Skeptic Rambles About How Unconvinced He Is About Certain Bigfoot Evidence

Here, we like to present both sides of the argument, even if we disagree. We believe that if you're going to go up against skeptics and non-believers, you have to know their arguments and be ready with the facts to refute them.

Here is one man's rambling about the Finding Bigfoot show, the Jacob's creature, Dr. Jeff Meldrum, the Patterson-Gimlin Film, and a bipedal bear.

"ive had a life long passion for "legends", especially the ones people actually believe in. while i am a skeptic, im not simply dismissive. ill give them a fair chance to back up their claims and then demonstrate why i dont find them convincing rather than simply saying i dont believe. if they do just so happen to convince me... so be it, till then i just look at everything with a skeptical eye, from bigfoot, flying saucers, jesus, ghosts, miracle cures and everything in between." - V00D00SIXXX


  1. Here's the truth of it. Quality evidence stands on it's own, it needs no one to argue on it's behalf. As of now, there is no solid evidence that stands up to the scientific method.

    Maybe ,one day, a really great video or picture will come out and at least lend a little creedence to things. But, IMO, you want to convince people, you need a specimen.

  2. Yes. A specimen is the only thing that will prove bigfoot's existence to science/skeptics. That's it. End of argument. Prints, footage, photos, scat, vocal recordings, thermal imaging, etc. have been around for awhile, in some cases decades, and they have done nothing to convince science/skeptics. DNA studies will also be refuted by skeptics. They will find some way to dismiss DNA evidence.

    If you're serious about proving the existence of bigfoot, there is only one way to do it. Get a specimen.

    1. Capture is a workable option, currently being explored.

  3. I have always known that the Jacob's Creature is a bear. Look at the feet of the creature sniffing the ground. Bigfoot is called bigfoot because it has big feet that resemble human feet. The feet on the Jacob's Creature look nothing like the typical bigfoot feet. It's called bigfoot, not bear foot.

  4. Anon--I agree! Yes, a bear. I have seen baby bears in the wild and they can be gawky-limbed like how this appears in the film and we also know the trail cam got baby bears there earlier. I appreciate the skeptic's POV. I too get frustrated when the BF community (or my ghost hunting community) think they know the rules by which these elusive things live. That's just a bunch of rot. I am open to explanations, all of a more scientific nature and not supernatural. But, just because those trail cam pics are explainable, the skeptic will have a very hard time with people such as myself who saw a confidently erect-walking creature covered in hair.

  5. I must disagree with the post, above, regarding DNA. Studies with proper statistics and controls will be irrefutable. We don't need a body. We know that denisova existed, but all we have is a pinky bone, a tooth, and the trace of the DNA sequences in Melanesians.

  6. I actually don't mind this sceptic and didn't feel that he was rambling. I think he presented his argument well, and I agree with most of what he said. As I have never seen a bigfoot, I am not convinced of their existence, because for me, the evidence still isn't there. As good as the PG film is, it could certainly be a man in a suit IMO. The hoax yeti footage he showed also looked quite good though maybe it doesn't show as much detail as the PG film. I don't feel like we do need a specimen to proove they exist though. I think it would be possible to get good enough video footage to convince me anyways. The PG footage is pretty far away and grainy, and Patterson and the events suurounding are too suspect for me to completely accept it.

  7. DNA will work if it shows a unique animal that falls in line with the fossil and present DNA record. But if it just shows some polymorphism of modern human (as some rumors suggest it does) then it won't do anything but prove a weird polymorphism for modern human. Without a specimen (bone, or total creature) that can seperate it from other known animals it is not "proof". It may be evidence, but not "proof". With a type specimen all is solved.

    We require the same evidence for birds,frogs...etc Why should Bigfoot be any different?

  8. This guy makes a couple of good points. I agree that Moneymaker and his gang doing what they do, does nothing for reputation or credibility of the subject of Sasquatch. When they are out in the woods any slight noise seems to be a bit "Squatchy".
    I think trying to debunk videos and pics is an easy target though. There is always the possibility, no matter how small, that they all could be fakes, or vice versa.
    I believe the best evidence out there are the countless eye witness sightings from credible, honest people who have nothing to gain. Ok, they're not all true and some are mistaken identity, but if only a couple are real then that's all we need. How many people have been given life sentences or the death penalty on the power of good eye witnesses?
    In my opinion, if a man with the knowledge and intelligence of Jeff Meldrum believes, then that's good enough for me.
    Deep down I hope that Sasquatch stays a myth, and the dead body that people want so much never appears. As we all know deep down, we destroy or bring to the edge of destruction all amazing creatures ( White Rhino, Lowland Guerilla, Tiger, the list is endless) for their sake lets hope no one ever catches one alive.

  9. The guy is making excuses according to the Bigfootinvestigation comments. He wouldn't allow a video from his channel that debumks the bear video with a comparison. No matter what they compare it to the best comparison was the survey at the site that showed it had 22 inch arms and a 18 inch long body and that was impossible for a bear.

  10. as the person in the video...

    ill be re uploading the vid to keep people panties unwadded over a an image that just happens to be over the Meldrum audio.

    as for mr annonimous above, his video response was accepted and his accusation is untrue.

  11. All the haters will be proven WRONG and SOON. Believe me. Ketchum's study will prove the existence of BF, no doubt.

    1. It's only a part of the puzzle and a fraction of the effort expended . Get a grip!

  12. new version is here-

  13. The Jacobs creature was no bear the legs are far too long. The bear video clip use by the skeptic is debunked on YT video Bigfoot and Bears.wmv I've seen here:

  14. The solution is simple if Mr. Voodoosixxx don't like bigfoot stuff don't watch it. Bigfoot fans like to sit by the campfire and wonder if Jake was a juvy or that Patty really was not a guy in a costume. They even like watching Matt hear a twig snap and get all squatchy feeling. No need to get all queer about it. Mr. Voodoosixx is your life that miserable that you need to poo poo on other peoples hobbies?

  15. This guy Voodoosixxx was an abused child and apparently has some serious psychological problems. He talks about his abuse in several of his videos. It's apparently why he rambles on about things he doesn’t believe and wants everyone to think as he does. It's kind of sad and pathetic I wish someone could get through to him. He needs to realize he's acting like his psycho, bible worshiping, and abusive family when he tries to preach to the world through YouTube as he was preached to as a child. It’s how he releases his feelings built up from years of abuse growing up and it is still far better than beating young boys with a whip until they bleed as was done to him. He has been taught that it is the bigger bully who gets what he wants. He doesn’t learn from being abused not to abuse it’s just the opposite: he learns that the abuser is the one people give into; the abuser is the one who gets what he wants. So he feels a need to be a bigger bully than those around him or by preaching to people that believe something he doesn’t through his words on YouTube. As a child he was never given the opportunity to put himself in another person’s place, to learn to understand what it must feel like to be in somebody else’s position. There is some evidence that this is not only a psychological difficulty, but is actually reflected in stunted neuro-physiological development.

  16. You could be right John, I watched Voodoos "My Bigfoot Sighting" video that he calls a standing bigfoot sighting then it sounds like he turns it into a bear to discredit real sightings. The whole story sounds like he made it up. Then his prayer video reminds me of something Jared Laughner would make.

    The whole Jacobs creature story I'm not sure of either. It does look like the arms are way too long for a bear and much longer than the bear from his video. It has a strange looking head thats not a bears but I don't believe it was a costume either. Some babies have disproportionately small feet amd then have rapid growth during childhood. I would have to agree with Dr. Meldrum when he says that we don't really know how or when sasquatch feet grow to full size. So we can't really say Jake has little feet when they may be normal for his age.

  17. Bigfooters sure get cranky when conronted with the complete lack of evidence...... You want skeptics to stop being,well...skeptical? Present some empirical evidence. Not blurry hoax photos/videos and anecodtal malarky that's unprovable.

    Sorry, but that's the way it goes. You make the incredible claim, you present the incredible evidence. Or how about just some interesting evidence?

    BTW, DNA on it's own with no reference material is just unknown primate. That isn't proof of Bigfoot. It may make mainstream science increase in their interest of the issue. But it doesn't prove anything. A body, or specimen will prove it, or maybe a HD video that isn't ridiculous looking. Maybe Erickson will present that to us. I'm not on the edge of my seat however.....

    If I claim I can turn my head 360 degrees and show you a crappy 8th gen. video with a coNspicuous edit midway, am I REALLY PROVING MY CASE?

  18. Sorry Nick B but I am skeptical your type is just looking for something to fight about. You're what's called an internet Troll and are here to muddy the water. Yes this hobby is about unprovable evidence but we like to wonder about it. It's not for people like you or Mr. Voodoosixxx.

  19. lol. i love internet psychologists...

    what i do on YT is a video blog, it is funny how im accused of bullying and lashing out (and now lying) when the topics i talk about are responses to things that have been put forth. most of the topics are suggested by my subscribers who ask me to talk about one topic or another.

    I am interested in things like bigfoot, if he exists i want to know about it. sorry if the evidence thus far is pretty underwhelming but that is not my doing and is nothing i can apologize for.

    it does strike me as odd though how the word "skeptic" in the BF community pretty much equates with the devil or something.

  20. Mr. Voodoosixxx it sounds like you have already made up your mind that it does not exist. Demanding proof won't make it appear. The pictures and stories will live on and boo hoo crying about it won't change anything. You will have to deal with that on your own. Maybe you should spend your time on something more constructive like demanding politicians to fulfill their promises. If bigfoot continues to do what he does best there will never be any proof for you or any of the extreme skeptics.

  21. VOODOOSIXXX Why don't you do a video on Robert Lindsay and Dr. Jeff Meldrum talking about Bigfoot Steak: "This is it. This is what I’ve been looking for all of these years" says Meldrum. You will have to admit there now IS PROOF and you and all the skeptics will have to eat crow. Erickson project/TBRC blood colection/The Ketchum project. You are so far behind you sound retarded. . . the ancient Jacobs photo and Finding Bigfoot stories are tiny compared to the real DNA that we now have. Go big or go home!

  22. @mary patrick- who is demanding anything? photos and video are being offered up, yet for some reason if people dont agree with you about them then they should just go do something else. nice. good thing youre not a crime scene investigator.

    no where have i said i think bigfoot doesnt exist, yet somehow reserving judgment until better evidence is made available is somehow.... a bad thing. baffling.

  23. @Anonymous above- i like Dr Meldrum, but if i did a video like you propose i would be quote mining him without his official statement as apparently he seems to think its is canine of some sort. when the report is published i will do a video on it, everything is hear say and unverified at this time.

    if bigfoot is ever shown to exist i will say "awesome!" not "dammit!" like some people here seem to think.

  24. Mr. Voodoosixxx then you should reserve judgement about all evidence that could be real. You have no proof that any of it wasn't bigfoot or what was found by the Finding Bigfoot team was not real. If you believe bigfoot could be real then let the people look for it, let them get excited about the little evidence we have so more will look for it.

    The bigfoot in the freezer kind of evidence is the only kind we are sure about being fake. Most of the rest is no better than any of the rest. Don't make fun of evidence or belittle them and what they find or everyone will stop looking in fear of being called foolish.

  25. reserving judgement is on existence (null hypothesis), not so with evidence presented. if i find evidence convincing i will say so, if i find it unconvincing i will say so as well. i will also explain why as opposed to just saying its not good enough. this leads to discussions, exchanges of ideas and offers varying viewpoints from all side of the table.

    you're basically saying i should keep quite... which is not going to happen.

  26. “topics are suggested by my subscribers”? LMFAO What a crackpot. From a total of 76 with the greatest amount of views being 19,000 and most of the rest in the couple thousand range. Give me a break, that’s not even impressive at kindergarten level and light years from viral. Classic example of a self glorified looser that needs to get a grip on reality; even more so than bigfooters. BTW, since I'm here, bigfoot is for kids you silly rabbits.

  27. lol@ Anonymous

    3400+ subscribers and you think they dont converse with me. outstanding powers of observation there.

  28. If it's convincing he will say so, and if not he will say so as well. There you have it we no longer have to use our brains. This guy is making it easy for you people leave him alone.

  29. If it's convincing he will say so, and if not he will say so as well. There you have it we no longer have to use our brains. This guy is making it easy for you people leave him alone.

  30. If it's convincing he will say so, and if not he will say so as well. There you have it we no longer have to use our brains. This guy is making it easy for you people leave him alone.

  31. WOW! Big deal guy 3400+ subscribers! I bet you had to subscribe to 3500 to get that favor returned. LMFAO

  32. Let me know when you get a video that hits Chocolite rain level maybe I'll watch it.

  33. oh ok. so youre not interested in the Bigfoot Evidence blog until it reaches Pharyngula level as well right? youre a riot.

  34. and only half of your subscribers are watching your videos. . .


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