Robert Lindsay: Sierra Kills Bigfoot Shooter Visited By California Department of Fish and Game

Here are some updates from last week's radio interview about the Sierra Kills Bigfoot shooting that took place near Gold Lake, CA in October 2011. (Click here to listen to a portion of that interview.)

On Robert Lindsay's blog today, he talked about the ongoing saga of the Bigfoot DNA project, and revealed some interesting details about Justin Smeja's recent run-in with the California Department of Fish and Game.

On Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA project, Lindsay states "Mass confusion over Ketchum Project’s status at Nature Magazine":

We reported earlier that Dr. Melba Ketchum’s Bigfoot paper was at Nature Magazine at some point. Our source for that was ultimately David Paulides, who is about as close to Ketchum as you can get. The rumor was later confirmed by Matt Moneymaker, who said that he had spoken to a peer reviewer at Nature, who said the paper had been handed back for a couple of reasons, including not having a testable hypothesis and no zoologist on board.

However, we recently checked in with our sources, and it turns out that the whole nature rumor may have been in error. The source said that numerous people had written to Henry Gee, editor at Nature. He replied to all, stating that the paper he had never had the paper under consideration. Apparently this means that Ketchum’s paper was never at Nature in the first place. The source said they did not know why Paulides was wrong about this.

Is it possible that it could have been submitted to Nature, but never made it to Gee’s desk and instead was intercepted by the team of ~15 editors who winnow out submissions slated for peer review. After all, Nature gets ~10,000 submissions a year, and only ~1,000 get published, if I am not mistaken. I believe only 8% are accepted. Many do not even make it to peer review, but are intercepted by the 15 man team in the front office and tossed back for whatever reason.

If the paper was intercepted in this way, is it possible that it never made to Gee’s desk in the first place. Nature gets ~30 submissions a day. Does Gee look at all of them?

Anyway, more sources are pretty insistent that the paper was never at Nature in the first place.

So…Henry Gee is lying? This doesn’t seem right.

Matt Moneymaker is lying? It seems a bit odd for him to make up a story out of whole cloth like this, but he’s an nasty piece of work with an extremely low reputation in the field on the moral and personal level. Bottom line is he’s widely hated for ample reason. But would he make up a lie like this? Doesn’t seem like Matt.

At the end of the day, we are left with a mystery about whether or not the paper was ever at Nature Magazine. On the face of it, it appears that the paper was never there, but that means that Moneymaker made up a huge lie, which seems a bit out of character even for him.

On the Sierra Kills story, Robert wrote about Justin Smeja's recent run-in with the California Department of Fish and Game:

Justin Smeja visited by California Department of Fish and Game recently. In his radio interview, Smeja made a shocking assertion. He said that he had been visited by two uniformed officers of the CA DFG around November 15. They knocked on his door, and he was not happy to see them. They asked to come in, but he said he’d rather talk to them outside. He went outside and locked the door behind him.

They said, incredibly, “We are here to investigate the killing of 2 Sasquatches in Northern California in October of last year.” Some conversation ensued, and they said they wanted to search his house.

Smeja said, “Well, you can’t do that.”

The officers replied, “Ok, fine. We will go and get a search warrant then. It only takes half an hour to get one.”

But they never came back. Smeja had a small piece of Bigfoot in his house, and he quickly moved it somewhere else. Later he called the office and said he wanted to make a deal with them. He would come down to the office with an attorney and give them one small piece of Bigfoot in return for no prosecution on any charges. The office replied that they were putting the matter on the back burner for the moment and would be back in touch with him.

We were not able to confirm any of this story with DFG sources, but they did not deny it either. My DFG source said he had heard of the story, and they were looking into it to see whether or not it even happened. The source expressed some doubt that the story was true. The officer did admit that he had done some minor investigation into the Sierra Kills on his part. However, he felt that the Kills story was ridiculous, and he thought that Bigfoots did not even exist.

If it is true that uniformed officers showed up to investigate the killing of a Bigfoot, this would be a major event. Of course, we have had many reports in the past of authorities investigating Bigfoot killings, but seldom has the witness given us his name. And this is the first case to my knowledge where a US government law enforcement agency has admitted to investigating the shooting of a Bigfoot.

We were ridiculed for running this story, but it looks like it is true.

MBRT radio’s interview with Justin Smeja. The investigation, research and questioning of Smeja was handled superbly by JC Johnson and Abe Del Rio. It would have been nice if they credited us for breaking the story. After all, if it wasn’t for us, that interview never would have happened.

Sierra Kills adult Bigfoot was a male. We have now heard from two separate sources that the adult Bigfoot killed in the Sierra Kills was a male. The two sources are high ranking members of the BFRO. Note that the although the BFRO officially says that the Sierra Kills story is nonsense as per Dictator Moneymaker’s directive, some individual members believe in the story.

Click here to read the full article.


  1. It seems to me that if the date he was giving for the shooting was accurate, he was bear hunting a day early? If that is so, seems the Fish & Game could get him for shooting out of season. You know, if he wasn't associated with supposed "Bigfoot steak" and the Ketchum DNA Project, we would be laughing our asses off about this sad little man, but everyone holds their breath that he might have proof of his unbelievably careless decision making and that we might all have to accept that this dick-less wonder actually did shoot two cryptids including one youth among them and counted coup on the child by taking a hunk of it. It is sick either scenario--that he made up a fantastic story (and it really does sound totally ridiculous when he recalls it) or he really did it and either way he's a complete and utter tool.

  2. The simplest explanations for both stories is that the entire story was a hoax by Smeja, which fooled the overzealous "investigators". After putting their rep on the line and realizing (or at least strongly suspecting) that Smeja tricked them, they are drawing it out longer and longer until they can claim that their evidence was suppressed by authorities or lost.

    This DNA study will never be published by a peer-reviewed journal, and Smeja will never produce a sample that can be shown to be an unknown animal, in my opinion.

  3. I agree with Anon. The sad thing is Smeja did break the law if he did kill these things. You are not allowed to shoot a animal or catch a fish that is not listed. The only acception to the rule is Varments. The CA DFG can go after his buddy for failure to disclose as well. I see this ending within the next few weeks for sure if DFG went to his house they are just collecting enough evidence to obtain a warrant which may include Ketchum steaks in her possession.

    As far as the report ofthe paper being at Nature Mag I am sure they just shrugged it off without the proper people being involved in the study. This all screams BS and I feel MM and FB will catch a Squatch cuddling with BoBo before this proves anything of substance.

  4. The people who have bad things to say about MM are usually the drunks who have been banned from attending more BFRO expeditions, and the hoaxers and liars like Robert Lindsey who do nothing but make up stories in order to draw attention to themselves. Lindsey is no better than a garden variety hoaxer and Shawn should have never quoted from him.

    Lindsey pulled the same type of nonsense in other arenas before inserted himself into bigfoot researchers. Send him back to where he came from. He is doing nothing but spreading misinformation, and even Paulides isn't talking to him any more. So how credible are his updates?

  5. Yes, what a mess. Sometimes you learn more from what is NOT said as you do with what is said. What I find interesting is all the missing actions and reactions. The more I hear and see, the less believable this believable story becomes.

  6. I don't know about that Anon. I think what MM does on the Bigfoot front is great for research, but his personality is very forward and if you don't agree with him your wrong

  7. So in conclusion, Lindsay lied about the magazine, and Smeja lied about the DFG. Wow, I'm shocked. No wonder Bigfoot news is hard to get excited about anymore. It's mostly BS, but I guess it's always been that way.

  8. If I had the opportunity to harvest a bust a cap in one in a sec... adult or baby..I dont care..I am not a warm and fuzzy animal luvin tree hugger..shoot it, kill it and harvest it and be done with it period!We need to know the truth...besides there still another 9,000 of em...theyll make more.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. @annonymous re Shawn quoting Lindsay. Shawnee puts all the news on here so people can make their won minds up, which is a good thing. I'd rather that than someone deciding what everyone else should read like others sites.

  11. What a load of bs. I figured some MIB would show up somewhere in this story. LOL. You would think some researchers would learn to use some common sense after the GA fiasco, but apparently not.

  12. Good job Shawn, for putting up all the stories available so anyone reading can decide on their own. We don't need more sites with bias on what can be publish and what cannot because they get offended, don't agree, or just is a homophobe. Kudos Shawn

  13. I'd pop one too to end the decades of idiocy, and I've never even been hunting.

  14. Smeja is really a sick person. Cold and a liar. This whole story is really getting old. I believe that if there was something to prove the existance of BF, it would have been out there by now. Why does Lindsay hate Moneymaker so much? I think people are jealous that he has a show. So what? At least he is getting the word out there and helping the cause. Call him a dictator but, I don't see him attacking people on these forums.

  15. I don't really understand what the fascination is with Nature Magazine. So it looks like it's not going to get published. Who the flip cares why or what the details are. There are a million explanations as to why the rumor came out, that's why they call it a rumor. Let the Nature thing go. It's over.
    As for Smeja, I'm curious but I'm not holding my breathe.

  16. My sister's ex-boyfriend's cousin's friend talked to a guy that knows a guy that said.....

  17. Like I said from Lindsay's first post about Bigfoot he gets it right about 50% of the time. It's about as accurate as a dart board when it comes to DNA project. But it is interesting and notice he never ever thinks people just screw with him and feed him false information knowing he will print everything he gets....LOL Lindsay your being hoodwinked my boy by people much smarter then you...LOL

  18. Bigfoot Broski- I don't see in the Ca. DFG that you can't shot any unlisted animals. Would you please point out the subdivision, chapter and section in the hunting regs' that prohibit shooting of unlisted mamamals, thank you. ptangier

  19. unfounded species are not protected by state hunting regulations! Period!


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