Ohio Bigfoot Hunter Tim Stover possibly leaving YouTube scene

TcsjrBigfoot - Leaving YouTube Or A New Biginning?

Ohio Bigfoot Hunter Tim Stover announced this morning that he was possibly leaving the YouTube Bigfoot scene. Tim joined YouTube on December 9, 2008 and ranked as one of the top Bigfoot researchers on YouTube in terms of subscriber count. As of this writing, Stover's YouTube channel has around 1,522 loyal subscribers compared to the other juggernaut TimberGiantBigfoot, a Canadian who has about 1,587 subscribers. Florida Skunk Ape Hunter Tim Fasano comes in at a distant third with 853 subscribers. Another Bigfoot Hunter from Ohio thesquatchmaster comes in last place with 719 subscribers.

It's not exactly clear why Tim Stover took down his entire video collection, but he did leave us with one video and one last message:
Ohio Bigfoot Hunters: One last try to control our channel and block the Trolls from spoiling our research.


  1. Hey kids here is a real easy way to tell who is a valid credible bigfoot researcher.

    Ready ??

    The credible ones aren't out seeking attention on youtube.

    Take note.

  2. Sometimes, being online is like overnight celebrity. You're thrown into situations you never had to deal with. So long as you stayed home and didn't expose any knowledge or viewpoints, no one could bother you. When you go online, every dick-less idiot who wants to remain anonymous can come on and say whatever they want. You must always keep your head clear. These people are trolls. We recognized trolls by the way they go into attack mode and use name-calling and belittling of others. You must feel confident in yourself and your truth and know that others see the "little man" for exactly what he is--someone who hates anyone brave enough to use their name and their face and go out there and say what they believe. Whereas I don't think a BF channel is a brilliant venture because that means you have to fill it with stuff, even if it's not good stuff, I think that if these guys feel secure about their own position in the BF world, trolls should be like gnats and fleas.

  3. Tim is just sick of the bullsh€t and I don't blame him. At least he doesn't have his son dress up in a Bigfoot costume like TGBF and claim he never saw it right in front of him while holding that camera nice and steady. It's only a matter of time before TGBF's son or whoever he had do that comes forward. On another note I know for a fact that Tim's areas of research were compromised from friends who stabbed him in the back and showed up in vehicles he wouldn't recognize. I been following his research for years and that guy will always prevail and won't let nobody stand in his way. He is doing what he needs to do and that's it. I don't agree with some of his ways in approaching his target but he is honest and trustworthy. Tim could have pulled the best hoax video ever if he was in this for fame and glory. No he didn't and I don't ever see that happening. Yes he let's his critics get under his skin and that's a major flaw and he knows it. There are a few other things that Tcs does that I don't agree with but I'm betting my wallet on him. He puts more time in the field than any other person I know of. He deserves the footage he seeks.

  4. Very well said Autumnforest....I know these guys put in a lot of time and effort and then they show their videos for others to see what it's like out there in the woods doing research, and it's a shame to have these trolls come on and criticize you on every little thing in your videos.. THey don't have the guts to go out there and do if themselves so they have to belittle everyone else, just to make them selves feel better for being a coward, but coming on here and leaving comments in an anonymous name is still being a coward, but i guess it makes them feel big and powerful.. I like Tims site, i don't care if they don't have any bigfoot video to show, just love seeing what is out there in the woods.. even if it's squirels, rabbits and deer.. I know no one is going to get bigfoot on a video 100% or even 1% of the time maybe even never.. but its nice to see someone sharing their hobby of looking for the big guy.. I love watching the videos..
    Squatchlady(you tube name)

  5. I just read his Facebook and he claims 37 days in a row of research and I found that kinda pushing the barrier. I talked to a few of his friends and I guess it is true. He now says he's taking a break from research. I like the guy and damn would you do 37 days straight of searching if you were in this for the walk on the red carpet??? Sounds to me like the guy really wants to film a real bigfoot. According to a few other close people to him I guess he is obsessed with his research. I hope that young girl of his can deal with it.

  6. Again..

    The guy is quitting because his passion is not research. His passion is getting attention.

    When he stopped getting the affirmation that he needed to feel good about himself he is suddenly calling it quits.

    He is not a researcher. He is an attention whore. Just like all armchair youtube researchers.

  7. I happen to like Tim's channel and although I don't know him,he seems like a stand up guy.
    Not everyone can get Bigfoot on every video they post like some do.
    Tim's covers a lot in his videos.His area,the wild life,night time research and tech stuff.I wish I had a tenth of his gear.
    I've learned from watching people like Tim,and it's because of people like him that I decided to get my ass out of the chair and get out there.
    Trolls sit in their basement and spew hate at others who want to try to make a difference and contribute in some way to the Bigfoot community.
    I for one hopes he sticks around.
    I don't know Tim personally,but he's always replied to me in a cordial manner.I'm guessing the guy is burned out from 37 days straight and needs some down time.

  8. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Tim needs to remember this bible quote because he is getting all upset about negative anonymous commenters !

  9. Timbergiant, Squatchmaster,Fasanotampa, Tcsjrbigfoot are in order of hoaxing, with Timbergiant & Squatchmaster way ahead of everyone else. Only morons believe these guys we just have so many Morons in America these days !

  10. So what these guys put up is research????? Is that you what you're saying???? Everyone of those guys has been implicated in a suspected hoax or dubious shots in the forest. If buying fancy cameras and driving around with it pointed towards the woods is research then any moron can be an esteemed researcher. Research is getting in the field, tracking, observing your surrounding astutely and being sharp enough to attract the sasquatch to you and capture the desired material. Some of these guys are merely upset because their viewership has dropped dramatically. After you put up questionable material more than a few times, all but the morons stop watching videos. There are many good researchers and you'll know them by the way that they DON'T buy viewers or showboat themselves. They don't tout how many times they've been in the woods with no successful material to show for it. They just do their thing in the woods because they simply enjoy it and have a passion for it. They don't leave their main video on auto play so that it records a view every time someone visits their main page. And most of all, they don't hang out with characters that are notorious for the biggest damn hoax ever. If you want to watch quality entertainment, watch Ed Wiiweoriaoiweriiweroiweruoiweuroiweriowe or whatever his name is...known as Billy Jack or Ed Runninghorse. I mean that guy hacks into the deep bush and stumbles upon the bigs wondering what the hell this human is doing out in this thick ass bush. He gets treed by deer, regularly gets run off by ground hogs and so much more...now that's friggin entertainment. I'd buy Ed's "Best of" tracks if only he would publish them. Classic stuff. And of course Redchun puts out some informative vids with great videography and occasionally a big in the shot. Those are the guys that you need to be highlighting and damn sure not those other hacks.

  11. The one thing you must take into account is these guys can just turn off commenting like other researchers who just don't want to get mired in the dirty underbelly of America. Most of the BF Hunters can't survive without the commenters, they feed off these people from around the world giving them high fives on everything they do online. Then some person comes along and tries to spoil the barrel with some negative comments and they begin to sweat hoping no one believes what there reading ! These guys in it for fame will never turn off the subscribers commenting privilidges because they need that daily love from subscribers and any donations of CASH & EQUIPMENT that may come their way from stroking these Subscribers offline! get it "offline" So if you want to tell the goodguys from the bad guys see who turns off their subscribers ability to chat back their you have your answer !

  12. Billyjack may not hoax videos but the poor guy has more then one loose screw...I feel sorry for him because you basically see from him and the Great Spirit is a guy falling apart online in front of the world. If you have watched Ed over the past 3 years you see a guy who changes or says he's changing the way he does his research every 2 weeks. Ed is a sad case and it's hard to watch him anymore I wish he could get help.

  13. He needs to go...arent we all sick of hearing him tout his glory! Truth is he was not getting the attention he needs so he had to step it up and threating leaving youtube...as my grandma used to say, Dont let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya! (but we all know he cant leave...how would bf research go on without the Squatchgod?)

  14. Tim S - PLEASE go away. The idea that you are a serious contributor of research material is just silly. You and everyone else that posts on YouTube are all just lame ass attention junkies. In over 20 years of BF interest for me, it has become very easy to tell who is serious about this, and who is suffering from "I need to be famous" syndrome. I think that most everyone that "leads" or "founded" a research group or continually posts stupid video clips ad nauseum needs therapy to deal with "Little Napoleon" complex.

  15. It is interesting how this forum ignores other researchers on Youtube, one has 919 subscribers another over 800, and you consider Stover and Fasano legit?????

  16. Does Tcsjrbigfoot forget how he attacked Redchun? Does he not remember how he has treated others in the past? Well I say what goes around comes around! HE is now getting treated the way he has treated others!

  17. Remember guys Don't blame the messenger "Bigfoot evidence Blog" is just giving you the news, the problem is the guys looking for Fame are always making the news LOL !

  18. And doesn't everybody remember Redchun and his other close buddies sneaking into tcsjrs research areas without even inviting him? Do you remember Redchun bashing Tim's orb videos when Tim thought he was a friend?
    Yes he made several mistakes by going public with the info and I bet he regrets it. I got a chance to talk to him on the phone one night and I never thought crap like that went on behind the camera. I got pictures sent to me from his phone showing proof. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. Did you also know that Tim and his son turned down a tv series with NBC Peacock productions because of all the bs that they would suffer? I know! I was forwarded the email. Sorry Tim if you read this but I just couldn't help it. There is so much more to say but I will shut up for now.

  19. It's amazing Tim your last comment that people need to get permission from you before coming to a state forest where you research I can't believe you said that Wow! Redchun didn't critisize you Orb video he agreed with another commenter that it looked like a CD disk. Wow thats just someone giving their opinion to me, but if everyone doesn't walk in Lockstep you have a hissy fit and go after them. Friends tell other firends the truth they don't lie to them, that's what Tim's friends are like today. Like little trolls if you don't agree with him your blocked or your comment never sees the light of day. Either block all comments or take them all like a man ! Don't be like a Dictator and only take comments that agree with you, But that I'm sure is what he will do he will follow his hero Timber Giant and only allow people that agree with all his bullcrap !

  20. I didn't read the articles or reason. This is one of few BF YouTubers I have subscribed to (w/o actually watching many). His ability with video has improved.
    But, I think BF YouTubes present fragments of work and I would rather see his effort over the years sifted through, analyzed and the best part, that tells whatever story he has after the effort, in one nice package as an article or book, or one complete "video."
    I understand the YouTube thing attracts some attention sometimes (Meldrum and Jamie) but mostly it is a waste of information and effort. And some of the most popular are only so b/c they churn them out regardless of content.
    But, there aren't many alternatives to the YouTube scene are there? So, maybe we will miss his efforts in spite of any shortcomings.

  21. Well you won't see many of Tim's videos anymore he is busy deleting all the old videos where he looked bad. He should man up like his good buddy Fasanotampa and leave every video he ever placed on youtube . Tim is all about FAME and he is looking forward to being on Finding Bigfoot TV SHOW, so he can't have any negativity about himself online. Tim wants his own TV show and he feels if he can present this honest guy with 1000s of subscribers the TV people may ask him to do a show. Remember Tim is about Tim, Bigfoot is his way of getting fame.

  22. Let's face it, TCSJRBIGFOOT Isn't going anywhere (for long). With the exception of his naive and misinformed following, The BF community knows that this is just another "victim" ploy for attention and/or to reinvent himself AGAIN. I would be shocked if he could make it 30 days without having his ego stroked.

  23. The bigfoot video "hobby"-- and that's what it really boils down to-- has reached saturation point and they're bailing or dropping out like flies lately, legit or not. It's become a joke within a joke of a subculture. The only good thing it does is promote more and more ridicule towards belief in bigfoot, and that's exactly the kind of protection the species needs. A bunch of homo sapiens getting on forums like these and flinging insults at each other keeps them out of the field-- where they might cause real harm...;)

  24. Tim does put in the time, but his time would be better spent shutting the channel down and starting over under the wing of an honest, genuine researcher with at least a shred of follow-up and investigational skills.

  25. Ain't it the Truth Brother ! Ain't it the Truth !

  26. Crybaby. I'm also sick of these "researchers" looking for fame. If you don't understand that scrutiny and criticism comes with the territory with a subject like this, you are a moron. I hate to resort to name calling here but these fame whores in the BF world are really getting on my nerves.

  27. What Tim is so worried about is actually something he taught to many of his peeps. He does it all the time, it's a sad case of the Pot calling the kettle Black.

  28. I think we need to look at the root of the problem. These people who are addicted to continuous validation and confirmation are actually suffering from some psychosis. Whether it be psychological or physiological, it is something that needs addressed. They will be unable to accept very little critisism as it underminds thier very excistance and psudo-persona.

  29. I don’t understand why people think these researchers, Youtubers have to put up with insults, accusations, jealousy and plain old hate. Everyone has the right to protect themselves. These negative comments are just a distraction and rather upsetting to the researchers who put a lot of time and effort into letting the general public see what they are doing. The people making the nasty comments are generally not field researchers themselves and have no idea how much effort is spent doing the video’s and keeping us informed on Bigfoot research. I learned a lot from watching them and have used some of the same techniques I’ve seen first on Youtube. Good or bad we can all learn something from them. We also have the right or choice not to watch.

  30. When a Bigfoot police group is formed I would be happy to join but Tim Stover wouldn’t even be on my radar.

    Timbergiant on the other hand..............lol

  31. Unfortunatly, the previous comment couldn't be further from the truth. Seasoned researchers have been calling Tim out, commenting and asking questions for years, but he always deletes anything that will reveal the truth.

  32. Bet hes back on youtube in less than a day!

  33. What has Tim Stover been called out for?

    Just curious.

  34. Oh yes! AND NOW we find a MYSTERIOUS deer dead! GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! To the koolaid drinkers...PLEASE WAKE UP!

  35. I noticed he was asked if he filmed the finding of the deer at 100 yds away he says he did but will not share that....lol

  36. Whoever said he wouldn't make it 1 day certainly called it!

  37. I have always found it interesting that when Stover finds something he deems critical that he seems to always have a curious flaw in some portion of the video. Does anyone remember the recent eyeshine video? He is going out squatching, in the evening, comes across some supposed eyeshine but somehow is unable to blast it with a TK35 LED flashlight with 800 lumens. Why cant he blast it? He says in the video that his batteries are dead. Are u kidding me? You go out night squatching and your LED light was not charged prior. Seriously, no one is this clumsy unless, you are trying to hide something. Conveniently in the vid, since he cant blast it to see what it is, he goes onto indirectly speculate that it could be a squatch or something paranormal. How many "red flags" really need to go up before these coincidences start to stir the old brain?

  38. Better one yet is his last "thermal" video of the hiker, I mean "Bigfoot". He walks up to the ravine where he viewed it and Bluetracker says "this is the trail". Tim quickly says "No it isn't!". Then, Tim posts a follow up night video where he and his gf return to the exact same spot he and Blue were standing, and while he's panning, you can clearly see a yellow trail marker on a tree to the left... need to be a little more careful there "Big Dog"...lol


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