From Bigfoot Case Files on youtube comes another great encounter story, of a shocking run in with a massive bigfoot creature, that would terrify anyone.
Hhmmmm. Let see....410. Everyone was eaten by Dogmen except for the youngster who was ordered to poop on the sticky paper by his robot Granny who is in league with the Lemurians of My. Shasta.
Ho ho ha ha ha guffaw...She was before they turned her and 67 other bf's into hamburger! It's why they called her Patty for crissakes! Get it? Patty? Ha ha.
I will give you a "Canadian necktie" if you persist. I swept up brass from a gun range It's just they paid me enough to charter planes, hire tracking dogs and they gave me a lot of sick days but NO dental. When Mr. Germer joins us down here I will give him swimming lessons in our "lake". Its on the warm side as is usually the case with lakes of fire.
Re your title; Tim Fasano alledly had a "run in" with a Hometown Buffett. The staff were trumatized but not physically attacked. A witness described the science as carnage He later admitted it was worse than anything he experienced in Viet Bam, Somalis or the Balkans. PTSD counsellors will be available..
After hearing testimony that Cohen would "take a bullet for Mr. Trump, Knobby, not to be outdone says he would take a "weiner in the mouth for Wes". Knobby is Germer's longtime "friend".
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Suzie M., a sasquatch enthusiast. Crypto-linguists believe that the species known Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti/Yowie ect speak and understand a complex language, which by all accounts seems to stem from Asia. When one listens to it there is definitely a sense of it being Chinese or Japanese. It is a very odd mix of sounds, clicks and what could be actual words. This is the reason some experts are looking into the Asian dialect theory, some have said it could be a lost dialect, which was carried from Asia by the Bigfoot species that colonised America.
Hello this is the late Grover Krantz I can answer any nd questions since I'm privy to all here in the afterlife. Questions people?
ReplyDeleteHello Mr. Krantz I want to know what bigfoot is?
ReplyDeleteThe Choctaw Indians can help you. Find a sole eater and a medicine person. Ask them.
ReplyDeleteThe only bigfoot expert I know is Knobby.
ReplyDeleteThis is Mr. Krantz. Refer all queries to my former colleague Dr. Lynn Rogers.
ReplyDeleteAll supposed bigfoot sightings are in fact Ursus Americanus on its back feet. That's a black bear Mr. Fasano.
Sir this is Knobby. My friend Mr. Germer saw a lot of monsters....
ReplyDeleteYes. Yes he did Knobby. Due to a genetic anomay in the Germer family they have infrared vision. In other words they can see in total darkness.
ReplyDeleteMr. Krantz I would like to know if dogman exist?
ReplyDeleteDo Dogmen eat people Mr. Krantz?
ReplyDeleteMmm hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteYikes!! How many of the people Paulides writes about have been killed by Dogmen?
ReplyDeleteHhmmmm. Let see....410. Everyone was eaten by Dogmen except for the youngster who was ordered to poop on the sticky paper by his robot Granny who is in league with the Lemurians of My. Shasta.
ReplyDeleteDr. Krantz..Is Patty real?
ReplyDeleteHo ho ha ha ha guffaw...She was before they turned her and 67 other bf's into hamburger! It's why they called her Patty for crissakes! Get it? Patty? Ha ha.
ReplyDelete^ bunch of banana loons with too much time on their hands or perhaps the work of one person-Danny Stu.
ReplyDeleteStuey, get out of the mental hospital ?
You'll be down here with me and Rene soon Joe!
ReplyDeleteThis is Rene Dahinden you got questions I got answers.
ReplyDeleteMr. Dahinden what are bigfoot pitchforks and torches?
ReplyDeleteThere for stabbing little Brattis like you!
ReplyDeleteScat you hansondme Brattis!
ReplyDeleteHello Mr. Dahinden Did you ever see a bigfoot?
ReplyDeleteKihosa will butt zap you punk!
ReplyDeleteKihosa butt zapped Luke Perry.
ReplyDeleteProffesor Krantz is bigfoot interdimensional?
ReplyDeleteFUCK off.
ReplyDeleteYes He's on every continent.
ReplyDeleteWho is the most underrated researcher?I'm asking you both.
ReplyDeleteThis is Mr.Grover. My money's on Fasano. Mr. Dahinden here. I would say Will Jevning then Matt Kemp.
ReplyDeleteThe worst? Again I'm asking you both.
ReplyDeleteRob Lowe and Reo.
ReplyDeleteWhat about Ms. Hansen?
ReplyDeleteThis is Grover. Well I'm not messing with a shapeshifter! Have you seen all the women she morphs into?
ReplyDeleteRene were you paid by the Canadian government?
ReplyDeleteI will give you a "Canadian necktie" if you persist. I swept up brass from a gun range
ReplyDeleteIt's just they paid me enough to charter planes, hire tracking dogs and they gave me a lot of sick days but NO dental. When Mr. Germer joins us down here I will give him swimming lessons in our "lake". Its on the warm side as is usually the case with lakes of fire.
Is Bob Garrett a fraud?
ReplyDeleteOh he'll yes. Look at his radio"mentor".
ReplyDeleteGrover or I should say Dr. Krantz. Who do you think exaggerates their body of evidence?
ReplyDeleteJerry Cline tops the list, Mr. Standing and Germer. Germer is a proven liar and hoaxer.
ReplyDeleteRe your title;
ReplyDeleteTim Fasano alledly had a "run in" with a Hometown Buffett. The staff were trumatized but not physically attacked. A witness described the science as carnage He later admitted it was worse than anything he experienced in Viet Bam, Somalis or the Balkans. PTSD counsellors will be available..
After hearing testimony that Cohen would "take a bullet for Mr. Trump, Knobby, not to be outdone says he would take a "weiner in the mouth for Wes". Knobby is Germer's longtime "friend".