TimberGiantBigfoot's response to hoaxing accusations, Tim Fasano still hates him

TimberGiantBigfoot's response

Grab another bucket of popcorn and watch the show everybody. We have more Bigfoot drama on the way. About 6 months ago, TimberGiantBigfoot posted a video response to all the haters out there. Looks like he has a lot of support in the Bigfoot community, but that's not going to stop the hoaxing accusations. He got tired of it, so he posted this video response.

One commenter questions why he doesn't get close to the subject if he really thinks a Bigfoot is behind that tree he was taping:

"Jim, You have had sighting for what 16 years now. You have never been attacked or threatened. What we have hundreds of in Blobsquatch videos, we don't need anymore of them. What we need is Close Up HD video something you say was right in front of you ! Why not try making it move, try just getting closer. What are you out there for if not to get that viideo, we have had a hundred videos just like yours that just stir the pot. Have a plan, tactics to get what your after."

And TimberGiantBigfoot politely replied:

"I hear you , just remember it's me out there , and I'm human like most of the viewers out there . And it's oh so easy to say what should have happened after the fact . The next time , if there is a next time , things might be different . I don't think I ever seen Jane Goodall advance on a primte , rather , they wait , or act on a gut feeling to appear an non aggressive as possible . My leaving the area may give rise to another encounter at some other time ."

But Tim Fasano ain't having any of this BS; he even went as far as criticizing the dude's hair!

"It seems I am not the only one that is skeptical of the Timbergiantbigfoot. He was getting so much heat he had to do a video on it called "Sticks And Stones." I am glad that others are now seeing his exploits and exaggerations about finding Bigfoot. A Sasquatch is a rare bird. It could take years to find any evidence, not every time you turn your camera on. I don't buy it, and now others don't.

Is it me, or has he changed is appearence to look more butch. He started with a shag, punk look. Now he is sporting the 'military' hair style, and a native American necklace...spirit and guns...good mix."

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  1. TGBF is a delusional attention-seeker with money on the brain.

  2. You just KNEW I had to comment on this one. This is INDEED a lovely BLOBSQUATCH. How do I know? Well, because my name is.....


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