Former Cryptids That Now Exist

Youtuber Bob Gymlan discusses some former cryptids, that are now known animals. Examples of true cryptozoology.


  1. ^THIS !
    I wish i could make every skeptic watch this til they cry uncle ! Eventually like most other known animals that were once considered myths bigfoot too will be confirmed by science (if science doesn't already know) . That will be the day when i bring out the bottle of champagne I have been kept sitting on my bigfoot memorabilia section of my flat. I await that day which i shall savor !


  2. Joe nobody cares about what you think ...,please stop posting useless comments ,this is reserved for readers that can contribute to moving the topic forward, do you get it ?,nobody cares about you and you personal shortcomings ,good luck and good bye

    1. Hi Stewie ! Or is it Bruce ? I'm having a hard time keeping up with all your sock puppet accounts mate ! What would be ideal is for you to sod off and leave this blog. You are a nothing wanker with no life so best be on your way boyo !


  3. Your British and show how stupid you are ,probably a high school dropout and show how ignorant you are and your biggest thrill is being an internet troll.NOT ON THIS SITE ,GO TO A PORN SITE OR SOMEWHERE ELSE ,NOT HERE ! Your an idiot ,make everyone in North America think you British are all the same ,is that how you want us to view your country men??? ,well then PISS OFF LOSER ,and be a WINGING POMEY SOMEWHERE ELSE YOU TOOL

    1. Oh my ! seems like this isolation is really getting under your skin mate ! lighten up bro, the world doesn't revolve around you. Ha, how rich that you are probably the dropout. I have an education from a noted English institution of higher learning sir which i doubt you have anything past primary grade judging by your horrendous comments on here. The only class you've ever had was in school so push off !


  4. So your BRITISH showing off how stupid you and your countrymen really are and know nothing about sasquatch, so tell me loser, what are you even doing on this site? You a fool ,who posts anonymously as a spineless internet troll ,get another hobby because doing the same thing over and over shows your ignorance that's it .stupid pomey,the worst type of pomey ...

    1. Allo mate, wots got your knickers all up in a twist today ? One day your right hand will become super strong with all the wanking you've been doing lately


  5. Piss off you old pomey fool I'm left handed


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