as dismissal of Bob H (or any human) possibly being in the suit you must recreate the feet and then use multiple people wearing said feet and then gauge their shin angle.

    And no, i'm not going to do this. The burden of proof is on those who claim Patty is a real creature. I'm not responsible for proving a negative.

    1. The funny thing is the sequence of PGF frames they show to demonstrate the calf muscle also shows the top of the waders in the suit protruding on the front of the thigh. The calf never expands. The waders flex in above the achilles.

  11. Ive already done a video on this, but Ill be more than happy to do another as a video response demonstrating why this is wrong.

    1. here you go-

    2. Well done sir!! I doubt it will convince any of the BLEEVERS out there, but you proved exactly HOW and WHY a human would walk EXACTLY like Patty.


    3. TY. ya, there is a reason why people like Jeff Meldrum dont make this argument. they know better.

  12. I have a thing for chicks in tall boots. I would let the girl in that picture give me a blumpkin in front of Bigfoot.

  13. The simple thing is this Bob character can't prove it's him, he's just all talk and no show. Besides, all this safe burden crap from the skeptics is pointless, there's no way to recreate Patty for the simple fact that she's too tall, meaning at her height and build it's no problem lifting her feet like that. For our own species it's not possible, the flippers will basically get in the way of lifting your foot at all. Thus, Patty's real and no hoax.

    1. Patty is 6'6. Look it up.

    2. Bill Munns who has done a frame by frame analysis of Patty from an original copy that has been locked away in a vault by Patricia Patterson, has put Patty at 7'6". Most others before him had come in at 6'9" to 7' 3".


    3. Bill Munns opinion of the suit Bob H was wearing has some weight even if he is wrong. Bill Munn's guess of the height in an old film isnt worth more than anyone elses.

  14. Hi I just want to see patty in those boots.

  15. @ Voodoosixxx

    Your gait or the girls gate are not even close to looking like the pg gait,the mechanics are different.

  16. The angle argument is bogus, and has been known to be bogus for years now:

  17. I've always believed the PG film was a genuine bigfoot for the simple reason that the creature has breasts. Aside from the probability that any male donning a suit would not favor including breasts (a bigfoot in drag?), what would be the point of sewing them into the costume? It would be extra time and money and would contribute nothing to the hoax that a well-designed suit without breasts wouldn't do.

    1. Oh I don't know, maybe to cover up the obvious gorilla suit chest plate?

      Judging by the level and quality of thinking , I guess it's no surprise so many people believe in Bigfoot with no evidence to back it up.

    2. It seems you havent researched Roger Patterson much. He drew a picture of a female sasquatch before the Patty filming. Not only did he draw a female bigfoot, but it was a copy of someone elses artwork that was published in a magazine years before.

    3. Find a photo of a primate with hairy breasts.

    4. Well there are the Japanese snow macaques, but there is no GREAT APE with hairy breasts..

    5. @Hairy Breasted Anon,
      Also, consider that human males have a "hairy" chest (by comparison to our back and sides), while conversely, male gorillas have almost no visible hair on the chest and are completely covered elsewhere. All primates are covered almost completely with hair. Even a human female's breasts are covered in tiny hairs. Only portions of the hands, feet and lips seem to be devoid of hair folicals. The growth patterns can vary widely, even within a species.
      David from the PAC/NW

  18. To all you HATERS, why are you even READING this blog? You remind me of atheists who insist on putting up billboards knocking religion around Christmas time. PATTY is the REAL DEAL. Get over it. If you don't believe, FINE, but do us a favor and TAKE A WALK. the BLOBSQUATCH has spoken! So let it be written, so let it be DONE!

    1. That works for me Moses.


    2. i am the blobsquatch-FUCK OFF you self obessed litle geek.away and lookat your blobs on youtube and keep your geeky coments to yourself,u look an idiot

  19. Gimlin needs to take a polygraph. Be subjected to voice stress analysis and a micro facial expression expert. Stop treating this old man like he is some grand poobah.

    1. I will tell you why he is regarded as some kind of grand Poobah. Simply because he was there and you were not. His character has been spelled out by those that know him the best as being impeccable.

      Of course you can always confront him with your discourse, instead of hiding behind some anonymous logo. He will be at the creature conference at Salt Fork Lake, OH on May 18-20. I invite all to attend this, believer or not and take up you problems with the Patterson Creature with him. This ought to be interesting.


  20. the girl has high heels on, that changes everything

  21. if we take tis film as thr truth ie humans walk at 52" then this is very compelling. it cannot be faked if the 52 number is an exact science for human shin rise

    [i dont believe in BF and always thought p/g was a hoax because of patterson an the issue he drew a femal squatch a year beforehand.he then films sid ape! hmmm to many red flags for me

    this whole measurememnt issue puts my sceptsism into doubt!this is easily the most compelling evidence for bf ive dwarfes all those silly bobs and hoaxes etc...i this is fact then there int much arguement.why is this fact hidden away in 1 little film and not sung from the rooftops by believers. im a rational human and nonbeliever who is converted[if these measrements of 52 are the same for every human being]

    great stuff

    1. damn im back to being a sceptic having read some of theother comments ie try and see what a shin rise would look if y9u are wearing extended feet nd a mnkey suit.thats true and isnt good science. they would have to have someone in a blky suit and planked feet and see where their shin rise came too

      shit no wonder its an obsue film hidden away its full od wholes.drat as i so want to believe

  22. Mr. H was wearing a suit with much larger feet than his own. Try walkin round with shoes bout 3-5 sizes too large. You'll find your gait pretty much the same as 'Patty'


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