Humor: Proof that the U.S. Government is open to the possibility of Bigfoot [VIDEO]

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. (That was a mouth full wasn't it?)

The Oregon BLM, after allegedly receiving a grainy photo from a mysterious source decided to send researchers out to investigate.

After watching the video it's obvious the government has an agenda to promote tourism in the state. But who can blame them for trying right? After all, both Oregon and Washington are well known for the variety of outdoor adventure and...  Bigfoot!

This is where the BLM currently stand on the subject of Bigfoot:
The BLM does not necessarily believe in the existence of Bigfoot. However, if you're looking for proof you might try one of the outstanding BLM recreation sites spread throughout Oregon and Washington.


  1. that's a little disturbing!
    check out the first woman's quick eye shift before she says "no, she doesn't think there are bigfoots."
    that was worth it just to follow the links and see that Oregon BLM has a YouTube page!

  2. That was awesome! Just another reason I adore the State of Oregon.


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