Bigfoot Carrying A Tree Video Breakdown

A video has been making the rounds lately that has some people stumped. Pun intended. Check out this breakdown video by Bigfoot Tony.


  1. Bigfoot Tony is spot on once again !
    Three cheers for us Brits figuring things out in a very logical way !


    1. Yes, good thing you watched his video or you would have claimed it was a Bigfoot taking down those trees just as you claimed that pig was a Bigfoot. You would probably be wise to keep your mouth shut on such matters rather than to open it and reveal how stupid you really are.

    2. don't be such a prized prat running off your gob about subjects you know nil about .Now be a good lad and go bugger the Kardashian evidence site. Begone !


  2. Bigfoot Phony always has a way of finding squatch in well known hoax videos. What hoaxer is Bigfoot Phony enabling this week?

  3. Hahahahahahaha - Bigfoot Tony exposes Khat Hansen for the fake she is. I hope she has a few followers reading this - check it out, she's a con.


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