Rancher's Children Become Target For Bigfoot

Can you imagine how terrifying it would be for bigfoot to be come obsessed with your children? Check out this story from Dixie Cryptid.


  1. As many of you know Jerry Clines's canine companion Bug has come down with Covid -19. Jerry is asking for volunteers to end Bug's suffering and likewise not to spread this insidious disease.
    I have an aquintance who is willing to insert a stick of dynamite in the poor creatures anal cavity as well as duct taping Bug with 30 M-80s around the poor canines head. Of course Jerry is talking about live streaming the event for $100 USD per view.

  2. British trolls piss off losers ,go away and dont come back nobody likes you including your mother ( who wishes she did not know you )and CANNOT believe what losers you turned out to be

    1. ^ Lefty libtard can`t handle the fact there will be at LEAST 4 more GOLDEN YEARS with TRUMP in power - then he`s gonna impose Martial Law and rule forever........suck it through a straw you lil` boy.

  3. Anonymous cant read...PISS OFF BRITISH TROLLS who cares what you say ,go look in the mirror and say I'm ashamed to be a pomey and a world class loser

    1. ^ hey Snotty - learn to spell and punctuate - and NO I`m still here


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