In Search Of: Bigfoot

From 1977, In Search Of: Bigfoot with host Leonard Nimoy. Enjoy.


  1. And this is where Jerry Cline ""ended it"

    1. Hey mate- is your real name woody or does it describe what you get whenever you think of Jerry Cline and Iktomi ? Go find another glory hole to bugger


  2. I loved this show as a kid. The bigfoot episode starts out all creepy, like you're seeing the forest from the perspective of a growling bigfoot. It was scary stuff for a kid. Leonard Nimoy was perfect as the host. They would use electronic noises as the soundtrack and sometimes use that eerie short little flute riff with delay on it between scenes. Creepy stuff.

    It's been over 40 years since the bigfoot episode first aired, and it's still a great episode. Unfortunately, it's been over 40 years and bigfoot has still not been catalogued by science.

    1. was a great show ! luved watching it over and over again


    2. Me name is Woody cuz that's what I get when I think of the unspeakable acts I would like to perpetrate on Bug!, whilst Jerry is submerged in a bathtub of his own waste.


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