Humor: Spokane Bigfoot footage gets the Ringside treatment

Samantha13950, you're about to be famous!

You know the footage is about to go viral when you see it on Ringside Report and other blogs. Less than 24 hours later, it's been blogged and re-tweeted hundreds of times. LUKE.BAUMGARTEN from posted the video on his blog 11 hours after we posted it here. Ringside Report is similar to, so don't hesitate to chuckle a little bit when you read it.

Ringside Reports: BIGFOOT CAUGHT ON TAPE: Sasquatch Terrorizes Hikers

"Speaking from a professional standpoint and I am a professional. You don’t get the title “Doctor” from staying home watching skinamax if you know what I’m talking about. But, in my expert opinion, this thing exists. I have tested some hair samples, some reportedly from the Sasquatch (upstairs) and some from the Sasquatch (downstairs) and I can say with certainty that this man-ape is nocturnal and DOES exist. We must continue to quest to find him and these videos, fake or not, create awareness. Watch out Skookum, Manny Barrilow is on the case! The Doctor is Out."

Click here to read the full report.

If you haven't seen the Spokane Bigfoot Footage here it is below:


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