Tim Stover finds dead deer with broken neck near tree [Bigfoot Kill]

Tim Stover isn't quite done with YouTube yet it seems. Tim discovered a deer that looked like it had been thrown against a tree. As someone who's been deer hunting since his early teen years, Tim knows when something's not right about the way this deer was killed. "The neck is broken and it seems like this deer was thrown against the tree. This is not a coyote kill or from any other known predator. There is nothing missing from the deer and no other signs of injuries from a bullet or arrow," said Tim.

Tim says the video speaks for itself. He wonders if this is the classic deer kill that Bigfoot researchers have written about.

  • Is this what many people talk about?
  • Why wasn't the deer taken?
  • Why did I find it this way?
  • Will something return for it's trophy?
  • If a Bigfoot was responsible for this then why leave it?
  • Was it interrupted during the kill? Territorial?


  1. wow - really interesting stuff!! I would not say "definitely bigfoot", but fascinating nevertheless...

  2. It is constantly amazing that so many things are deemed 'classic' to bigfoot. There seems to be a cottage industry assigning specific behaviors to an animal that nobody can verify.

  3. If Tim saw this from 100 yards away,why not start recording immediately?
    Why not survey the area leading up to the deer looking for tracks or signs of a confrontation?
    Nothing looks out of place and the deer's fur looks immaculate.It's as if it was picked up by the legs and put there.
    I'm not bashing the video or Tim whatsoever,it's just that some things don't look quite right to me.
    IF it was a Bigfoot kill,perhaps it was a gift offering.
    I'm trying to look at both sides of the coin and remain neutral with the video.

  4. Does eating deer sound like primate behavior (other than humans?) Does catching deer without weapons sound feasible?

    Fat, delusional and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

  5. Anonymous-
    You're assuming Bigfoot is an herbivore and related more to Apes?Can you offer anything to back this up?
    Why couldn't a deer be caught without weapons?

    Is name calling your best attempt at discussing the video?

  6. Or...



    Must be Bigfoot..... Or just plain accidental collision in the dark.

    new anonymous

  7. I would expect that if a deer was to expire on its back like that the legs would not rigor in that position,straight up. If you look closely it appears to me that the dear died on its side as one side is slightly more flattened then the other and it was propped against the tree.
    The head/neck however does look like it was twisted.
    Keep us posted Tim !

  8. I was wondering about the straight legs as well,seemed unnatural.

  9. First of all, it is not uncommon for deer to panic and run blindly into things. Such as cars driving down the road for instance? I have heard this "classic" bigfoot kill CRAP from many "experts".
    I thought Tim was signing off for good? Maybe he should just take a hiatus and get some counseling for his attention-craving disorder??

  10. Deer are probably a staple food source for BF in remote areas. There are many, many sighting accounts of them hunting and taking down deer. It doesn't sound reasonable for one to actually get their hands on a deer, break it's neck, then just walk away. That deer panicked and ran into a tree. Or it got nailed by a car and ran till it dropped.

    Did Tim do an autopsy?

  11. Tim is looking for publicity, remember he is going to be on the show Finding Bigfoot next month. Tim wants good publicity that he has BF in his area. So he picked up this roadkill and made up a plan that BF killed it but decided that he wasn't hungry and just left it there ....LOL

  12. A deer runs into a tree. "classic" "fascinating" "unnatural"

  13. Anonymous-What's your point with the quotations?
    If the deer did run in to the tree and died from that don't you think it's "unnatural" for it to be on it's back with the legs straight up?
    To me it looked like it expired somewhere else on it's side and was put there after rigor set in.
    Hopefully that's clear enough for you.

  14. SasquaiNation -

    Uhhhh.... That makes what clear? Bigfoot placed it like that with its legs stuck in the air?

  15. Anonymous-I never said Bigfoot placed it there.
    I said "IF" in capital letters,offering an alternative explanation.

    My point was why would a deer die on it's back with it's legs straight up.
    Did you not read carefully?

  16. Don't you watch cartoons? Animals always lie on their backs with their legs straight up when they die.

  17. This is what happen, Tim was driving through West Branch State Park as usual he finds a deer that ran into a car along the road it broke it's neck, Tim finds it and his mind starts going how can he turn this into a Bigfoot casuality. Wow he says this deer has a broken neck let's say the Bigfoot caught the deer slammed it into the tree then just left it there to season over night. I know my subs will eat this up !

  18. I am totally with #2 Anonymous comment. Who is writing this rule book? If it's Moneymaker, I bet he uses a crayon!

  19. Hope the Koolaid drinkers enjoy the latest Stover finding! LMAO!!!! I KNEW he would NOT leave! HE has to have attention! And sad to say Shawn you are playing right into his hands! He had to clear his channel of the truth so he deleted everything and comes up with this GREAT NEW FINDING....STOVER YOUR DONE AS A SERIOUS RESEARCHER!!!! Feel free to leave youtube as soon as possible...just like you threatened so that wanna be Stoverites could beg you to stay and you get to feel like "The Big Dog of Ohio"

  20. deer being chased by a predator or even a buck during the rut, could have just lost its footing and ran into the tree and break it's neck.
    they are running about 35 mph in full stride when being chased.

  21. He faked it, he found a dead deer and put it like that, notice the extended legs. Would make perfect sense for an animal that died laying on it's side when rigor set in. But an animal that was killed by being flung against a tree would not have it legs extended after death like that, you would expect gravity alone to have folded them up before rigor.... fakey Mcfakerson

  22. Tim interupted the kill, but the laws of science don't apply at West Branch State Park. THAT'S why rigor and bloating occured so quickly! LMAO

  23. Both sides are right on this. Its getting to the point of people saying where you find dead deer you find Bigfoot-this is ridiculous.

    However-if areas where they are sightings and prints all have a normal deer population- you can discount sightings where there are few deer. If an area has numerous sightings, there are many deer and no hunting is allowed then a deer carcass like this means the area is one that should be examined closely before others.

    Just because it can be evidence does not mean it is but just because it can be something else does not mean it cant be evidence.

    You can take nothing from a deer like this alone.

    A hunter could have tried a snare got a deer and then could not carry it any further because it became to heavy.

    A big factor is were there any game cams in the area? Many researchers and scientists will leave a dead deer to attract various animals when conducting studies of wildlife in the area and record those that do for a number of reasons- a rise in the cougar and ferel hog population is one.

  24. Tim does not at any point say this is a bf kill, He just says its weird, which it is. The thing might have died a number of ways and ended up like that but if you were walking through the woods and seen it on its back like that you might stop and look to. Saying that, I'm sure a good proportion of people insulting and claiming to know what should look normal have never been in the woods.

    People should stop being so sarcastic and quick on the offensive. I really don't understand trolls getting so worked up and being abusive. CHILL OUT PEOPLE.....

  25. My first thought was the the carcass was brought there and the tree trunk at the neck was used to break it. The carcass on its back in a good position to grab a good hold of the hind thigh with left hand and break the neck with the right. Why? The only logical answer I can come up with is to create an effect.

    Anonymous swedish guy.

  26. Myn first Thought was when I saw the name of the video CLASSIC BIGFOOT KILL ? Well I certainly was thinking Bigfoot killed something as I watched the video. I asked Tim a question if he could put up part of the video where he films it from 100 yds away as he discovered it that day.video he never answered or would post that comment.

  27. Moneymaker has an extensive deer kill report on the BFRO site and it's a good report to read if you believe it or not. The way the deer is posistioned agasint the tree seems odd. If the deer was killed by a neck-snapping Bigfoot, then it had to put the deer agasint the tree in the manner long after it died. Also, by some freak accident, the beer could've tripped and smacked into the tree and snapping its neck and died resting with it's legs up. Odd, but anything could be possible.

  28. When Tim filmed the deer carcus it was in full rigor (stiff as a bone" So no Bigfoot had not just finished wacking it against the tree. So if that's true why would a bigfoot in winter leave the deer there for other predators ? It wouldn't that would be stupid and surely no one thinks that. So to my eyes this looks like a roadkill dead for hours brought into the woods as a prop for a hoax conclusion.

  29. There is some other explanation for this. It's not Bigfoot. I'm not skeptic as to the existence, but it would make absolutely no sense to kill an animal and leave a couple of days (for a group) worth of food to rot in the woods. It just wouldn't happen. If that deer had been laying there overnight or any amount of time, it would've already been subject to scavenging whether by other forest animals or birds/buzzards/crows.

    It's probable that it's a road kill that's been placed there to look suspicious.

    To the Anon who thinks Bigfoot is comparable to a gorilla, etc., in diet, one must consider not only the reports of Bigfoot and deer, but the probability that an animal of that size and strength would require a protein and calorie rich diet. Gorillas are sedentary, Bigfoots are not. They travel distances, maintain a territory, hunt, etc. They are most likely hunters and foragers - a classic omnivore. That assessment is based not on any "classic bigfoot" behavior that "squatchers" believe, but rather probability based on the size, environment, and known activity of the animal.

    Hope everyone is having a great Xmas season. :)

  30. Irishmale plz dont drink Tim's punch. He purposely puts in Bigfoot kill? into the title. Whether he says it or not he definitely is trying to slant the viewers that way. He doesn't have to say it outright. Most BF kills that are supposedly reported also have broken legs but also some type of disembowelment took place as well. This obviously does not have anything but the broken neck. This is like the 4th time at least in several years that Timmy has deleted his vids. Cmon, if comments were the only thing that bothered him then the vids would never get deleted and commenting would be disabled. But, that is never what happens. Tim lives for the comments. The vids get deleted because soon as he is exposed he doesnt want you reviewing the vids and have access to them. Seriously ask yourself why at regular intervals there is always an excuse to delete the videos. There is a reason behind this.


  32. I don't know what's more disturbing, the fact that these assholes would purposely kill a deer by breaking it's neck, or the fact that if bigfoot is responsible that it does indeed indiscriminately kills defenseless animals, and man is an animal... so that means if they ever do find one, someone is gonna get killed.

  33. the obvious question is why didnt eat it. it just chased after it slammed it against a tree to kill it and amble off. a drive by slammimg!

    utter nonsensne and the usual leap of thought process from a footer. 'it has to be a BF'.

    amazing 8-10ft800pd apemen slamming deer into trees yet not a shred of evidence


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