The Erickson Project cracking down on leakers, does not want you to know Matilda was pregnant at time of filming

Matilda the sleeping sasquatch was pregnant?

The free ride might be over for Robert Lindsay. The Erickson Project is still in secrecy, but that has never stopped sources familiar with the matter from leaking out information.

For months now, Lindsay has kept his sources from being discovered. This has allowed him to report on certain aspects of the Erickson Project the public shouldn't have known about. The shield of anonymity could weaken as Adrian Erickson has now reportedly undertaking a serious counterespionage operation. "The only way to save my sources is to stop the leaks," Lindsay wrote on his blog Saturday.

According to Lindsay, there will be no more Erickson Project leaks for some time into the future.

"We have been more or less ordered by the EP to stop leaking information about their project. We normally blow this sort of stuff off with a guffaw, a gesture or two, a snarky remark, a gulp of wine and a round of air guitar, but now several of our EP sources are in serious hot water as the EP is undertaking a serious counterespionage operation, and the only way to save my sources is to stop the leaks."

Since this was Lindsay's last post from sources within the Erickson Project, he managed to spill some beans on a few new information. Here's a quick list of tidbits from the article:

  • There are many reasons that make full sequencing a difficult task. The main one is the use of primers. Human primers were initially used for the Bigfoot study, but since Bigfoots are not humans, the team soon ran into a lot of problems with the use of human primers. That is, human primers simply did not cut it for the Bigfoot genome. So the team had to invent their own new primers, and this is an immensely complicated task. Further, sequencing has to be run repeatedly, sometimes even backwards. In a phrase, it’s a great big mess.
  • After a year or so of messing around with all these problems, the team has apparently ironed out all of the kinks. After Wally Hersom gave the go-ahead for the funding for the entire nuclear genome, I estimate that it may have taken ~1 month to get it done. That coincides with Ketchum’s optimistic Facebook release on December 1.
  • Rumored December 31 release date. All of this could also mean a release is coming soon. A December 31 data, tossed around as a rumor, would certainly be within the correct time period if the paper were in fact under embargo.
  • Strange statement by Adrian Erickson recently. In October, Erickson made an odd appearance at a dinner for John Green in British Columbia. There he made the cryptic comment that 2011 would be the “year of the Sasquatch.” Since the year was nearly up when he made this comment, it is possible that he may be privy to a 2011 release data for the paper.
  • Matilda the EP’s sleeping Sasquatch. The widely disseminated photo of Matilda, the sleeping Bigfoot, has generated a lot of controversy. However, we can tell that around the time of that video, and certainly around the time of the other video where she approaches the camera, Matilda become pregnant. After those videos were shot, she had a baby Bigfoot. This information comes to us from an interview with Mary Green on the Internet.



  1. Lindsay talks about reporters embargo and how that might screwup the journal publishing the evidence, well what if Lindsay is the one that blows up the entire project from ever becoming fact.

  2. I feel the only reason Erickson has pulled his website is that he is respecting the guidelines of the the peer review process and the quiet time before publication.

  3. Thank goodness someone felt compelled to "leak" anything.
    The idea that so many people could be aware of, and party to, the death and subsequent analysis of tissue of a Sasquatch shot intentionally, and kept secret for a year for the benefit of the parties is really alarming.
    But, perhaps this wait is soon over and the truth known, doesn't seem like much time left for leaks...or, could there be even more secrets...oh say it ain't so!

  4. To the first anon- you touch on exactly what the project is trying to avoid. If anyone thinks Robert Lyndsay is affiliated with the project in any way the project will likely be destroyed as nobody will take it seriously.

    If the report were issued the morning of December 31 not one person of scientific importance would even consider it or bother to read it if they thought Lindsay had any connection with it.

    Those responsible for what appears to be the most important study of the past 25 years do not want a known hoaxer like Lindsay anywhere near their project.

    Unless and until the federal and state governments do away with all wellfair programs the free ride wont end for Robert Lindsay.

  5. Robert Lindsey is held in high regard by few if any people who know him or have ever met him.

    The man is an ego maniac who likes to see his name in different place and he care little about what he has to do to get attention. If Shawn and all others who maintain similar websites started to ignore him and he were to finally go away then you would have a major accomplishment in the study of Bigfoot.

    Lindsey engaged in eavesdropping to pick up bits of information about the project and then just made things up to fill in the blanks and come up with a story he could use to make it appear he was an insider.

    The photo above is a clear fake. Bigfoot do not sleep out in the open as this picture depicts and the "fur" is made of the same material as those new "feather dusters" and is clearly a costume.

    Bigfoots will not sleep in the open and will sleep in a bed nest or cave den to wear they will not be surprised. If Bigfoot did sleep out in the open like in this picture wouldnt there be many more similar pictures of sleeping Bigfoots, taken by investigators who discover them while sleeping.

    Think about the research and study since the Patterson film- one thing that is certain is that Bigfoot do not sleep in the open like this. Many beds and nests have been discovered and these show that Bigfoot is in the habit of always building a mattress of soft earth, decomposing leaves and brush, dead leaves brush and ferns and then fresh leaves and ferns in a sheltered area. These beds have been found throughout the country.

    No Bigfoot would ever sleep as the picture depicts. While I believe there is a Matilda and she did give birth this picture does not show her and represents a well designed hoax for purposes of protecting the real evidence and study until the time come for its release.

    Look at the photo- is there a better way to protect against people interfering with the study or leaking information than a photo that would make people dismiss it until the study is completed. The study can be completed in a much easier fashion if pictures like this make it so outsiders do not want to interfere.

    At no time was this picture verified or held out to be real by the researcher who took it or by any legitimate participant in the study. This picture will be forgotten when the other information is released.

  6. Perhaps it would be wise for ApeHuman to become familiar with the approach scientists are required to take.

    Please explain how anything was kept secret for the benefit of the parties? Smeja has spoken of the incident, and gone back and forth with Matt Moneymaker- not exactly behavior that lends itself to keeping a secret.

    If almost everyone within BigFoot research knows about it then where is the secret?

    Number 2- you are not a scientist and it is clear you have no idea what a scientist does. In science you do not release anything as fact until it has been tested and verified. So to prove the existence of Bigfoot you think it best science depart from every accepted principle of the last 200 years as to how to go about proving a theory is fact. Those involved are supposed to simply ignore scientific principles and issue statements of speculation instead of doing it the right way because you feel it takes too long?

    Do you comprehend that if the scientists involved were to just talk about the study that 1) It would take much longer to complete further delaying things because of the testing that must be undertaken and done properly 2) the study would be dismissed and those involved would be belittled and thrown out of the scientific community because they departed from commonly accepted scientific principles and as a result all results are deemed untrustworthy.

    You need to get a clue. Not speculating on what has yet to be proven is not keeping a secret. Its alarming scientists are following accepted scientific principles in a very important study??

    In my view you have a real problem with the fact a Bigfoot was shot and you cant get over that. You had better because there will never be any action taken regarding the shooting. Number 1 unless and until science accepts the creature exists and proves there is some relation to humans its an animal no different than a bear. 2) A guy shot a creature considered a legend because he was scared- not your reaction but the reaction all normal people would take in such a situation 3) he had the right to be hunting their and had all his tags so there is no element of poaching. 4) he had tacit approval from the government and science- the government did not do much to study or prove the creatures exist- no laws absent local ordinances were ever passed to stop the shooting of a Sasquatch the reason being it was accepted that a hunter would shoot one eventually to prove they exist and science is not going to accept it without a body.

  7. This whole story smells like bigfoot dung from top to bottom. I'll put money on it that whatever (if anything) is released from this group will continue to keep bigfoot firmly in the inconclusive camp.

  8. @anon above...
    Write me if you want to engage in a personal conversation on these topics, but in the forum I feel it is more appropriate to make a comment regarding the story and leave it be, so others have their say and the thread stays on topic. This isn't a conversational forum. But, the BFF is and if you want to discuss this publicly there that's an option as well.

  9. Shawn, my good fellow. ... Robert Lindsay is NOTHING but a bullshitting dirtball. He is merely trying to draw attention to his worthless lunatic blog. He makes up things out of whole-cloth left and right. Why would you have ever quoted such a worthless piece of garbage as a source ... How could you have any faith in anything he writes ... He's so OBVIOUSLY full of crap ...

  10. Matt

    If this is really you then you really need to stop saying things like you do in the above post. You have a television show that has been extremely successful, you are an educated man and can point to a number of accomplishments that your critics cant take away from you.

    You have achieved success and this breeds contempt from others and you need to accept this and accept a man like you should not mention a guy like Lindsey's name. In your current position your doing this brings him attention- which is what he wants and in a way adds to what little credibility he has. The Founder of the BFRO, and a television personality, should not waste time on a guy like Lindsay and you state the reason why above- his blog shows the type of guy he is and anyone who reads it even those of very little intelligence can see that.

    Every time you mention a communist Bigfoot hunter you are encouraging people to go read his blog.

    I will also say that I have been wondering as well why Shawn seems to place stock in what he says as it does not provide him a benefit and undermines the website.

    If this is you I do have a question- why have you not done a major exploration of the deep caves located within the Cascade mountains in search of evidence?

  11. @fascinated...the site has been inudated by spammers hoaxers for a few days, re: imposter "Bindernagel" posts as well as impersonating several other weel know names and so on.
    This is an anon forum, where anyone can say they are anyone...and if you read those posts, many are overt advertisements that might give a clue as to origin, or disparaging comments toward myself and others not in alignment with their thinking.
    Pretty wild and wooly huh?
    I believe Shawn is motivated to deal with it.
    On the other hand, we all know these are "anonymous posts" unless one goes to great effort to say I am so and so, and most appreciate the anon feature...some abuse it.

  12. all that to say this:

    I do not believe Matt Moneymaker made the above post.

  13. Matt

    Also remember this: I will use a wrestling analogy I think best illustrates the point: The Main eventers do not run with the mid-carders.

    Boiled down you a "main eventer" have nothing to gain fighting with Lindsay- your regarded as being above him. Lindsay on the other hand gains a great deal in the attention the feud gets and leads to more people actually knowing who he is.

    Your playing into his hands and by all the evidence I see your too smart to fall for that and your anger is dictating that.

    You do have a very big mouth- which has led to your success- you have to take the bad with the good and ask yourself this question- is what Lindsey says really a draw back? If the worst that happens to you is Lindsey saying things then your paying an extremely small price for success.

  14. @apehuman

    I see your point- but also see serious issues between Moneymaker and Lindsey. Lindsey does post here and you know its him. Its not a stretch for me to believe Matt is angry and came here to call him out- as he knows everyone will see it.

    The Moneymaker post is really exactly what he would say in response to Lindsay so I just dont know.

    I think your are seeing a situation unfold where from now on people will make sure Moneymaker and Lindsay are not in the same room together.

    I will say there exists few lower forms of life than a communist. I know of no political ideology that led to more deaths, not only intentional killings but also death because of food shortages and resistance to advances in science and medicine. It has been proven that it does not work and many have perished over the course of close to 90 years because of the ideology. Anyone who fails to see that and is proud to hold themself out as subscribing to a such a massive failure of a political ideology is the type where you must examine every single thing they say before accepting it as true and it is probably best to ignore them completely.

    The photo above is clearly a hoax and when you consider the source you have to think this should have been concluded the minute it was released.

  15. Perhaps Matt will answer via his own webpage? Or on BFF, or some forum where there is some assurance the participants actually are who they say they are?

  16. @Apehuman;
    Thanks for always being a great voice of reason. The people "channeling" notables in the field need to move online to the gaming rooms where they can take on characters and be posers. This can't go on forever. At some point, we learn that we've been as fooled as CNN by Biscardi or we begin a helpful discussion about what is to be done if BF is proven. Everyone needs to shift from the "hunter" mode to the "conservancy" one. This is a fun subject to kid around because of the characters in the field, but when it comes to BF, this is a pretty grave situation. If we're talking about a brilliant creature that hid from us for thousands of years and is likely endangered, at some point, we need the kiddies with the guns to leave the field and let the scientists and conservationists move in. Remember The War of the Worlds? Guns were not the way to go. You have to approach a newly found intelligence with gentle hands and respect.

  17. I do not want to preach but would like to say that hatred adds nothing to this world. Most figure this out at some point in life and it is better to do it early rather than later.

    Matt and Robert are both human beings with people who love them and lives that most of us do not know about. We create this image in our minds they are "characters" and all we see defines and makes up who they are and this is not true. I have been critical of certain actions by Matt but was outraged by the comments accusing him of certain behavior. The reason why is that regardless of the truth such things are hurtful to him. Imagine you were at a restaurant and Moneymaker was there with his wife and children- would you say such things then? Say its a guarantee he would not hit you or sue you- would you still take an action you know and is designed to inflict pain on another human being.

    I often think the view above has long played a large role in Sasquatch research. I think there are many who could have proved the creature exists and forged a trust with them. They had the evidence but then looked at the creature and said "why do I want to be the one to upset and destroy this creatures life.

    One thing I firmly believe is that this creature will never allow a human to suffer or be harmed and will step in when people don't know. I believe they have aided injured humans and there trips into various camps is many times not based on curiosity by a sense of duty where they go to spread their scent to ensure cougars and bears refrain from entering.

    Skeptics are right when they say a large ape could not go undetected- a human like creature is different because while evil exists in the world it is not the dominant force. The guenuine good in people has led many in my opinion to stop and say "this creature means no harm and only wants to be left alone, any act to disturb that is just something I can't live with".

    We often hear stories about the rogue Bigfoots who attack but are never killed and the attacks and threatening behavior does stop- why does it stop? My opinion is that other Bigfoot are the ones that put an end to it and do so to prevent anyone from being harmed and to preserve them being a secret.

    Many sightings even seem very convenient- the lone Bigfoot crossing- could this be a means of providing a distraction so the rest of them can leave an area and remain unseen?

  18. Thank you.

    How many people saw the movie "The Edge".

    It was accurate in the fact there are bears that stalk humans and are "man eaters". The same can be said of Cougars- and I have news for you- there are cougars in parts of BC that if you saw them would have you thinking a female lion escaped from a zoo.

    The throwing of rocks and being escorted out of an area could have nothing to do with the Bigfoot not wanting humans in the area or it could only mean this certain times. The Bigfoot could be acting in a way that says "YOU just wait- I know this area and there are dangers you are not aware of and if you dont leave now there is no guarantee I can protect you" "the cougars and bears in this area have a taste for human blood and right now I am not the only one stalking you".

  19. Great post above, but I don't think that sasquatch have any idea that they haven't been "discovered". How could they possibly know that. It's just their nature to be elusive.

  20. I disagree I think they know because they can infer this from instances when humans are close but have no idea they are around. Also by noticing that some people use tents and other campers which provide more security. By looking at the actions of those who look for them vs normal campers I think they can tell they are viewed much differently.

    Also Bigfoot could easily examine human behavior when a bear or cougar is close vs when it is just human and Bigfoot and see a difference.

    They can also infer by conduct researchers may leave things for them or act to attract them using calls- when others do not they likely notice the difference.

    I also wanted to raise something related to my last post that is often ignored regarding the "Memorial Day" or "Sprinting Sasquatch". Fact or Fake supposedly debunked this but ignored all the supporting evidence pointing to it being legitimate.

    The area was across a lake and infested with Rattlesnakes. This shows why the creature would run and makes it highly unlikely that this is a spot someone would engage in a hoax. I dont know anyone would take such a risk and do that in this area- especially when sprinting increases your chance of being bit or falling and possibly really being bitten by many times. It defies logic that area would be chosen to hoax something because it could have easily been done in another area.

    The video shows what looks like a baby near the end and to me this makes much sense. A Sasquatch carries the baby in an area where it is dangerous for it to walk and runs through an area to avoid the potential of being bitten and sprints to avoid the snakes and humans. A Sasquatch familiar with the terrain could sprint much more safely than a human. To me this makes the video very credible and also illustrates my prior point that they are aware of danger areas and will warn people as best they can.

    I believe certain behavior warns humans of other dangers in certain circumstances, is designed to make them leave when close to a den, and is at times playful and a form of amusement to the Sasquatch with a purpose- the people have tobacco or other things the Sasquatch hopes they will drop or abandon when running away.

    I think they are as intelligent as humans and often use us for amusement. I think responses to calls and wood knocking is actually them messing with us and teasing us. One response and nothing more often leads to humans doing many things to get another one which they find funny.

  21. the commercials are all wrong. It's not "messing w/Sasquatch", it's Sasquatch messing w/ us!!!

    I agree that they must be quite cunning to have eluded documentation for so long, in their habitat they are the smarter primate. And I don't think it is much of a stretch to infer a sense of humor on a being of this intellect.

    So if they are curious about us, like to toy w/us etc etc would it not be too much of a stretch to assume they would be equally fascinated by other primates?

    It is a method of a study I have pondered for some time. Set up a primate(s) in a cage (sturdy one) with all the food/water they need, set up the cage in an isolated spot known for sasquatch activity, plaster the area with cameras etc and have all humans depart, take the humans out of the equation, and see if the primate bait draws them in...

    My bet is that sasquatch (if it exists) would find the lure of observing a primate like a chimp/gorilla or even a baboon/monkeys etc irresistible. No sasquatch in N. America (except maybe Florida w/escaped primates) will have ever seen another primate except man and I bet they would find the sight, sounds, and smells of this foreign primate irresistible.

  22. Now is as good a time as any to provide my theory and why I am interested in this.

    I believe that a great deal of knowledge was lost or intentionally destroyed during the "Dark Ages". For example "Flores Man" or the Hobbit was a small man- could shameful actions that led to its demise been "erased"? I think yes and the little information that remained became the legends of fairies and leprechauns.

    I think Sasquatch is a cross between a primative human/Neanderthal and homo sapiens. I believe two two began to breed and early "racism"-likely the result of a shortage of breeding women and the Neanderthals strength and size giving them the edge" caused homo sapiens to begin to attempt to wipe them out. We seemed to out number them and our numbers allowed them to be almost wiped out and as a means of survival they fled and most fled to North America.

    They were able to live in peace with the Natives and shared skills like weaving baskets until many started to appear as homo sapien and there was again issues over breeding age females. The ones that were closer to Neanderthal and maintained more of these characteristics were forced to flea and inbreeding has led to certain changes in appearance as well as evolution. Genrations began to get hairier for more warmth nail and hands more claw like.

    At this point generations of the creature have been taught we as men are their brothers so they should love us and protect us but it has been proven we cannot live together in peace so we must keep our existence a secret.

    I believe that if you were to find a baby BigFoot and raise it as a human there is a good chance it would live as we do and if his hair was short and he was clean shaven, and wearing clothes then you would not doubt it a man.

    I also hate the approach taken by many. For 100's of years people in all parts of the world have seen these Creatures. Lewis and Clarke, Teddy Roosevelt, Daniel Boone, Francisco Pizzarro- all men we "respect" for lack of a better term today by keeping them alive in stories- have seen them. Yet rather than approaching research in a manner that accepts the creatures existence and looks for an explanation as to why they are there and what caused this- we obsessive over getting all people to accept they exist- when the truth is this does not matter.

    I can list 5 different rare animals nobody has ever heard of and two fake ones and then ask people to pick out the fakes. The fact some will say real animals are fake will have to impact on the further study of these creatures or have any impact on anyone who studies them.

    By studying what they are and why they live as they do- instead of just trying to get "proof" people would learn much that makes it much easier to obtain the proof desired- that being what will convince a 54 year old barber in Chicago that the creature exists as almost all scientists now simply say there is not sufficient evidence to say it is real and accept all species of animal have yet to be discovered. Recent discoveries of fish we long thought extinct have really caused science to look at things differently and this new view really has been embraced.

    Look at the Giganto theory- its not true but is the type people would accept and its whole purpose and point is to give citizens something to accept so they do discount its existence.

  23. @SP

    I think you can test your theory much easier than you think.

    set up the cameras around a thick old tree that has an opening about 6 by 8 inches. You would have to do some work on the tree but it you hollow it out more and can set up a small monitor playing primate sound with video of primate. This would likely arouse their curiosity and limit other animals because of the thought involved in looking through the whole that would be about 8 or 9 feet.

    You want to know the key to this every camera the tree and the guy involved before do the work would need to be "smoked" to remove any sent.

    I often though game cams would be more successful this formula is followed. buy some towels and dont wash them but soak them in lake water, then dry by hanging outside and then "smoke" them for two weeks- smoke the camera as well as a long pair of gloves and jumpsuit for covenience and wear these to set up the camera with everything wrapped in towels while traveling to the area. Smoke yourself then put on the jumpsuit and gloves to set it up. It would also be wise to build a small box to house each camera and again smoke the wood and cover it in bark from trees taken in the area. People trek out and set up cams not realizing they work up a sweat which adds even more of their scent to items that have already been saturated with human scent. If you can get rid of almost all the scent I dont think Sasquatch will be able to approach from the rear or easily avoid them.

  24. @Fascinated

    That was really awesome to read!

  25. All good points above, especially about masking the scent- who knows if the DNA paper does come to fruition maybe someone/or the government will try this method out?

    Certainly stands as much of a chance as the current paradigm of tromping through the woods at night hooting and hollering (usually a bunch of dudes anyways and I bet sasquatch associates males with guns because hunting is primarily a male avocation).

    I believe the real observational/contact breakthroughs with this species (if it exists) will take advantage of its curiosity, involve gift exchange, and habitation sites with human females most likely. Again, the current dogma of "hunting" bigfoot w/cameras, guns or chasing it through the woods at night has not, so far, proved very successful.

  26. You people act like bigfoot is real. Can't you see that this whole story is a load of manure? Where's this proof, this evidence? Of course it's not there. It's just a story strung out for months on end so that people can sit back and laugh at all of you bigfoot people who swallow this guff. If you've got proof, you'd show it. You wouldn't keep stringing it along via a dropper, one tidbit here and one tidbit there. That's a clear sign of pulling the wool over people's eyes. What's surprising is that people continue to fall for this and believe it. Don't you realize you're being had?

  27. It was so interesting reading all of the above then an anonymous post with someone screaming at us. I was going to refer the screamer to several web pages where new species have just been identified in the last few months but why bother, it will only fall on deaf ears/eyes.

    What are you doing here? You've obviously not read a thing on this page.This is a Bigfoot site. Take your closed mind and leave please.Go find your dictionary and look up the word theoretical!

    Fascinated great posts. Thanks

  28. I agree with the post immediately above this one. However, I also agree with the poster above that when he or she wrote, "If you've got proof, you'd show it. You wouldn't keep stringing it along via a dropper, one tidbit here and one tidbit there. That's a clear sign of pulling the wool over people's eyes." I have to agree with this in regards to this particular story. The longer it is strung out, the more it seems like a bunch of crap to me.

  29. A poster above wrote, "I was going to refer the screamer to several web pages where new species have just been identified in the last few months but why bother, it will only fall on deaf ears/eyes."

    You have to be considerate to skeptics. After all, a lot of what he pointed out is absolutely true. How many bigfoot hoaxes have been done to have a laugh at others' expense?

    This site is for anyone who wants to put their two cents in about bigfoot, whether they be skeptic, believer, or somewhere in that uncertain middle ground between the two (which is where I put myself).

    "New species have been identified in the last few months." That may be true; however, what are they? Nothing even remotely approaching the size of an 8-10 foot tall 800 lb primate. And how many of those new species were discovered in North America? The answer is zero.

    This is why a bigfoot needs to be captured or killed. A lot of bigfoot related stuff that goes on trying to prove to the world at large that they exist looks for all intents and purposes like a bunch of lunacy to many.

    Capture or Kill! Capture or Kill! Capture or Kill! People can't seem to get it into their heads that a specimen is needed to prove their existence. If you are out trying to prove bigfoot's existence to the world and your methods don't involve a capture or kill (or at least a way to get a hand, arm, or other body part), guess what, you are 100% wasting your time. You will never prove anything to the world unless you have a specimen or part of a specimen.

  30. @Anon
    Capture or Kill? I respectfully disagree. If they truly are hominids than this make them human by default. So Murder or kidnapping? As for the hunter that supposedly killed one, did he have a Sasquatch license? If this Lindsy guys leak is to be believed then the Sasquatch was not threatening the hunter to begin with. If he is not to be believed, then did it really happen at all? according to your theory, Jane Goodall wasted 100% of her time? I am not calling you out, I agree with most of what you say and I am not some liberal tree-hugger, I am as conservative as they come. But I don't think capturing them or killing them is the answer.


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