Bigfoot Family In The Trees

From Sstories on youtube comes another bigfoot encounter story. Imagine finding yourself completely surrounded by a bigfoot family.


  1. Yes ! they do live in trees or at least the young ones do . Has anyone seen the video of the juvenile bigfoots swinging from the trees ? absolutely stunning footage ! Top rate stories ! enjoy listening as always ! keep the great top notch evidence coming !


    1. ^ oh you mental spastic - they were shown to be monkeys that had been there for many years...stop trying to fool people with your wishful thinking.....that`s all you have - wishful thinking.

    2. Show me the proof they were monkeys ? you have nothing ! , zero !, nil ! You are just an overly annoying blowhard alpha skeptic trying to ruin all the great evidence out there. Do us a favor luv and go crawl back into your cave , your hibernation isn't over yet


    3. You show any rationality or proof they are "bigfoot" swinging through the trees ya` loon......there are a myriad of examples of apes and the like swinging in trees - there is not one example of "bigfoot" doing so - NOT ONE EXAMPLE.

      Now - gebback to your vinegar soaked fish-cake n` chips.

    4. Deflection as usual from the usual suspects. You wish you had some delicious fish and chips rather than your meth mr Stu Exotic AKA Wanker king !



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