review of Michael Rugg from Bigfoot Discovery Museum

From what we've been hearing, the Bigfoot Discovery museum curator, Mike Rugg is a very nice man. The museum is located in Felton, CA, and you've probably seen a couple of Mike's videos, including the one about the Sierra Kills Bigfoot shooting incident. People who have personally met Mike, they all like to say the same thing: The man is a Bigfoot encyclopedia and he can tell you anything you want to know about Bigfoot, as long as you got time to listen.

Mike says the museum is non-profit and operates off donations. If you feel like helping them out, you can visit their website at

One person on recently visited the museum and this is what he learned from Mike:

There is DNA proof that Bigfoot exists... (self.todayilearned)

...but the DNA proof is tied up in a multi-million dollar legal battle. (Maybe this would be better titled as "Today I Heard")

In my hometown of Felton, CA there is a small museum called "CapriTaurus Bigfoot Discovery Museum" ( ) and it is owned and operated by Mike Rugg. I recently moved close to this museum and I figured I needed to go check it out and talk to whoever was crazy enough to run a Bigfoot museum.

I talked to Mike for about an hour about Bigfoot, Sasquatch, etc. I asked him if he had ever had an encounter with Bigfoot and he told me that he had seen one up in Humboldt County when he was a kid. We talked about local sightings and he showed me a map of our area that had pins in spots where Bigfoot encounters had been reported.

Eventually the conversation moved to a topic that I found very interesting. Mike told me that him and his colleagues had collected samples that they believed to contain Bigfoot DNA and that they had sent them off to a scientific facility for testing. He told me that when the scientists at the facility realized they had DNA that proved Bigfoot's existence they decided to keep the samples for themselves and not release the test results. Mike said that they did this because they realized that proof of Bigfoot's existence would be very valuable to whoever had the samples and broke the big news. Mike and his colleagues then launched into a huge legal battle to get their samples back and several million dollars has already been spent by both sides. The case is currently tied up in the courts and the so called proof of Bigfoot's existence is still hidden from the public.

At this point you're probably saying to yourself "Yeah right, these guys are batshit crazy" and I would have probably said the same thing if I hadn't talked to Mike face to face about it. At no point did I ever feel like Mike was lying to me or making things up. He talked in a calm and serious manner and never really got that excited or worked up over anything we were talking about. He has obviously dedicated his life, and most of his personal finances, to the search for Bigfoot. There is a kind of underground counter culture surrounding Bigfoot, and Mike seems to be a very active member of it. For example, he showed me a picture of himself with the cast members of the Animal Planet TV show, "Finding Bigfoot", and told me they were his friends. The museum itself is a wealth of Bigfoot related books, newspaper stories, movies, toys, memorabilia, etc. that Mike has spent a lifetime collecting.

Now, I obviously can't confirm or deny anything that Mike told me but I find myself inclined to believe him. I can't see any reason that he would lie to a stranger like me, or anyone else who visits his museum. He really has nothing to gain from lying. Mike is an older guy and he seemed wise, I never got the impression of craziness or exaggeration.

I'd like to know what people think about this. Have you ever encountered Bigfoot or witnessed signs of Bigfoot? Has anyone you know had an encounter?

I'd like to believe Bigfoot exists and, if what Mike told me is correct, I hope the DNA proof gets revealed to the world soon...



  1. So, is this another study referred to..
    obviously, b/c no goal to release vs. Ketchum/EP goal to publish...?
    Is this referring to Nelson (not recalling name)? The one who had the "human" results and kind of just dropped the ball.. I think a MQ or DT show or something..and Meldrum also involved somehow? there a suit filed somewhere? :)

  2. "millions of dollars were spent on both sides"? Uh, Mike Rugg doesn't have anywhere near that kind of money. I lived right down the road from Mike's museum for seven months. I stopped by often, and chatted with him often, even paying $25 to become a member. The one thing I can state with confidence is that Mike Rugg has no funds for legal battles. He could not afford to restock on some of his staple souvenirs when I was dropping in.

  3. I also live near Mike's museum. If you haven't had a chance, please check it out. This guy can talk your ear off, but he's fascinating.

    Mike mentioned he's working on getting permission from local land owners up in the Santa Cruz mountains to setup habituation sites in some "interesting" areas (areas where screams/howls have been heard, tracks found, suspicious activities, etc...).

    In all the times I've talked to him, he's not mentioned anything about having a legal battle to get his sample back (a tooth), but I didn't ask specifically. He desperately needs funding - he's doing some good work, but is running thin financially.

    Here's a collection of his videos answering a variety of questions:

    He also has an interesting talk that he gave at the Santa Cruz community center on the same page.

  4. Driving from Washington to the Bay Area later this month. I hope to stop by and meet Mr. Rugg. I enjoy his videos. Great story teller. And I plan to make a donation. I hope you folks can make an effort to help him out. He had a heart attack last month. Ken.

  5. Hey Autumnforest,

    I know you feel like you need to comment on basically every blogpost and I know you haven't commented on this yet but when you get to it, I have a suggestion for you. I know you think your opinion carries weight, so please take your act to the Bigfoot Forums. I challenge you to bring your psychic, paranormal d-baggery to a place where you would get your ass handed to you daily. C'mon it will be fun.

  6. @Anon - I thought the BF forums had changed and were under control and the kind of gang bang you describe no more?
    Autumn has been vocal, but about something a guy confesses to and brags about...killing Sasquatches! If she doesn't like it not much you can do, in fact a lot of people wont like it..and nothing you will be able to do about it. They won't even know what BFF is.
    It is one of the consequences of a faceless guy claiming to kill a baby and be OK with it, waiting to be famous for it and posting in forums how cool he is...she isn't the only one who thinks the guy just may be a real jerk.

  7. @Anon, grow up already. From what I've witnessed, AF has taken the time and made the effort to actually KNOW what she's talking about. Add to that she is free to have her own opinion about whatever she likes.

    Calling out someone like that behind an Anon tag is, I reckon, douchebaggery at it's best.

  8. I agree with Anon, the BFF is a place where you better have your arguments extremely well thought out and your logic skills super sharp. I think he means you better bring it there or you will be exposed. It's a challenging forum, not a gang bang. It's fair, you just better bring it.

  9. Now,now children.....if you can't play well together, we'll have to separate ya...
    tisk tisk

  10. "Calling out someone like that behind an Anon tag is, I reckon, douchebaggery at it's best." To all the "non-anonymous" posters here: you think you make yourself more CREDIBLE because you have a name, website or blog attached? Constantly accusing anonymous posters of "hiding" behind anonymity? The internet and all this posting and blogging stuff is rife with hidden crap and "hiders". I mean, does that really even need to be pointed out??? Who knows...I may be AutumnForest writing right now. Just to give another view or stir the pot.... Fasano did it. MM has done it. People misrepresent themselves ALL the time and just because you attach a name, URL, email...whatever, means NOTHING. You may all be one person. It can't ever truly be known in the cyberspace of today's reality. And shit. Really. This is how it goes on here. The outspoken set the mood. It's not even really about Bigfoot anymore. It's about who's got the biggest piece of genitalia. And I know Bigfoot would kick all your asses there. I agree...some of you big "names" on here should try out BF Forums. They will spin you like a top. Most Sincerely, ANONYMOUS.

  11. My world view is just about the polar opposite of that of Autumn Forest. I don't mind intellectual discussion, but I agree with Hominidmomma: Calling someone out behind an @anon tag shows your cowardice.

    Autumn Forest doesn't have to obey the taunts of someone who isn't even brave enough to hide behind a screen name.

  12. I strongly suspect the anon calling Autumn out is Justin, he left the same post on another topic.

    He needs to let it go.If he is vindicated he's gonna face a lot worse especially shooting a juvenile if true.

  13. Ms. Atheist in Fundyland...really? You use this website for your therapy because of your bad childhood and you are telling anonymous posters they are cowards? There is something to say for not vomiting all your shit on people you don't know. Go pay for sessions like other people. Oh wait, we NEED you cuz you're such a great skeptic??? Go back to Fundyland and look for your vapor there. At least Autumn is interesting.

  14. @Atheist in fundyland... "Autumn Forest doesn't have to obey the taunts of someone who isn't even brave enough to hide behind a screen name." Brave enough to hide behind a screen name? Did you do that boo-boo on purpose? If so GOOD ONE.


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