History Channel Features Four Corners Bigfoot

Check out this feature by the History Channel on a possible bigfoot encounter in the Four Corners area.

FARMINGTON – Jacob Chavez was fly-fishing in the cool San Juan River during harvest season with crows flying overhead when he heard the sound.

It was a deep, guttural growl and could clearly be heard over the sound of the crows and rapids. A few minutes later, whatever creature made the noise started moving through the brush, upstream and away from him.

Chavez, owner of Majestic Enchantment Fly Fishing in Blanco, New Mexico, never got a clear look at what made the noise, but he shared his story with the History Channel’s “Ancient MonsterQuest” film crew in August. The special explores the theory that Bigfoot has been known throughout the history of the United States through different legends and stories of creatures.

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