The Wood Ape Documentary Update

From the Crash-Course Cryptozoology channel on youtube comes an update on a bigfoot documentary.


  1. Wood apes prové that the "Aquatic Ape" theory proposed by Loren Coleman is as dumb as him trying to rename Sasquatch NAPES.

  2. Can anyone tell me which conditioner this dude uses on his hair ? Not for me , for my dog. thanks

  3. Mane 'm Tail. Its designed for horses but many women and possibly fellows like Rictor use it. No joke. Its cheap and GRRRREAT!

  4. BORDERLAND BEAT is a blog documenting the exploits and politics of Mexican drug cartels. It is a powerful insight into the lives and death struggles of the many people touched by the drug trade.

  5. The man showed in the pic is high on bath salts.


  6. افضل خدمات التنظيف المميزة والشاملة في شركة إنقاذ
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    شركة إنقاذ تمتلك احدث الاجهزة في مجال التنظيف.
    خدمات شركتنا بأقل الاسعار وتناسب جميع المستويات في المجتمع.
    خدمات التنظيف الشاملة لتنظيف المنازل والفلل والشقق والشركات والبيوت.
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