Finding Bigfoot Star Matt Moneymaker Talks About the Swamp Ape Episode

Finding Bigfoot: Bigfoot's Handprint?
The team meets a woman who claims Bigfoot opened up her back door. Amateur video shows a greasy smear mark that she claims is Bigfoot's handprint. Is she right?

Frustrated with the hoaxing accusations, Matt Moneymaker chimes in on the conversation about his new Bigfoot show on Animal Planet, Finding Bigfoot. Here is what he had to say about last night's Swamp Ape episode (comment taken from
As usual, we didn’t hoax anything. There was some creative editing involved which we didn’t know about until last night. It was almost as frustrating for me to watch it as was to be there at the time, resisting all their attempts for us to outright fake everything. The witnesses were legit, and at least the knocks heard at the Bridges property where legit. They did get a good recording of that. They were unprepared to record the other sounds around the property though … and again they didn’t really care because they knew it would simply be easier to insert “simulations” later.

We never told the producers that sasquatches sleep in alligators dens either. They must have heard someone mention that as a possibility and they thought it sounded colorful. The whole notion of it is bogus and stupid. Again, it’s not our call. They are keeping all that kinda stuff secret from us before the show airs.

The producers do not see integrity as their mission. They see entertainment as their mission, and they figure that folks like you people are less than 1% of the audience … so they really don’t care if you feel like you’ve been manipulated and deceived. Moreover, they don’t seem to care if the cast members feel manipulated and deceived either. They figure all we be forgiven if the show gets high ratings. Well, it won’t be.

There’s all sorts of things they did that I don’t like. You folks don’t even know the half of it. If you want to read more I’ll be posting things on the BFRO’s Blue Forum. Cliff will write up his version, but he wasn’t present for some of the action, and vice versa. We were split up into separate teams.

Craig W. will pass along what Cliff posts, and he has my permission to pass along what we say on the Blue Forum.

I gotta say this here: I read some VO lines (transitional explanations) which used the words “overwhelming evidence” at some point … I was reading those out loud the first time I saw the copy, to hear how all the lines sounded to my own ears, before even reading it through quietly the first time. After hearing myself say the “overwhelming evidence” line I stopped and said we can’t use that line because it’s simply not “overwhelming evidence”. I told them to re-record the line with me saying “a collection of evidence”. They recorded it my way and I told them to use that version instead, and not the version of me saying “overwhelming evidence”. But what did they do???

All I can say is that a whole lot of things are going to change before we shoot more episodes with them.



  1. This show is idiotic. The re-creations are ridiculous! Every show is the same....

  2. i do think they are real, and i just watched show were yall were in wash. but come on guys you talk in a normal tone in the woods and none of you can stay off your radios, that beep every time you key the mike.. two of you were in a canoe out on the water talking the whole time in normal convertation tones.. do you not know sound travels across water easyer than land... with your technics i can see why you have been looking for 25 years, and have no more proof than you do!!!

  3. If what you say is true, then why would you risk your reputation by being on this show? They make you all look like a bunch of yahoos with no real experience or organizational skills. How can you make comments like: "this deer was killed by a squatch. They catch deer and disable them by spiral fracturing their front legs."
    Nice theory but don't state it as if it were fact. I have been fascinated with bigfoot for 35 years and would like nothing more than to have it proven to exist but, your show is laughable. Actually spend the night in the woods once in a while and follow up on thermal hits instead of abandoning them to run after a distant coyote howl.
    I hope they are paying you A LOT of money because what you are really being paid for is to have your reputation destroyed.

  4. Love the show bc there isn't another show that has so many true (or any) believers not dismissing what probably is the existence of this creature. I believed that the animal I saw in the Patterson footage was real the first time I saw it over 25 yrs ago. I want this show to do a better job of gathering evidence. Like the episode in Alaska with the laser trip wires... But have no cameras in the quadrant or in areas where the creatures
    seem to be highly Territorial.

  5. What a bunch of CRAP! Everything they see or hear they claim is sqachi! there a squach in these woods! What a load of crap!


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