Mike Rugg gives us some examples of what the DNA results may reveal about Bigfoot

Rumor has it that Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA results will be released by December 31, 2011 and according to Adrian Erickson, 2012 will be the year of the Sasquatch.

In this episode of the Bigfoot Discovery Museum Show, Mike Rugg shares with us the five possible scenarios of what a Sasquatch could end up being when the DNA project results are published.


  1. So thats what good Cali buds do to you? Folks there will be no earth shattering DNA evidence and if there is, it wont be accepted by the main stream of media or science. Just like marijuana and the mindless, useless War on Drugs. Bigfoot has been demonized and all credible attempts to change that will be met with ridicule and despair. Good luck Dr Ketchum and Mr Erickson

  2. I agree with the post above. DNA, like all other evidence collecting, is a useless waste of time. A specimen is needed.

  3. I totally disagree. Denisovan was recognized through DNA and all we have is a tooth and pinky bone. Ketchum has more than that in her study. That said, it will be a waste of time if she doesn't know what she's doing or if the samples aren't from a sasquatch.

  4. I love the video. I have a new Bigfoot-world crush! Oh, I could listen to him talk all night. I'd love to just crash on a sofa with a pizza and some beer and chat him up and down all night about theories and possibilities. I can't help it. I'm a geek. My toes curl when men say intelligent things.

  5. I'd sure like to pick his brain over a few cold beers.I'm willing to bet that I would learn a lot from him.

  6. The best that bigfoot DNA evidence can do is point to some "unknown primate." What do you think science/skeptics would do with this? Do you think any of them will jump up and say, "Yes, bigfoot is real." Of course not. DNA like all other evidence that's been collected to date will at best only keep bigfoot firmly in the inconclusice camp.

    The late Dr. Grover Krantz was absolutely correct when he said that a body is needed.

  7. I agree, DNA will not prove to the scientists and general public bigfoot really exists. They had a flesh and bone specimen, supposedly, and we are waiting for DNA results? This is going to be a big let down without really anything being accomplished. We have had results come back before as unknown primate, no? What did that accomplish?

  8. Interesting video. He seems an intelligent man with a very kind disposition. I'd love to meet him.

    I think his assessments are interesting, but the Neanderthal hybridization is a little far fetched for me. I think his misidentification theories are possible, too - feral humans, displaced apes.

    The most likely explanation for bigfoot genetically are two of his theories: A) A known member of the hominid fossil record. Assuming it's something as close as Neanderthal is ridiculous, but Homo Erectus is the craziest and latest I'll give into and even a robust species of Australopithecine could be possible. A. boisei and robustus both have saggital crests that could account for the coned feature. However, their foreheads are much shorter than the sightings of our Bigfoot. The idea that this is a new, undocumented species is the most likely explanation, I believe. It may be homo or it may be a genus transition between Australopithecine and Homo.. who knows? Morphologically, I believe assigning a genus of homo is plausible, but not altogether certain.

    All that said, it's all crap conjecture until that DNA is laid out on the table and even then it's a bit hard to nail it down without a specimen itself to study. And I don't want to see any of them die for science.

    Great video, Shawn. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Great video that illustrates how DNA won't provide simple answers and may just raise more questions-- which is what real inquiry is about. The human mind always wants a pat answer for multiple phenomenon because that's apparently the way we're hard-wired, but the truth is that nothing in nature is simple. Constructs like "laws of nature" or "laws of physics" are human inventions that constantly have to be revised. Like it or not, it's very likely that there's far more than one kind of creature behind generations of reports...

  10. Eh eh eh eh eh ehhhh (sobbing uncontrollably). Someone please get a specimen!

  11. It would help things a lot to sequence Flo.
    I understand DNA could not be extracted from her bones, due to the soft state of the remains. Perhaps in the next 10 years, the methodologies will be improved. I also understand methods are being developed to detect DNA in soil. I wonder what will be found in a major cave sampling effort?

  12. What we need is a Jane Goodall or Dian Fossey. The expeditions seem to just antagonize the BFs, which is not helpful for amicable cohabitation. A long term habitation in the wild with BFs in their own environment, developing trust so that it can be recorded would give us insight into BF behavior.

  13. Mike has some interesting ideas, however I think in the end it will be another hominid relic. Neanderthals went extinct as a species as they were much slower and athletic as us homo sapiens, although I believe there was some interbreeding. Bigfoots survived as they are huge and more athletic than homo sapiens, and had the brains to stay in the forests, and not associate with humans, but instead use the tremendous forest adaptation skills they have.

    I agree with you MamaBear if only the funding was there. This has been done on a small scale with some limited success by Ron Morehead and Alan Berry in the Sierra's during the early to mid 70s, and their recordings are unique, and I think the right group with proper funding could pull this off now.

    Chuck in Ohio

  14. If BF is real, then that information has been suppressed. Why? What if...we are the result of genetic mixing of BF with some other DNA? Hybrid breeding program? Maybe this will prove that MAN is an engineered species? WHO would not want us to KNOW that? The answer to that would reveal the larger cover-up that has gone on for a LONG time and involves more that just BF.


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