New Footage: Bigfoot in slow motion knocking a giant tree down

Where's the squirrel?

Thanks to Andy for sending us this link.

This video supposedly shows a Bigfoot crouched down next to a giant tree and then knocks it down. We've probably watched this at least 50 times already and still don't see a Bigfoot. There are a few of questions we want to ask the person who filmed this footage:

  • Where was this filmed?
  • Why didn't your dog bark?
  • You have arrows pointing to two figures in the video. Why didn't you zoom in? (Maybe you noticed the creatures in the footage when you got home)
  • It's important to see the context of this event. Where's the rest of the video?
There's not much information about the person who uploaded this video. The YouTube channel "Ark Angel Treasures" says this person is a 57 year old Treasure Hunter. 

Uploaded by arkangeltreasures on Dec 13, 2011
This video i captured is of a Bigfoot that is crouched next to a giant tree and then it knocks it down!!!!!!!! Before the tree falls a squirrel jumps off the tree!...They have a message for us.......


  1. If you want to keep this blog credible, I would quit wasting people's time with this kind of crap.

  2. I am not going to waste my time looking at the video if you did 50x and didn't see anything..

  3. THat's sort of weird. First of all that's not a giant tree. That is a very normal to small tree, and it's probably dead, and a dead tree that tall would be really easy to push over. But hey, if he saw them, then maybe it's true, but this video certainly isn't very exciting. Not sure why he's just sort of meandering with his camera. What was he looking for?

  4. Whenever there is a dog not doing anything, I always wonder. I have a dog and it smells, and warns me about everything in the bush. When you have a dog going crazy around your kids, and you go check and there's nothing, and then u get a call from a neighbor half a mile away telling u there's a bear in their yard, you respect the dog. Sasquatchs are supposed to have a foul odour, and a dog thats not reacting to that is strange.


  5. @Shawn, based on the redwood trees which only grow in a limited distribution from Monterey Bay in CA to southern Oregon in a narrow strip along the coast this was filmed most likely somewhere in Northern CA.

  6. I find it amusing. I must admit. BF video is so popular now that I suspect it'll be like reality TV, spawning more and more encounters. And, was that a lion sound? Hee hee Shawn, keep them coming. I like having a peanut gallery for these videos. Interesting how the guy was holding the camera still in all those huge woods and just standing there, waiting for something to happen just off camera but enough to show the tree falling right in front of him. Hee hee. This is fun! I give it 2 Bigfoot footprints out of 10.

  7. Give it time and I'm sure FB/FB will provide a myriad of very detailed and specific information about what is sure to be a whole village of bigfoots.

  8. I would prefer to see the original unedited version of the video to get some context.
    I don't mind edited or breakdown videos,I just like to see it as it happened first.
    I don't see any Bigfoot and the video appears contrived.
    Why did the camera man stop and happen to catch a falling tree?The dog isn't alarmed,that seems odd as well.

  9. Wait.. someone actually said that this blog is credible ?


  10. You know this is all getting crazy now can Someone Please put up a Video that ran like it was filmed Please ! The special effects are wonderful when making a hollywood movie but all they do for Bigfoot research is make us look like a bunch of clowns. He had one thing right in this video a decent camera so what did he do he ran in slo-mo to make it look faked these guys are all crazy. Please if anyone out there don't do this if you want to be taken seriously !

  11. My video is Real,When you see the truth you will be humbled by this beautiful creature I have the unedited version which is 15 min long and I also have a nest they built on video, There is no special effects when you see the unedited version you will be amazed...!

  12. So why didn't you put that up instead of a video with nothing in it. Stop with the BS if you have a video, show it !

  13. I did put it up but some thief in germany put a false copyright claim on it,and im waiting for that to be cleared up.

  14. I have video of the JFK assassin pulling the trigger. You can see his face and all. Just wait til you all see it! It's amazing! The whole world will know the truth! You all have to wait though until the time is right. I don't know when that will be, but you just wait. You will see.

  15. Yea yea we know and the copywrite will take years in court

  16. Im uploading the full video again,it should be up by tonight,This is not a Hoax,this is for the Believers and non-believers alike,peace.

  17. I don't really understand the need to be a total douche towards someone that is posting something that you don't agree with or that you think is hoaxing, but obviously don't know for sure. Does the internet really coax out the closet fear in people that wish they could be strong and come out being a ninny anonymously so they can get back at being picked on when they were younger or something? It's really weird.

  18. Arkangel, post the full video here if you don't mind, and also let us know at what points in the video there are interesting things to look at, so I don't have to sit through the entire thing.

  19. ARKANGEL will never post the full video because he is full of it !!

  20. Quote
    [Anonymous said...If you want to keep this blog credible, I would quit wasting people's time with this kind of crap.]

    Crap? like this comment???

  21. Quote[Dave said...I don't really understand the need to be a total douche towards someone that is posting something that you don't agree with or that you think is hoaxing, but obviously don't know for sure. Does the internet really coax out the closet fear in people that wish they could be strong and come out being a ninny anonymously so they can get back at being picked on when they were younger or something? It's really weird.]

    Yes, how brave and bold the anonymous facade makes some people.LOL I applaud you Dave.

  22. It's amazing how quickly some people jump on others who trying to share.
    I feel that I need to stick up for ARKANGEL.I believe he is having copyright issues with YouTube,so it shouldn't take long to sort out.I've had the same problems with my own videos and YouTube has rectified the situation very quickly.
    ARKANGEL has proven to me that there is indeed a full unedited video as he described in an earlier comment here.

  23. I just seen a 15 min video put up by him which includes a branch structure, an edited clip of the tree fall and some rocks. Credit were credit is due he uploaded the longer video like he said but its just as bad and inconclusive as his first. How on earth can you claim this proves the existence of bigfoot? It doesnt show anything and the tree structure was barley big enough for your dog to crawl through ,let alone a 7 foot plus bf.

  24. @sasquaination. There's nothing wrong with ppl sharing. But when they intentionally mislead, especially in this field of work. It's not right.

  25. @Irishmale-I hear you load and clear,and I agree with every word.

  26. That was supposed to be 'loud'.Sorry ,I haven't had my morning coffee yet.

  27. I am not Hollywood! this video was not planned and I did not see the Bigfoots when I was recording,I was just blessed to witness this,and share it with the world.The video is not perfect because it wasn't planned,and the bigfoot are so stealth you will never see them!The meek shall inherit the Earth and Bigfoot will humble you!

  28. I've done my Job now do yours, Knowledge is Power and like Einstein said"condemnation before investigation is the Height of ignorance"peace...

  29. I saw this video and the full video at regular speed the first day it was posted on you tube. He's telling the truth about posting it. That much I can say. However, I don't see much in the video. There is a shadow beind the tree, but clearly not enough "evidence" to support it's a Bigfoot......

  30. The fact that the video is edited is strange everyone is talking about the dogs actions or lack of I see alot of reaction in this animal I have a dog that rarely barks she is very friendly but sneaky she knows barking blows her cover and only resorts to it when something is treed and out of reach.
    This dog saw something and bounded forword to investigate was very quite and still then very frightened and notice how the dog damn nears leaves the guy with the camera? looking back like "you coming" I'm no expert but I read enough to know that bigfoot is dangerous to dogs who's dog did you use out there for bait?
    I can see the look in the dogs face like "hurt" knowing it was a set up you took him for a hike to get him eaten. I also can see something on the ground under the brush pushing the tree over

  31. You need to be careful not to become a percieved threat or you will disappear another victim of a rouge bear Don't use animals for bait what's wrong with you anyway? I pray the dog gets home safely I can still sleep if you don't.

  32. My dog only barks when she feels threatened,she doesn't cry wolf.We have been hiking together for years,she is my best friend.The video I captured is of a Bigfoot and for the believers its a blessing to see."faith is the evidence of things unseen"peace.

  33. It sounded like bigfoot himself recorded the video. lol

  34. It is not necessary to be an "expert", and an armchair judge and jury. Geez, give people a chance! State your questions and problems but do not do it with put-downs and rude comments and name-calling, people! Lets be civil.

  35. This is awful. No man would ever stand around taping a fallen tree and his dog happily frolocking in the woods while being growled at by one of natures most mysterious creatrues if it were there. The dogs tail is up and wagging, no attempt to see whats growling at him. A clear hoax. Not only is the maker of the film wrong for doing so, but posting it on this site was just as bad a decision. These sites and those who run them make it difficult for people like me to go out in public and discuss our belief in bigfoot as a species. Shame on both of you.



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