Comment of the Day: In defense of Todd Standing and his Sasquatch Documentary

Since Canadian Bigfoot Researcher Todd Standing released a preview clip of his mini-documentary featuring videos of Sasquatches from his 7 years of research, he has been getting hammered. Much has been asked about his mini-documentary and what it entails.

In a recent comment post, a person named Chad (a believer in the unknown), wrote this about Standing's mini-documentary:

I got a copy of his DVD when it first came out. His videos were boring to watch for the most part, but does show really good video and photos of their faces.

Of course they all look different. If they are a hominid (a type of human) of course they will look just as different to each other as we are to each other. I say that because they look different, that means that they are real BF's. If all his videos and photos showed the same BF each time, then I would argue they are fake. A hoaxer would only bother to go to the effort of making a time consuming mask once.

Another thing. They look just the whitnesses describe BF's, very human like. Also Where's the proof that it's fake. Just like where's the proof the Patterson-Gimly film is fake. Yeah, the eye blink is slow, but that's slow motion for you. Also my upper eye lid moves more than my lower one when I blink (for those that noticed), just as in the video.

Another thing. People are complaining they can't see the upper body. Don't most people described seeing bigfoots looking around trees and bushes to conceal themselves from view? He simply concentrated on zooming in on the part of the body he could see.

Also the complaint about him not wanting to tell people anything about how he go so close and where to find them it totally reasonable. In his DVD he was saying that after word got out of the location hunters went in there and started shooting at anything on two legs. That would keep me from telling the public how to find them. It would endanger peoples live and if BF's are hominids then the hunters would be committing murder. (I live up in his part of Canada and I know quite a few red necks up here and they would jump at the chance to "bag" themselves a BF), I know I was dating one and she saw finding bigfoot and was attament that someone has to go shoot one!

I think that because he got actual real video and photos of some BF's, people are finding them to be looking too real and therefore must be fake. You are all used to the shaky, at a distance, grainy videos. For once someone found a way to sneak up undetected and film them with high quality equipment instead of cell phone cameras. Sheesh!

Again, I keep hearing in here about how he's a proven fake. Where is the proof of this?????

With the "Self promotional" claims. I would say he's no more self promotional then Matt Moneymaker on Finding Bigfoot. But Todd's not getting paid by the media where Matt is. hhmmm? Why is Todd any different then Matt? Since Matt is promoting himself in the media (and getting paid for it) that must mean he is a hoaxer too then? All those knocks in the woods must be hired people that hits trees with baseball bats and scream responces to Matt and them in the middle of the night? They Halloween special Renee had a large rock thrown at her. That must have been a camera crew person hiding in the woods? See where I am getting with this. Just because Todd's been on TV doesn't make him any more a hoaxer that Matt Moneymaker. (By the way I love his name, no pun intended. Come on a guy named Moneymaker being paid to host a show called Finding Bigfoot isn't faking all those noises in the woods?!?) Give Todd just as much credit as you give Matt Moneymaker.

Did you guys know that Todd had run a signature petition campain to get BF's protected from hunting in Canada. Where's the selfish shame in that? That's what got his name on TV in the first place. He is an activist no different then the spotted owl activists who try to protect those creatures. Only difference is the spotted owl is a recognized species.

I would say it seems everyone has a hate-on for him for some unknown reason. Some of you are jealous he got good video and you didn't.

Chad (a believer in the unknown)


  1. I'll watch the documentary just because I love BF documentaries of all kinds-even found Bigfoot Lives horribly entertaining--hee hee. I think our problem in the BF community (one of them) is that BF is either a "believe," (religious) "don't believe" (atheist) or "prove it" (agnostic) and one thing I know about humans is that we will defend to the end our beliefs. If you believe in God, you don't need to believe every preacher's take on the Almighty and some of them you might even find downright offensive. Same goes for BF. People who believe need to find the speakers in the BF community who sing to their belief and those who don't believe need to open their minds a bit because sometimes those who don't believe has as much to defend in their ego as those who do believe. I think if you read this blog, you already have a good feeling there's a BF out there, but who to believe is like finding your preacher. We have too many zealot ministers in the field with fire and brimstone, swaying and speaking tongues. It's hard to take them seriously. In Standing's case, I am skeptical but open minded because I do believe in the beast, but whether I believe in his evidence--he will have to earn that. I wasn't born yesterday even though I believe. I'm more likely to not join any BF church and be a sole practitioner.

  2. "Did you guys know that Todd had run a signature petition campain to get BF's protected from hunting in Canada. Where's the selfish shame in that?"

    Right! This makes Standing special and to a certain degree "admirable"- even if all this is really nothing more than a big hoax...
    Best, Joerg

  3. I was just talking about what I think should be the "symantics" of the BF camps the other day: "Believer"- Either someone who had seen the big-guy and takes offense when challenged or has a nearly-religious belief that BF exists; "Proponent"- Someone who thinks the evidence warrants more attention and leans skeptically toward an extant being; "Skeptic"(this is a positive word, BTW)- Someone who has viewed the evidence and remains undecided due to a lack of hard evidence; "Opponent"- Either someone who hardently sticks to their preconceived notion that BF does not exist, or for other reasons, has something at stake if BF is proven (intelligence/ego, religion, etc...)
    I'd call myself a "Proponent"
    David from the PAC/NW

  4. I think Standing has been awesome in trying to seek protection for these animals. Yes some of these pics have been proven to be taken in a studio. Also with his sister who is a partner in his company and is a make up artist, and Standing having a film production company before this started it scream BS. What would mind is release the whole unedited video from start to finish of the one blinking. If it gets up walks away or keeps blinking or a nerve in his face moves then I will eat my words.

    1. Travis
      it has not been proven that any of his photographs have been taken in a studio. thats just you talking and the other jealous people who can't do what he does..

  5. It is not the place of the skeptic to disprove the remarkable claim. Instead, the individual making the claim must provide evidence to support their position.

    In the case of Standing's stories and videos, the issues that immediately come to mind are:

    1. He manages to shoot videos of the supposed Sasquatch faces, but always in the same way. It's essentially the same shot repeated: Head only, viewed from bottom of the jaw up, with all of the body obscured. There is never a shot of it leaning around a tree, or around a boulder, with just a hint of body showing. Nope, just the heads.

    Given the lack of other evidence, the more rational conclusion is that Standing and his VFX-trained sister came up with a nice method of shooting maquette heads mounted in the forest, and have just repeated it.

    2. The blink looks artificial. There does not appear to be any movement in the lower lid, there is no apparent muscular movement in the cheek or the brow, and the speed is far too slow. (Tip: When animating an eye closing and opening, the normal speed is 3 frames to closes, and 3 frames to open.)

    3. There has not been one iota of external support for Standing's claims. Not one single case.

    4. "Finding Bigfoot" found him disreputable. Let that one sink in.

    5. Lastly, if he REALLY had rock-solid evidence of a bipedal undiscovered hominid, do you honestly believe he would have sat on this for seven years?

    Sorry. Let me see the unambiguous footage of the animal standing, sleeping, pooping, and eating, and then gather the resultant artifacts. Then I'll take this project seriously. Until then, all evidence points towards them being hucksters.

  6. If this was in fact authentic footage, would it not be earth shattering? From what I understand, this dvd has been available for some time, yet we are just learning about it now. If it was real, it would be 100 times better than the PG film. At first I thought Standing must have got some low quality photos and video, and these bigfoots were meant to be recreations of what he saw/ photographed. But as Chad makes it sound, this is very much meant to be the real thing. If it is the real deal, that would be awesome. However, from what's shown in the clip, it is not beyond anything that any creature effects person could make. I would probably need to see more of the body and some facial movement besides the eye blink to beleive it. I'd be very interested to see the entire video though, so I could offer an official opinion. I agree with someones comments yesterday when they said something about the eyes being different than any other animal's. I would certainly expect bigfoot eyes to resemble human or ape eyes more closely than Standing's bigfoots do.

  7. For the record, the DVD does show part of the torso/shoulder area of the dark brown one for a moment while he's zooming in.
    As far as some of the focus issues, you can tell by the amount of zooming that he was pretty far away from it, and had to shoot thru a lot of trees. The camera keeps trying to auto-focus on the rows of branches which are closer.

  8. The older videos of the big one ducking down quickly, and the brown one sprinting up a steep hillside are on there too.
    Standing also returns to the location later to give scale and speed references to the subject.
    Pretty impressive, if real.

  9. How about checking on the availability of seal team 6! Just drop them in the sierra's and in Alberta and give ole Bigfoot a double tap and call it a day with all this " what the fuckery".

  10. I would really like to see his whole body of work, and not just outtakes to make any decision. What I have seen is impressive whether fake or the real deal. Also if we had a modern and clear HD shot of Patty, I think she would bear a very close resemblance to The Bigfoots Todd has filmed. Trying to get protection for them is noble indeed.
    I would love to try in do this in the U.S. I think almost all states have a signature initiative that can circumvent the state political forces ( were it would never get out of committee ) that would present a protection bill before all state voters. Can you imagine what this would do and the press it would bring?

    Chuck in Ohio

  11. In the first and particularly in the last photo the branches in the way of the face are conveniently broken or cut . Look at the branch ends in the last photo I think our furry friend paid a visit to Home Depot !
    It is a great recreation though !

  12. According to Todd,he was between Banff and Kootenay Nationl Park.
    That entire area is protected land,and everything in it is protected,You can't just shoot something and drag it out.
    So his claims of hunters is absurd.
    If the area is not in the park boundaries,you need a tag for what you are hunting.There are no Bigfoot tags.Fish and Wildlife Officers are everywhere.I run in to them all the time.
    So once again,his "crazed hunters" story is absurd.
    Word of the location got out??Todd was very secretive of his location.If someone found out,it must have been Todd or one of his crew that told a hunter.Sorry,I don't buy it.
    I've Google mapped the entire area,and if Todd actually has a secret spot,it can only be in a few locations given the water supplies.
    I lean towards the whole thing being fake,except that he may have had one legitimate encounter.
    If his evidence is real and his objective is to protect Bigfoot,he would have shown all his evidence in full,including unedited photos.
    Times,dates and locations would likely have been recorded.At the very least,the full evidence would have been presented to the Canadian or Alberta government for consideration.
    That's my two coppers.
    If Todd wants to protect Bigfoot,I think that's great,but leave the trickery in his studio.

  13. yeah...all bigfoots have Goat-tees

  14. I give him the benefit of the doubt, but you just have to add it all up and decide if you think it's fake or not. Claiming that people are jealous that they didn't get good footage? What are we in Grade 4? Hell no! I'd love for the footage to be real, but why not disclose how you got it, and why not show some kind of footage that proves that it isn't taken in a studio? All of this would be incredibly easy to do, simply pan out, get a shot of one moving or something, but in this case he simply doesn't add anything to remove the doubts, so I'm doubtful. But awesome if I'm wrong.

  15. Right on, Chad! It's like you reached in my head and pulled out my thoughts, exactly.

  16. Look Todd...errr..I mean Chad, I think the only reason we are hearing from Standing now is he is trying to make some cash before he gets exposed on the Finding Bigfoot episode.

  17. You cannot give anyone the benefit of doubt. Would you give Einstein such a pass? " oh yeah energy = mass times the speed of light squared take my word for it. I dont have any evidence for this but it seems clear enough eh?" NO

    One must remove one's belief system from any equation in regards to science. You know frogs are real because you have not just been told they are real, but because you have seen a frog, seen pictures of a frog and can study frog anatomy in depth (and replicate the results if so inclined). You believe gravity is real because you can test the equations and replicate the results.

    I just don't understand why Footery feels like anecdotal evidence is enough. Why cruddy looking pictures get a "well maybe?" pass. Evidence , if it's proper, will ALWAYS stand up to any attack, any skeptical glance. If it doesn't, than it is WORTHLESS!!!

    Demand the evidence, do not accept crap because you "want to believe". you do nothing to make Bigfoot more real, you just perpetuate a mythology. How does that support ANY cause?

  18. Todd Standing is a criminal. That's all there is to it. He's a liar, a hoaxer and at the end of the day, he's a con artist. He has the mind of a con artist, and con artists are criminals. So Todd is a criminal. Todd sells DVD's of faked and hoaxed BF encounters along with endless stories made up out of whole cloth. That's more or less fraud, whether the law recognizes it is not.

    Todd Standing is one of the worst people in Bigfootery, and Bigfootery is a vast moral slum, so that's like saying someone is the biggest turd in the sewer. Lot of competition out there.

  19. Part of the article reads, "Of course they all look different. If they are a hominid (a type of human) of course they will look just as different to each other as we are to each other. I say that because they look different, that means that they are real BF's. If all his videos and photos showed the same BF each time, then I would argue they are fake. A hoaxer would only bother to go to the effort of making a time consuming mask once."

    What a bunch of excuse making bigfoot scat. These Standing bigfoot heads over the years look entirely different from one another. They're not even close. How different do bigfoot look from each other? I thought that these pictures were all taken in this same mysterious Sylvanic place.

    The heads look different because the earlier heads shown in the trees were dismissed as the fakes they were. So, they have to come up with an entirely different looking bigfoot head so that they can get more people to buy DVDs.

    Bigfoot hoaxers like Standing and Biscardi continue to get an audience time and time and time again and continue to get money out of bigfoot enthusiasts. It's amazing.

  20. Do you notice how the detail keeps on getting better and better ? I guess his sister is honing her make up skills. 15.00 + 5.00 shipping
    I guess make up prices must be going up.

  21. I wish it were real. This would be the type of video the bigfoot community has been waiting for. However, to me what proves it's a fake is the "blinking" at the end of the clip. The entire eyebrow moved as it blinked. It looked an obvious fake.

  22. This is an example of why a photo or footage will never prove bigfoot's existence. People will always land on one side or the other as to whether or not it is real or a hoax. A specimen is needed. A specimen, live or dead, is the ONLY thing that will prove bigfoot's existence.

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