Finding Bigfoot Matt Moneymaker: Spokane Bigfoot Sighting a Hoax?

The Great One has spoken. Bigfoot expert Matt Moneymaker examines the recent video from Spokane, Washington, which supposedly contains a Bigfoot sighting. What's Matt's take on the video? Is this really Bigfoot or a hoax?

A little background on the Spokane River Bigfoot video. It was probably intended as a joke when first discovered the video. Originally, the video Samantha uploaded only had 5 views. Before we posted it on our blog, we also made sure we to stabilize the footage in a more presentable matter since the original was so shaky (as with any other footage of Bigfoot).

Since we were the first to blog on the video, the media and other blogs decided to pick up on our story. To our surprise, the stabilized version that we uploaded actually went viral and got over 1,270,000 views.

Our Stabilized Version



  1. What a fraud Matt Moneymaker is! He is laughing all the way to the bank. I can't take the continuous abuse the four investigators, writers, and AP expose their viewers to every episode.

  2. I really don’t think they could have found a more unqualified or laughable group of “researchers” to appear on the program Fi9nding Bigfoot. They leap at any piece of information and, regardless of how far fetched, use it to proclaim evidence of bigfoot. Matt walks around making absurd statements of fact: Bigfoot likes to lay on beds in houses rather than the floor, Bigfoot eats deer; Bigfoot use Moose as a foot source; Bigfoot communicates this way or that way. It’s almost as if they have taken Cliff Claven from Cheers and recast hin as a Bigfoot researcher. And as for the reference to “squatch” or “squatchy”;….puleaaaaase.

  3. Keeps getting harder to sell snipe hunts.

  4. I live near the Spokane River and although it is now 2017, several years ago I believe something very strange was making its way up or down the river. It was a very nice evening so I had left a couple windows just partially open to let the cool air in and hear the tranquil sounds of the river. Suddenly, about 11pm I awoke out of a sound sleep to hear a startling loud schreech/scream that seemed not very far away. I got up, shut the windows and told myself (although I had never heard anything like it before in my life) that it was probably just teenagers on the other side of the river (near the Centenial Trail) out late at night messing around/scaring each other. However, it was difficult to go back to sleep. The next morning I walked around the backyard which mostly drops off to about a 30 ft ledge down to the river. The only exception to the drop off is a set of rickety old wood stairs to the far right edge of the property. To the far left side of the property was a large pile of sticks and limbs I had cleaned up from the yard a few days earlier. However, this morning the pile had a huge indentation which made it look more like a very big nest instead of just a large pile of sticks and limbs. To this day, whatever I experienced still haunts me.


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