Watch Cliff Barackman sits down with a bunch of Bigfoot folks and talk about the Baby Bigfoot in NY episode

"During the second part of our investigation, we got five knocks..." - Cliff Barackman

After every episode of Finding Bigfoot, Cliff Barackman does a video debrief, and this is the first one of the season. This video discusses the New York Baby footage and there were a few tidbits that didn't make it on the show. Thom Powell, author of "the Locals" and "Shady Neighbors" as well as Guy Edwards of dropped by to visit along with others to party into the New Year.



  1. Great video. Craig is very talented! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love these videos so much. I wanna hang out and drink with Cliff.

  3. Still not buying is a monkee. There is no evidence to suggest a Sasquatch. Speculation is one thing, it is not evidence.

    1. u r wasting your breath with thesenut jobs on here.obviously its a gibbon. a no brainer. yet cliff no brains wants us to believe in a few years this grows from skinny gibbon type creture into muscular patty bipedal apeman. wtf are these people smoking

    2. I think it's a gibbon too. There's too many idiots who have these sort of animals as pets. It's more probable that it's an escapee pet. I do believe squatch exist. - but you have to eliminate every other possibility before coming to the conclusion that it's a squatch

  4. Cliff is my favourite on the show.According to him,I'm looking in the right areas.

  5. I noticed that the two diehard paranormalist in the room, Kirk and Tom, did not dare bring up the subject. Hmm! Could there be a continuing conspiracy to misinform the public, or did they just not want to clue in naive old Cliff? Inquiring minds want to know.

  6. er,if you google 'gibbon swinginf ro a tree' you see IDENTICAY this NY baby footage. yet whe we watch ,so caled BF im[P/G film etc] we see a muscular chuncky,thick bipedal figure. I realsie young of any species look different from the adult versions but you can tell they are the same specias. Ie baby elphant,puppy dog,kitte,bird girrafe,gorrila. yet with a bigfoot the young are skinny gibbons that in a few years grow into a completely different animal

    are americans as stupid as us europena think or are led to only experience of America is New Yory 3x and washington state 3x .both sets seemed nromal everyday people to me. these BF nuts re the qulvilant of our geeky train spotters odballs like craig flip and evryone else in this room. can u omagim=ne spending a night with these idoys. i am willing to bet they are all single. what woaman would marry/date one of these freaks. thbe rural are guy-wtf is he all about
    i though Cliff was the sane one of the 3 weirdos in finding bgfoot.when you see him here you realise hes a prick too with total weordo friends. At leastBobo and matt are cleary faliures in lig=fe and ranae is just making cash of this rubbish

    yes im a troll,ill eat crow etc....[roblem is i wont read your insults. idiots .


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