Tom Biscardi offering $50,000 for Justin Smeja's Bigfoot steak [Sierra Kills]

We can't believe we have to note this:

On Wednesday evening, Richard Stubstad and Robert Lindsay were guests on the Tom Biscardi radio show talking about the Sierra Kills. As reported by Lindsay earlier, Justin Smeja was selling his Bigfoot steak for $10,000. Biscardi thinks Smeja deserves a lot more than what he's currently selling it for and he is offering $50,000 for the steak.

"On the show, Biscardi upped the offer to $50,000, with money to go into an escrow account and money transfer to occur upon proof that the steak is what Smeja says it is," Lindsay wrote on his blog.

We got Justin on the phone and told him about Biscardi's offer. He said that it is a really good offer and he's considering accepting Biscardi's dough in exchange for the 1lb Bigfoot steak he found in the Sierra Buttes location after shooting an adult Bigfoot and it's child.


  1. I wonder who's money Biscardi is planning on giving away this time. Could it be he found another sucker?

  2. Biscardi means "Do Not Trust" in Italian. This isn't real. It's fake. I want my $ back. Steak goes to Ketchum for 6 figures. Results never come out.

  3. lol..guess an award for Anatomy of a Hoax has revved him up

  4. Many states have laws to prevent one from profiting from a crime. So a killer can not write a tell-all, etc. (I think this was born out of the Son of Sam book).

    I personally don't want anyone to profit from such a tragedy, especially if an intentional killing as Justin claims.

    Putting such a price tag on this "sample" perpetuates the craziness of Bigfootery..where hoaxers and those less than ethical can profit.

    Personally, I really think a boycott of the samples/books/movies - whatever comes from an intentional shooting of a Mother and Child - would be appropriate.
    Justin - I understand we are all differnt, I have known lots of hunters, I eat meat...I don't want to judge you too harshly... I would just like to see you grown into a thoughtful and caring conservationist..dedicated to saving wildlife and those habitats. In many ways I feel for you, I am sorry for you as a young man to have this in your heart...but, it may change you in wonderful ways too..after you pass through all the money and fame grubbing...and have some quiet time to reflect and hope? You lay down your guns and pick up photography!(LOL okay Mom talk there!)

    So, Biscardi.. I can see why you do this - all part of the shtick..but seriously, very tacky...depressing actually.

    The rumor is Dec 31 for a Journal mentioned...but I am hoping..and we can move forward with more constructive discussions? LOL doubt I will be here..just want this one part resolved!

  5. (doo doo doodle doo doo doo doo doo) - cue the circus music - Wasn't this what Biscardi offered the Frigidaire BF boys? Well, with pay rates dropping, I guess he's only keeping with that trend. I'm entertained. Keep it coming blood-thirst circus barkers and twitchy fingered hunters. I get the feeling karma is going to give you a big ass biting gift.

  6. Whatever apehuman. Hunters are the best conservationists. Why don't you grow up, grab a gun, and do what has come natural to humans as long as we have been alive. Killing ain't fair but somebody's gotta do it. Who do you think pays for all your tree hugging conservationism? Hunters and fishermen with tags and licenses. Just because you don't like it, doesnt mean it's wrong.

  7. He should try the bigfoot baked chicken. It's lower in calories and cholesterol and MUCH cheaper.

  8. @anon.. I tired to indicate, I am not opposed to hunting, but I guess I did sloppy job of it.
    However, I am opposed to the intentional killing of a Mother and child Sasquatch. Or whatever Justin thought he was killing other than the bear he was tagged for.

    So, in Justin's case, with his own confession, I would prefer to see him limited to a camera.

  9. Anonymous--there's a difference between those who hunt and those who snipe a BF in the back.

  10. So, an idiot, a pedophile and P.T. Barnum walk into a bar...

  11. @anon


    I've known "hunters" like Justin Smeja. I grew up shooting a gun and hunting. When I reached the age of 21, I grew out of it because I realized my father, brother and all their buddies were trigger-happy poachers. Their willingness to kill anything and everything whether it was protected or out-of-season rather scarred me. They also liked to beat the shit out of their hunting dogs (and me).

    I imagine there are some law-abiding hunters out there I haven't met. That's why I am not a vegetarian. I just personally choose not to kill any more animals.

  12. There are lots of ethical hunters that practice great conservation. Sorry to hear about your experiences @AIF. What a horrible example those people showed. People like that are in the very small minority. I have been around the outdoors and hunting/fishing my whole life, and have never wittnessed or experienced any like that.

  13. Just read something interesting on the blog Bigfoot Lunch Club.. Apparently Biscardi and Ketchum were really close friends at one time. What? That, my friends, tells me all I need to know about this whole DNA BS. I believed it was a load of crock before, but this puts the icing on the cake.. Load of bs, all of it. If anyone has ever associated themselves with Biscardi, it makes my hinky meter go off. Oh, and didn't Java Bob donate some evidence to the project?

  14. @AIF - I knew you were a good guy! I like your comments. I hope BFers can deliver on some serious evidence before they lose you!

  15. @Anonymous

    Where did you get your information? Even a skeptic needs to be skeptical about information, especially when it confirms suspicions. Everyone is subject to confirmation bias. Links, please?


    I know there must be ethical hunters.

    I have such mixed feeling because it was thrilling to see bears and mountain lions and bobcats up in the trees with your dogs baying down below. One of our dogs was a champion cat and coon hound and I had a beautiful hound that won the UKC state show one year.

    On the other hand, my family hooked up with a couple of bozos who had no respect at all for wildlife and wild areas. One of them ended up being a politician. He eventually lost an election due to his views on cruelty to animals.

    The ad that played didn't even scratch the surface of what he was capable of. It literally makes me ill when I think about it, but back then it seemed normal. My family is still friends with these bozos, but I avoid them like the plague. I never bring it up because it's not worth the ensuing arguments.

    I bet the politician I knew was/is acquainted with Justin Smeja. It's just a feeling I have and I don't know why. Probably they've never met and it's just my imagination going on vacation.

  16. I think they should both just sit down and BBQ that steak and save us all the drama... Bottle of wine, company fit for each other and a chance to have both STFU while they eat...

  17. If Tom Biscardi is involved in any way, shape, or form with this DNA project, you can immediately put it in the bigfoot dung heap pile. You can only cry wolf (or bigfoot) so many times before you lose all credibility.

  18. Patron: How's the sasquatch today.

    Waiter: Excellent. Tonight we have sasquatch medium rare with bernais sauce and diced carrots. I recommend pairing it with a '58 merlot.


  19. anyone trusting that buffoon is a bigger buffoon

  20. Why is everyone so upset about this? I thought Biscardi was: "The World's Most Respected Authority on the Phenomena known as Bigfoot"!

    At least that's what the guy at the start of his podcast always says.

  21. Actually does anyone listen to his show?

  22. You know.. a lot of forgiveness and support might go Justin's way if he takes his remains and puts them up to the highest bidder, and with the "sell proceeds" create a Trust for BF study and protection.....he could be involved for his entire life - altruistically - a reformed Sasquatch killer!
    Gee Paulides could contribute, and Ketchum...hummmm!
    We all could end up being a good thing....

    1. LOL, you are so full of crap? I suppose you could set it up too? You're always looking for an "IN" for yourself!

      We are all on to you!

      Just another Biscardi type, oh wait a Lawyer, that explains it!

  23. @digby..not me, but then I don't listen to any webcasts... to easy to get the critical part the next day on various blogs!

  24. @ Atheist

    Link to Ketchum/Biscardi article :

  25. This is old news. Bigfoot steaks, hams, burger, etc. has been used for years in the food industry. Doesn't anyone have a t.v who reads this blog. The "Messin with Sasquatch" commercials are about different people who eat jerky made from the flesh from Sasquatch. Often times the squatch gets mad and attacks the people, turns over their golf carts, skips them like rocks across the water...but, the "steak" thing has already happened.

  26. Sure.. He shoots a bigfoot, and the only thing he comes back with is a steak.. Why don't just take the body?

    Sure sounds like a good normal steak to me..

  27. Biscardi is a joke. Anything about Bigfoot with Biscardi's name attached I don't believe. He is has more damage to the authenticity of Bigfoot than all the skeptics have.

  28. Anything new with this story? Justin gonna take the bait?

  29. Bigfoot should be left alone, NOT studied but definitely protected from idiots like Justin. He shot that mother and baby for profit and trophy. yes I heard he has the baby stuffed. What a sick creep. He should be hunted down and shot just like he did to a gentle giant and her baby, known to have dna of human ancestry.

  30. Time for the hunter to be Hunted ...the same way he hunted bigfoot....running for his life...soon

  31. Really . . . A Steak! This puts a whole new spin on bush meat. People in Africa have contracted AIDS and other diseases from eating primate meat. Just running this nonsense degrades the value of your inquire!

  32. 6lb piece of meat actually... Ketchum got 2lbs, there's 4 left~~~If we are too believe.

    I think his story is about 1/2 true?

    There's more to come~~~Like the real location???

  33. They proved the hair was black bear, and no blood could be found on his boots,as justin claimed. Was all a lie!

    1. My guess, this idiot honestly believed he was shooting at big foot and instead he shot a mother black bear with cubs, which is illegal, and then shot one cub,also illegal. Upon approaching the cub body,he realized he had broken the law and had to hide the evidence. That's why he didn't pursue the mother he shot, and covered the babys body, and then left the woods. This guy should lose all hunting privileges for the future because he is clearly a trigger happy idiot.


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