Tim Stover Post-Mortem Examination of Deer, Not for the Faint of Heart [Bigfoot Kill]

A few days ago, Ohio Bigfoot Hunter Tim Stover discovered a deer corpse with its neck broken. The animal looked like it had been thrown against a tree with no other signs of injuries from a bullet or an arrow.

In this autopsy video, upon closer examination, they discovered some bruising and broken bones around the neck area. Tim believes it's possible that this Whitetail Deer was killed or ambushed by a Bigfoot. "It may also be possible that it was being chased by a known predator but why was it left untouched? This mystery will never be solved," said Tim.

Watch below:
Ohio Bigfoot Hunters: Warning! Rated PG-13 Material.


  1. Yup. Don't think we'll have an answer to that one. There's so many ways that could have happened. Strange that nothing at it once its neck was broken.

  2. "Tim believes it's possible that this Whitetail Deer was killed or ambushed by a Bigfoot."

    Of course Tim does...

  3. You gotta love it the stupidity never ends. Just when you should have taken a break till the beginning of the year, he can't resist the overall attention this affords. It is so easy for a deer to run into a side of a car and break its neck like this. But, like anon says above......of course he believes or indirectly sways you that way.

  4. a dead deer....must be bigfoot! a hole in the forest....must be bigfoot! broken trees.......it must be bigfoot! my dog was scared.....it must be bigfoot!!!! oh geez, maybe the DNA will prove what we've known all along.....it must be bigfoot!!

    Grow up people!

  5. I liked the dead pics from before with the legs sticking straight up in the air much better!! Like Bigfoot killed it then leaned it against the tree for rigor to set in. (unlike ,say the more likely event, which is that somebody leaned an already dead deer against the tree and claimed Bigfoot did it).

  6. Tcsjrbigfoot has fallen so much in reliability over the last year it's not funny ! He either has lost all his interest in research or has been distracted by personal problems because he is not the same guy that began this quest 3 years ago on youtube.

  7. Well, Merry Christmas to me! Thank you Tcsjrbigfoot for giving me a great laugh this hoilday season. Sorry its at your expense but still a great laugh! A permanent break is needed! He is no longer credible, so nothing he finds will ever be useful. He has thrown way too many hissy fits, lies about too many people, and put up too many "questionable" (I say hoaxed) findings. If I were him...Id close that page for good.

  8. The idea of a giant, hairy man living in the forest and killing deer is incredible... that is to say: without credibility.

    Great use of science, fat Bigfoot researchers!

  9. So -- just let me get this straight in my mind -- an enormous wily man-ape is able to capture a deer with its bare hands then dispatch it with the snap of a wrist? And then what? It leaves the carcass lying around uneaten for some portly Bigfoot hunter to find?

    Way to go with the unprecedented primate behavior, Bigfoot!

    1. Stupid people. It's not blood puddling. It's called blood pooling at the trauma. Yes, the BF researcher is correct, he's not a professional. The pooling is caused by the heart still pumping blood after the trauma is realized - for up to many minutes in fact. The road (cars) is probably just off camera however, the tree may have caused the 'injury' if the animal was in 'flight'. I really just could not finish watching. The dude is just like all the rest of BF researchers - sway with opinion, get people looking at their website... Idiots. Where the heck are all the scientific researchers at? Ah yes, that's right, being scientific...

    2. Quick, someone get the blade away from that dude before he cuts himself!

  10. lol.0.20sec .these 2 pricks trying to look as tough as they can. they are a couplke of hillbillies who shag their cousins,who exatly are they trying to kid

  11. "pg-13 stuff" ,im 42 and scarred for life


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