Strange Disappearances From Yosemite

From Swamp Dweller on youtube comes stories of strange disappearances from Yosemite National Park. Who or what's to blame?


  1. I've said it before and I'll beat it again; it's a group of robot "grannies" who are controlled by the Lemurians. Case in point, the little boy whose granny that had "sparks shooting out of her" (head) as tried to make her "grandson" poop on sticky paper after leading the boy into a secret cave. Always, always through a bucket of water on your granny to make sure she's not an evil robot.

  2. What did Matt Moneymaker say?

  3. People going missing from national parks has been covered up . No one is saying bigfoot is behind it but you never know. What is 100 %true is the missing people have never been found !


  4. Moneymaker said "Yes, Ill sign your contract that makes footers look silly and that there are no bigfoot anywhere in the world".

  5. I wish Knobby would dissapears.

  6. I wish Germer and Knobby would just hook up. The smouldering sexual chemistry they share is literally painful to listen to.

  7. Knobby WAS abducted by aliens but after studying him they laughed so hard about using his DNA they literally threw him back like a small fish.

  8. Since Paulides claims that the Parks Department dosen't keep statistics on missing people in parks how does he come to the ridiculous conclusion that Yosemite has the highest rate of dissapearences in the world?.

    1. Because the people keeping the records about the people who disappear disappeared. When they disappeared the disappearance records of the people who disappear disappeared.

  9. I wish Paulides would dissapear. I'm sick of his stupid interviews that claim "new information" when in reality it's always the same old stories AND stupid answer. "That's the million dollar question".


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