A story about a family of Bigfoots throwing logs and rocks at Firefighters in North Cal.

We've heard many stories of Firefighters and their encounter with Bigfoot in the forest. There was that one story where Native American firefighters witnessed a smoldering sasquatch running from a wildfire. This story is kinda like that, except it is the firefighters who are running away.

While battling a wildfire on a mountain in Northern California, some firefighters got lost and came up to a waterfall. This is where they got the shock of there lives. They described a family of "huge beasts" throwing logs and rocks at them. This event was recollected on a discussion board by a woman who used to work for the USFS.

Read below:


I've known a few people who've seen them, lotso them in one case. I used to work for the USFS inland 20 miles from the No. Cal coast near the Oregon border. Sorry I'm sketchy on the details was decades ago, the FS office was also the fire camp for the summer fire seasons. Many locals worked their summers as firefighters. There was a fire high in the mountains in an area unusual in the thichness of the forest, and also for the amount of water in an otherwise alpine/desert chapperal.

During a fire in one of the trough areas, some folks got caught, and tried to scramble up the creek they were following, but when they came up to a waterfall they were shocked to see huge beasts throwing logs and rocks at them. The guys said that they were making all kinds of sounds, 'yelling or screaming or something, they were really pissed!' They also said that there were different types of them, larger, smaller, hairy, not so hairy, lighter ones darder ones. I remember asking how many of them, but they could only say that they could see some go and others take their place, they said they where so stunned that they just stood there, until the debrs bring thrown at them made them realize that they 'had better get out of there before one they start to comes down after us.

They were so scared that they were able to get out in an area they had previously not thought they could, however after their adventure they had a newfound motivaiton to get back and tell somebody befofe they were taken down by the 'residents' of the fire . . . true, and a very close friend was near the coast in brookings in the coastal hills there about 10 miles inland, when one night when he was opening his gate to take his car to town, he sat in the seat to drive thru the gate and saw the bigfoot walk down a steep bank above the road, down across the road and thru a large puddle, and step off the very steep bank on the other side, all in the direct view of his headlights . . . he didn't close the gate when he left . . .! All true from folks who I've seen tell me, and I'm no expert, however I can see fear, fear of the impossible is a sight to see.

[via: www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/]


  1. Great reads...anybody hear of any good sasquatch encounters from marijuana growers in nor cal...one can understand why they would not want to come forth (the law & ridicule) but these are people who spend lots of time (night & day) in very remote places sasquatch is said to frequent. Makes me think of making a b-grade horror film where growers train sasquatch to guard their secret gardens.

  2. the theory of protectors ( of the paranormal realm.) of the forest against those who would pollute and exploit the forest like some pot farmers do. Its a Spirit being and stay clear of them.


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