Dr. Jeff Meldrum lecturing at Utah Valley University library today

Bigfoot research expert Dr. Jeff Meldrum will present a lecture on his research and field questions on Friday (today). If you're in the Utah area, drive up to 800 West University Parkway in Orem, Utah and you can find him in the Utah Valley University library from 6 to 8 p.m. He's also doing a book signing too.

From KUER (11/11/11):
SALT LAKE CITY (KUER) - Cryptozoologist Jeff Meldrum catches a lot of flak from his academic colleagues for his field of research. The critics disdain his ongoing study of Sasquatch. But Meldrum, an expert in bipedal locomotion, is convinced by the evidence that Bigfoot exists. He says that discrediting the study of creatures whose existence is unproven countermands the scientific commitment to explore the unknown. Meldrum joins Doug on Friday to talk about Bigfoot and the importance of objective scientific analysis.

Watch Bigfootology's Rhettman Mullis interview with Dr. Jeff Meldrum, an expert on foot morphology and locomotion in primates.


  1. Very nice interview. I like to hear scientists talking about the how instead of if.


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