This IS How Expedition Bigfoot Does It

Expedition Bigfoot is using some of the latest technology and tactics on their series where they are trying to find evidence of bigfoot.

While skeptics think Bigfoot is fictional, witnesses still come forward to say they've had encounters with the legendary beast. But with all the claims the creature must exist, no one has ever gotten a good enough photo or video to satisfy the naysayers.

Expedition Bigfoot, a TV series currently airing on Travel Channel, hopes to do its best to bring the latest research on the cryptid creature to light.

"For me as a scientist, it captured my attention," said Florida International University primatologist Mireya Mayor, one member of the show's team. "When you have this many modern-day reports, you have to take that seriously. All you need is that one to be true."

For more, click here. 


  1. How Expedition Bigfoot do it? How do they shovel the BS?

    1. This is the gift that just keeps on giving.

    2. Yeah, they do shovel the BS on that show. It's obvious that much of it is scripted.

    3. Sockpuppet mode activated. PS... ask yourself, does it REALLY give you peace of mind?

  2. Just like this site, shoveling out BS, giving credit to hoaxers, and moderators like Iktomi with fake accounts to get more hits, site looks terrible too!

    1. The paranoia’s set in now. PS, tell a family member before you relapse totally.

    2. haha, yet PS is on here 24-7 ! he just can't get enough of the bigfoot experience that he so failed as a researcher . Poor miserable sot !
      as we speak he's dunking his crumpets in tea cussing up a storm
      super creased !


  3. They never show the horses, just all the horse shit.

  4. Yeah, to throw in my two cents, Expedition Bigfoot is made up horseshit from top to bottom, a truck full of made up faked , hoaxed manure. It does a disservice to real bigfoot research.

    1. Do you have no self-respect PS?

      Why don’t you go spend a little time sockpuppeting those “hundreds of comments” on YouTube that back you up? Ha ha ha!!


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