Robert Lindsay: The fallout between Dr. Melba Ketchum and the Erickson Project [Bigfoot DNA Study]

"I am sure that Erickson knows that he messed up on this matter.
He's in deep financial straights. The BF project used up a lot of his money,
and now he is broke for whatever reason..."
- Robert Lindasy

The words Robert Lindsay and the Erickson Project has been synonymous with the Bigfoot DNA study. Lindsay was the man who blew the covers off the backdoor negotiations between nearly all the players involved with Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA project.

It's no secret that some of the parties involved wished Lindsay had never exposed the dealings. Lindsay claims to have source(s) who are very close to the matter. How close to the Erickson camp is his source? We don't know, Lindsay will not say. What we do know is that some information being provided by his source is pretty accurate. There are some wild exaggerations and fantastic stories from Lindsay, but that's his style. Some people loath him and fear him, and others love him.

Earlier today, Lindsay posted a comment regarding the shutdown of the Erickson Project's website, Lindsay notes the change of strategy and the chess match between Adrian Erickson and Dr. Melba Ketchum.

Read below by Robert Lindsay:

Hello, Erickson is the one person remaining associated with Ketchum who signed one of her old and fair NDA's. I don't know what Erickson was thinking when they got involved with her. You know, this was supposed to be a big partnership with all involved. They all met in various places, including one place in the US where they may have met with media people and attorneys. Ketchum made an extremely bad showing in front of all of the 3rd parties. It was all about her, and she was going to run the whole show, right from the beginning. Nobody liked her at all, but they were all stuck with her, as she was the only one who would do the DNA work.

The relationship with Erickson fell out when he would not sign her new fancy NDA's. He still will not sign her new fancy NDA's, and she is always trying to get him to sign the new NDA. Her whole game is contingent on everyone signing her fancy new NDA, and he won't sign, so this is holding her up.

The 2 projects are tied together legally. Erickson cannot release his video without her DNA at the same time. She cannot release her DNA without his video at the same time. If she releases DNA without his video, he can sue her. If he releases video without her DNA, she can sue him.

Yes he is burned out on BF at the moment, sure. And he's mad as Hell at Ketchum. Erickson doesn't make any public statements on BF. His wife sort of takes it upon herself to do that, but all of that is without his direction. She has sort of taken over public statements about the project on her own.

It was other people who convinced Erickson to continue the project by taking it Europe. Erickson has some great samples right now, including a possible BF ulnar bone from Harrison Lake, British Colombia (the area where Jacko was captured).

As far as the video goes, I am not allowed to talk about that.

I really doubt that Erickson is going to sit on it and not release. It is quite possible instead that he may try to sell it to Hollywood. He could definitely make a lot of money that way. If I were him, that is what I would do.

But I am quite sure it will be released at some point sooner or later, probably sooner.

Why doesn't he release it right now? Not sure, but I think he can't release it without the DNA.

I am sure that Erickson knows that he messed up on this matter. He's in deep financial straights. The BF project used up a lot of his money, and now he is broke for whatever reason, mostly the lousy economy which means he is not selling his property lots.

He is working 12 hour days, 7 days a week to save his business, and it's really hard to talk to him at all. For anyone to talk to him.

- Robert Lindsay

Another update from Robert Lindsay:

Hello, there was a reason that that website was taken down, but I cannot discuss why it was done.

It has nothing to do with the notion that the video will not be released. The video will DEFINITELY be released at some point, but they need DNA evidence to back up whatever footage they have in the video, otherwise the video is simply not worth that much.

I am sure that Erickson would love to sell his video to Hollywood, but it is not worth that much to Hollywood without DNA to back it up, and he won't sell it for a song. Releasing it now without DNA to back it up would not be very profitable, among other things.

So Erickson would like the video to be released with DNA evidence to back up all of the footage in the footage in the video. Not only will he be creamed without DNA, but the footage is also not worth much money without DNA.

Of the 5 habituation sites, 4 are inactive. However, one is still active.

I cannot discuss whether Erickson is working on any other aspect of his project right now, including a DNA project in Europe. However, Richard Stubstad is currently working very hard on that, trying to get a DNA project started in Europe.

Please understand that Erickson gave Ketchum all of the DNA evidence from the habituation sites that he shot video of. She owns all that DNA. So Erickson no longer has DNA evidence from most of his sites, as they are inactive.

It is very intelligent of Erickson not to release his video at the moment. It would be a very dumb thing for him to do for a lot of reasons.



  1. OK, its official. We hate Ketchum.

  2. Hey - Thanks for the background..of course we wish an alternative study well.

    Sounds like employment for many lawyers though..or perhaps one good mediator?

    Sometimes holding on too tightly risks loosing it all...and that I suppose I am saying to Dr. Ketchum."

  3. last week i read something, i believe on this site, saying that every sample given to ketchum is still the property of whoever gave it to her no matter what, how is this different for ericksons samples?

  4. This could be a cover for prolonging the release date of evidence. I'm not sure why the parties involved would want to do that. It doesn't make sense unless they HAVE no evidence, but at the same time it doesn't make sense if they DO have evidence.

    Erickson is broke and Melba Ketchum would lose whatever remains of her reputation.

    This is confusing as hell.

    -Atheist in FundyLand
    -Bigfoot is (sadly) Probably Bullshit

  5. Good catch, porter108. What the hell is going on?

  6. Here's what David Paulides wrote in regards to the samples:

    Paulides wrote in his response:
    "Dr. Ketchum does give her ownership of the samples. This is 100% false, see the attached. I have placed a photo of the first paragraph of everyone's NDA in the DNA Project. EVERYONE owns their samples, from cradle to grave, this never changes. Dr. Ketchum never claims ownership of the samples and has never asked. After the tests are completed, the supplier of the sample still owns the sample."

  7. Well I think the focus on terms is, wrong?

    Rather than think about owning the actual "sample" - so you get back your little hair? I would be more interested in who "owns" the "rights" to "do" something with the information gained from your "sample."

    It looks to me from this LCD monitor that Dr. Ketchum's palnned changed mid-stream.

    Initially, perhaps just scientific curiosity, a coll $100K in a long term tesing contract, and even perhaps enjoying the passionate BF fan base....

    But somewhere things changed. I recall early, early on Dr. Meldrum's name was just a tiny bit associated. Don't you all?

    And then it subtly (lol) shifted to the Ericksopn Project...and then quite dramatically to Paulides sometime perhaps in the summer of Fall of '09.

    Odd, the timeline I mean. Could it be at first "Meldrum" was the obvious tie in...but that "ole Ape Theory thing"...gave another competing group a chance to cozy up?

    ..and so on.

    So, by sometime in 2010 Dr. Kecthum may have realised that the genus was Homo..and of the players Paulides had shouted "human" for some time? No, not enough reason, unless she just thinks he's a nice/cute Mormon family guy and likes that... or maybe it is the ex-cop background.

    But, something changed and it was noticable to me..

    I suggest her goal changed from just a "paper" to help all the BFers out, but to something more commercial...perhaps a patented test to analyze BF DNA or something..who knows?

    The recent appleate case on patenting genes (recall recent "breast cancer" gene) really leaves the filed of genomic patenting potentially wide-open..

    So, time was clicking away and the field was changing...and the BF community all to eager to sign on, gee they "own" their samples...

    and so

    perhaps Stubstad the only PhD who could see the implications, if so ...good for him.

    But, there is one more thing I am thinking of...and the "Sierra Kills" seems with that (if true -- Gosh who knows) that is coincides with Paulides ever incresing "tightness" with the project. Right down to the "Sas Genome Project" website he is working on...humm

    so, I dunno folks but I smell a fish!

    lol once a guy in a class, trying to impress the Prof, said if it walks and smells like a duck...

    so I could be way off base...

    I haven't watched a serial drama in some time..I just come to these BF blogs...

    sorry I didn't read the NDAS...LOl and all that talk! But, it actually doesn't much matter..the NDA's only work when people voluntarily agree to them. They can always breach..totally legal, just be prepared to pay damages.

    And in this case, the damages might make a very embarassing argument in court!

  8. You know I am re-reading my post..just to see how ridiculus it is..and it is...because the situation is somewhat ridiculus..

    first ..this is Bigfoot we are discussing....a hominid of Mythical portions

    second, only a few thousand people "know" they exist, most of whom are not in any way connected with traditional sciences.

    third, the myth status so great no survial oriented academic will touch it (and we don't know about Corporate of Gov funidng..think Bio-Med Inst. in Tx Slick founded)...

    fourth the myth status of the reward (as prize hunter or discoverer) beyond proportion to reality I think anyway

    fifth, all the players, all need or desire financial gain....

    And a Whole BF public fuming is some ways, b/c of overblown promises, and impatience.

    But also a sense that BigFoot is much Bigger than all these small petty material dreams....
    and belongs to all of us....

    and the idea that perhaps a portion somehow, someway some "interloper" (it won't matter who - they all are to us the "public who loves Sas") will profit in excess of any good that person shall bring to Bigfoots...

    So Dr. Ketchum, why do you and EP and the rest of you knuckleheads just put together a BF trust? All revenues/monies from this ill-gotten (lol - reference to everyone's behavior) go to the study of BF's...

    but of course none of you shall be Board Members or manage the trust...the Peopl will - somehow.

    Each of you write the contrac to recoup your ACTUAL costs.... and let go of the a philathropist..

    and figure out another way to make money off this fantasic effort...and what rises from it....

    I am also guessing perhpas Dr. Meldrums finacial situation is also stressed, whose isn't?

    so I just am getting to a point where perhaps the Myth status is the best, we should pick up our cameras and leave them alone!

    Ont eh other hand..

  9. @apehuman

    Assuming bigfoot is real, your solution makes way too much sense for any actual Homo sapiens to do it.


    -Atheist in FundyLand
    -Bigfoot is (sadly) Probably Bullshit

  10. LOL...well could be Meldrum is hurting for $$ too (he does sell casts!)... but I meant Ketchum

    So, I keep saying I am done with this story....and yet there is something very compelling

    B/c for those of us who do "know" it isn't ridiculous at all, but just truely amazing, beautiful, wonderful rememberance of who we are and where we came from.

  11. Why is anyone taking Robert Lindsay seriously? Has no one read his blog or what? The man is an ultra-racist, and a self-justifying pedophile. Try reading the other 90 percent of his blog that doesn't focus on Bigfoot. John

    1. damn right, he is. and it sucks that he's still active online when he should have been totally banned long ago with no way back.

  12. These two have continually come out with reason after reason why not one shred of the information they supposedly have can come to light. It's time to put up or shut up.

  13. Thanks for the enlightenment on the Erickson Project....I'm a bit less in the dark.
    This shows to me at least,that egos are over taking a gentleman's handshake if you will.
    I understand business is business and agreements need to be in place.
    I also get the feeling that Dr. Ketchum assumes she holds all the cards because she is the only one willing to do the DNA work.
    Maybe she needs to be booted off the island somehow,someway.
    The common denominator of misery appears to be her,although I could be wrong.
    I for one can no longer rely on any of these people,regardless of the situation.I sure won't be buying any of their ill gotten,greedy shite.

  14. Hi-def, full face video of a living moving sasquatch? Yeah, that wouldn't be worth much without a DNA test to back it up. Especially to "Hollywood", a community that prides itself on accuracy and authentication before dropping loads of $ into anything. Either that or it would be one of the most amazing, important and valuable documents ever. Sadly sounds more like b.s. every day.

  15. Meow! Glad to see it isn't just women causing cat fights. Oh, they are just mucking up the whole genome project concept. Had they been truly bound not to speak, no one would even know about the project, but now that they let people know there is one, they have to live up to it in the end with all the secrecy swearing making it look like there's something amazing to hide.

  16. Completely off topic.
    I got out there today for the first time.I went for a drive to look for suitable Bigfoot habitat and had fun.
    Of course I didn't see anything.I did find some interesting tree "structures" and a couple of rock piles.
    I doubt it's BF related but it gets me excited to go out again.
    Had to test the video camera.It was a chilly one today.
    If you see my vids,go easy on me,lol.

  17. "It has nothing to do with the notion that the video will not be released. The video will DEFINITELY be released at some point, but they need DNA evidence to back up whatever footage they have in the video, otherwise the video is simply not worth that much." What a bunch of crap. This is just an excuse to not show this supposedly great bigfoot footage. This whole story is typical bigfoot dung from top to bottom.

  18. I absolutely knew this whole mess was bs. I figured they would come up with some story. Next hoaxer to the front of the line please.. You are up . No evidence required, just some really wild stories and maybe a blobsquatch photo or video would be nice. Oh I see we already have someone stepping forward with a video. Bravo! Let the amazement begin.

  19. Replies
    1. are you insane, fag?! i may not be a goody-goody. but claimin' that all of whoever you want shot is bathist crazy!

    2. dammit! i meant "batshit" and not "bathist".

  20. I cannot see the problem: Ketchum`s paper (if really submitted) will come out sometime in the coming 6 months...and then the documentary can be released at the same time...Erickson and Melba do not have to marry - Erickson just has to wait a little bit more. What does it matter that Melba seems to be a silly cow? it is not her fault that peer reviews take so long - especially on a touchy subject like this...

  21. RL loves it when people get all upset with him he's knows exactly what he is doing, ie: Carving out a nice paycheck from the web and becoming a household name in the blogger community. If you want to get even more trash mouth from him just ignore his site for a week......LOL

    1. that's pretty ironic since he gets all butthurt whenever he's contradicted. if you think ignoring him's easy, you're sadly mistaken. as far as i'm concerned, he should have the ever-lovin' crap beaten outta his sorry ass and so should you if you're one o' his deluded fans..

  22. To the other anonymous person two comments above: that's awfully optimistic of you to assume that submission of a paper will result in publication in 6 months. You have to keep in mind that even perfectly well-executed science on legitimate topics can take several rounds of submission to find editorial support for publication. I have a hunch that this friction is due to realizing that she wasn't qualified to pull this off. Pinning all their hopes on the first (and probably only) person who owned a clunky old sequencer and a set of pipettes willing to get involved was probably a mistake. There are a lot of people out there whose job involves molecular genetics, but very few of them would be capable of pulling this off properly. If there is actually anything to this, I'm sure that the reaction of a lot of editors will be (or has been) "you have some interesting sequences here, but you haven't the faintest idea of how to interpret this." This Erickson fellow went about this backwards; if his other evidence was even remotely convincing, he should have used it to quietly approach some molecular systematists or population geneticist to get involved. If he tried that and failed, don't expect much from the rest of his evidence.

  23. So, when do we throw in the towel and say, "You know what? This is all just a bunch of bullcrap."

    In the first place, the claim that bigfoot is real is outrageous. No one should believe it until "outrageous" proof is given. We don't have that proof. The best proof is still the Patterson-Gimlin film from 44 years ago and it isn't enough.

    Currently, we are being tantalized by proof that is claimed to be irrefutable, but it isn't release, and isn't released...and isn't released. Then Erickson shuts down his site and some homophobic bastard tries to explain why. He blames it on Ketchum, but perhaps he's a misogynistic bastard, too?

    This is looking more and more like a dog and pony show.

    So when do we just give up and say, "OK, bigfoot is not real. There is no real proof. That's it. I am now an "a-bigfootist".

  24. I wish everyone involved with, or in the fringes of, this project would just prove what evidence they have or shut the hell up. You are really making yourselves look like fools. Either put up or shut up!!!!

    1. the ones who should shut the fuck up are Rob Lindsay, all of his fans, stereotypical atheists, and Unknown.


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