This man is obviously smart and wise, it matters not that he can't tell a mannequin from a living human being, his superb vocabulary makes up for the fact that he is mentally challenged. Now if this bloke were to stop by the knot hole in the men's room stall well,'Gug',so good, I would just shower him with admiration. Bravo sir, don't let these trolls deter you from your delusions, nay. Carry on with every ounce of dignity you can muster. That rogue Dyer and his stuffed carcass fooled everyone. You sir are a bigfoot legend and treasure, share your wisdom and stories with us. Joe
There’s a little pattern here of PS coming across so bitter at researchers getting a little limelight. Anyone would think he’s a little teeny weeny but jealous. Maybe a failed researcher or summin, ya know?
Yeah there's a pattern alright....of "everyone is Stu" always having to respond to any negative posts of Bigfoot and believe me it needs defending because it's all based on lies, hoaxes and imagination.
There’s a little pattern here of PS coming across so defensive at others who have been here almost ten years, seeing the same posts, pointing out the very obvious. Anyone would think he’s a little teeny weeny bit guilty. Maybe a failed blogger or summin, ya know?
Yeah..... Bigfoot follows people home, hangs out by their window, walks in front of cars and works at the local KFC but nobody has ever got proof that they exist. Makes perfect sense!
Don’t worry about it man! “Bigfoot doesn’t exist”... Right? Why spend your days having to drum it home to strangers? You could swear you’re pathologically scarred, failed at your own blog and exposed yourself online on a public forum or something? I’m not sure you’d be allowed to look after your nieces if it got out you’ve threatened children online, but hey!
I'm always dumbfounded to explain why someone so adamant that bigfoot does not exist can devote so much of their time to one blog. I guess they need a break from their donkey kong marathon cheers
AnonymousTuesday, July 30, 2013 at 12:35:00 AM PDT I'm an instigator, and a damn good one at that, it's a key factor in digging for the truth.
... Oh what a hero, eh? In short, he’s a lonely old tool on welfare, who’s psychological make up falls under the Dark Tedrad. He’s pretty much a psychopath. There was talk before of Danny Campbell having a bike accident and was hooked on prescription drugs and on welfare, which explains the time he has on his hands. He’s “great at pretending to be different people with different writing styles” remember... I haven’t bothered to look since my last boredom spell, but I’ll bet around to finding that exact comment soon enough.
Ahhh, it is starting to make more sense that stuey is actually Danny Campbell , failed researcher who is amazingly bitter and this is how he lashed out at the rest of the bigfoot community for his own shortcomings cheers
You morons spend hours upon hours everyday trying to figure out who I am. Here's an idea: spend less time worrying about me and more time trying to find proof of bigfoot. After all, one of you declared that there have been bigfoot sightings only 12 miles from his home. Get off your fat arse and go investigate!
Some of us here already know who you are, PS, and if you didn’t already get the memo... Proof of Bigfoot’s in the evidence that’s now proven to be unhoaxable. And since you are here worrying about getting even every day, why don’t you spend more time debunking that evidence rather than harassing people behind sockpuppets in an effort to seem less warped?
You sound hangry Stuey, you should have a snickers mate . Or maybe you are the one who needs to get off his fat arse Daniel Campbell. Just wait til santa fills your stockings with coal ! cheers
I would need a calculator to count the number of times that you've definitively "proven" that I'm different people. At various times, I've been Haints, Dmaker, Curious, Barret Sanders, someone from Leeds, and at least three dozen other people. Maybe you should take a lesson from that history of failure and reevaluate your opinion of bigfoot?
And I just love that sentence you wrote about how bigfoot has been proven because the evidence has been proven. It's been proven because it's been proven. Wonderful!
Sometimes I wonder if you're purposely pretending to be incompetent to troll me. If so, you're doing a great job of it! Ha ha ha!
Though not dMaKeR (who I can prove posts anonymous comments as well)... you’ve most certainly been Haints, Curious, Barret Sanders, someone from Leeds, not to mention the Rodfather, Mike Honcho, Danny Campbell, Fake AC Collins... the list goes on and on and on. It’s not really difficult to prove when you already have it in black & white, old boy.
If the evidence for something with the same anatomy as Bigfoot is proven to be authentic... Then you don’t classify as species, but you have to be a blithering pathological denialist to not admit what that means given the sheer weight of anthropological data and eyewitness testimony.
And there’s no doubt who’s the troll around here PS...
AnonymousTuesday, July 30, 2013 at 12:51:00 AM PDT Anon12:26, you liked it when the Rodfather spoke in the third and was picking out flaws in the JREF buttpluggers arguments about PGF along with Joe. Now he picks out something in the bleever side and stopped using the third person phrasing. Honestly, if I didn't post 95% from my iPhone then I'd do it more. It's difficult to be on the go and phrase stuff that way.
That's right, my evidence is best. Ask FB/FB, they wrote a whole book on it and made my video #1 in the bigfoot world. They verified my evidence with Musky Allen so you know it's true. Bigfoot exists and for 10 bucks you can see it
Okay well you got me. Not including your comments (which themselves constitute about 75% of all the comments in the history of the blog), I'm responsible for 90% of the remainder and I've been radically changing my writing style regularly to try to fool you. But you're too smart for that!
Now I know how you can be stupid enough to believe in bigfoot! Ha ha ha!
Who’s talking percentages, PS? Let’s not bother with percentages when people can very, very simply go back to 2013 and see all your comments there in plain view;
Say... Why don’t you tell everyone how Bigfoot is extraterrestrial?
AnonymousMonday, August 5, 2013 at 11:25:00 AM PDT If bigfoot does exist, it's an extra terrestrial form that will never be found, trapped, killed, or otherwise documented.
If I’m stupid enough to believe in Bigfoot, where does that leave alien-Bigfoot enthusiasts on the loony spectrum?
Actually Einstein yes, but as I pointed out you're too retarded to know that, everyone look at Iktomi the gibbering retard, treat him special. He's mentally challenged
Three claps for another of Stuey's sockpuppets ! The winter todger strikes again .please be a kind luv and clean up after you've done having fun cheers
Oh God how I love this. For the record and I could care less if you believe it or not, I have only posted once today at 12:45 above. I am greatly entertained by this "Stuey" who obviously irritates the devil out of you but of course I will once again be accused of being "he". I WAS the one who has posted in the past that there are at LEAST three different posters who you all refer to as "Stu" and I stand on that. This is what makes it so fun because like your argument for Bigfoot you have it so wrong.
Say, "Joe's" comments do seem very similar to lktomi's - hummmmmmm.
PS... so I’ll ask you one last time. How many of your sockpuppets have you been dull enough to spout that crap under?
What a sad little person you are, that you cling to sockpuppeting so dearly, your “precioooooouuuuuuusssssssss”... that you don’t care how many times I can embarrass you with exposing you.
Anyone would think this is the only pleasure left in your life, welfare boy.
Hey Chick, the type of stuff you come across by reading old comment sections is pretty mad. Check this out...
Daniel CampbellThursday, February 19, 2015 at 3:18:00 AM PST Joe, do you dress up in women's clothes and role play in the mirror at home too? You sure have taken this role playing stuff to the next level. I banter here, you posture the end you have mud all over your face and a handful of people have seen my testes. You're a complete buffoon.
... Now where else have we seen role playing comments? Hmmmmm... ???????
Oh my thats funny! You find the best old comments I must say. He is the one that shows his junk and yet considers somebody else the buffoon. Classic PSS mentality if you ask me. And PSS, It should read teste- singular. Because unfortunately I am one of those handful of people to witness him standing up on his bathroom counter with his bits pulled out of his pant leg, posing for the camera in the mirror.
You can't make this stuff up, but it's so entertaining. :)
The noose is tightening on Daniel Campbell as our prime suspect for Stuey ! He must be feeling the heat today and will relieve it by smoking his meth as usual. Ahoy there mr Piggot, time to walk the plank matey cheers
Yes... (eyes roll) Something like the 50th “coincidence” and of course, you’re not Daniel. Because Daniel was another sockpuppet, you utter nut job, ha ha ha ha!!!
It must make you rage to know I’ve destroyed your sockpuppeting. What type of patoot spends his days driving people away, only to see his own precccciiiiiioooooouuuusssss sockpuppeting game exposed because there’s nobody left here? Ha ha ha ha!!!
Sure you are, I can't believe you retards don't know me, listen Iktomi , just because you say it doesn't make it so, you can't stop acting like a petulant child can you? Go back and read all those old posts until you can tell me who I am. Come on retard, it's right in front of your face. Chick no one has time for a liar so suck my ass
We here at the blog have received a message from Dan's, I mean PSS's left ball. We were told it is urgent and have agreed to pass it on to him. Unfortunately he only posts anonymous so I am forced to Leave it here on the open forum. Here is your message Daniel Campbell, Mike Honcho, F-AC COLLINS, Pedo Stu Saville or whoever you are:
Hello, it's me I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet To go over everything They say that time's supposed to heal ya But I ain't done much healing
Hello from the other side I must have called a thousand times!!
They’ve run out of arguments regarding bigfoot, so they’ve decided to form a little sewing circle to gossip and kvetch about each other and people who used to post here years ago. That’s what pathetic losers with meaningless lives do.
Hahahahaha - this is funny stuff! Okay, this will now be my THIRD post (12:45 & 3:53 being the previous) and if Mr. "everyone is Stu" is going to research old posts then I will save him the bother as to my knowledge I was the only one making the claim that "Stu" has to be at least three different people. I have't been posting that long so he won't have to go very far back.
I don't know of this Daniel Campbell and F-AC Collins and perhaps they were and are the same person but I DO know there has to be at least two other people here besides me that Mr. "everyone is Stu" accuses of being "Stu". If he can't even figure that out than what faith can you put into his Bigfoot arguments.
Keep it coming Mr "Stuey" you make me laugh. Oops - that's right, I AM Stu talking to myself - LOL.
Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling From glen to glen, and down the mountain side. The summer's gone, and all the roses falling, It's you, it's you must go and I must bide. But come ye back when summer's in the meadow, Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow, It's I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow, Oh, Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so! But when ye come, and all the flowers are dying, If I am dead, as dead I well may be, You'll come and find the place where I am lying, And kneel and say an Ave there for me. And I shall hear, though soft you tread above me, And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be, For you will bend and tell me that you love me, And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me!
Remember all Danny Stus obsessive talk about eating turds and drinking pee? Now he "gugs" who knows what. Bodily excretions are a sexual thing for him.
Hahahahaha - still going at it down here? Your confusing me now - is this "Stu" now "Danny" or is "Danny" now "Stu" or is everyone who writes something perceived to be negative by Mr. "everyone is Stu" still considered to be the same person? This really has me "stewed". Well, I guess I'll go "Stu" up things elsewhere.
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Suzie M., a sasquatch enthusiast. Crypto-linguists believe that the species known Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti/Yowie ect speak and understand a complex language, which by all accounts seems to stem from Asia. When one listens to it there is definitely a sense of it being Chinese or Japanese. It is a very odd mix of sounds, clicks and what could be actual words. This is the reason some experts are looking into the Asian dialect theory, some have said it could be a lost dialect, which was carried from Asia by the Bigfoot species that colonised America.
This man is obviously smart and wise, it matters not that he can't tell a mannequin from a living human being, his superb vocabulary makes up for the fact that he is mentally challenged. Now if this bloke were to stop by the knot hole in the men's room stall well,'Gug',so good, I would just shower him with admiration. Bravo sir, don't let these trolls deter you from your delusions, nay. Carry on with every ounce of dignity you can muster. That rogue Dyer and his stuffed carcass fooled everyone. You sir are a bigfoot legend and treasure, share your wisdom and stories with us.
^AKA, PSS,quite the pisser. You'll go to bed dreaming about Noel with visions of sugar plum blokes dancing in your head. Such a wank puffin !
Thanks I guess for waking up at 5:30 AM to share that “insight.”
DeleteMy pleasure mate , i always set my alarm clock to 5:30 so i can start commenting on this blog before pss shows up to spew his bollocks !
There’s a little pattern here of PS coming across so bitter at researchers getting a little limelight. Anyone would think he’s a little teeny weeny but jealous. Maybe a failed researcher or summin, ya know?
DeleteYeah there's a pattern alright....of "everyone is Stu" always having to respond to any negative posts of Bigfoot and believe me it needs defending because it's all based on lies, hoaxes and imagination.
DeleteAnd he's just the dope to do it. Hahahahahahaha!
There’s a little pattern here of PS coming across so defensive at others who have been here almost ten years, seeing the same posts, pointing out the very obvious. Anyone would think he’s a little teeny weeny bit guilty. Maybe a failed blogger or summin, ya know?
Delete^ Nancy Drew on the case!
Delete^ the hardy boy trying to get into Nancy's knickers
Yeah, Leave Noel alone you bum
DeleteDo I detect a one ball wonder? Danny Stu, is that you? Keep gugging in the loo PSS, maybe you can get off welfare if you really get serious.
DeleteConsider the source ^
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell? Everyone now has Bigfoots within walking distance of their house these days?
ReplyDeleteYeah..... Bigfoot follows people home, hangs out by their window, walks in front of cars and works at the local KFC but nobody has ever got proof that they exist. Makes perfect sense!
DeleteDon’t worry about it man! “Bigfoot doesn’t exist”... Right? Why spend your days having to drum it home to strangers? You could swear you’re pathologically scarred, failed at your own blog and exposed yourself online on a public forum or something? I’m not sure you’d be allowed to look after your nieces if it got out you’ve threatened children online, but hey!
“Bigfoot doesn’t exist!”... Chill!!!
I'm always dumbfounded to explain why someone so adamant that bigfoot does not exist can devote so much of their time to one blog. I guess they need a break from their donkey kong marathon
It’s bevause he’s...
DeleteAnonymousTuesday, July 30, 2013 at 12:35:00 AM PDT
I'm an instigator, and a damn good one at that, it's a key factor in digging for the truth.
... Oh what a hero, eh? In short, he’s a lonely old tool on welfare, who’s psychological make up falls under the Dark Tedrad. He’s pretty much a psychopath. There was talk before of Danny Campbell having a bike accident and was hooked on prescription drugs and on welfare, which explains the time he has on his hands. He’s “great at pretending to be different people with different writing styles” remember... I haven’t bothered to look since my last boredom spell, but I’ll bet around to finding that exact comment soon enough.
Ahhh, it is starting to make more sense that stuey is actually Danny Campbell , failed researcher who is amazingly bitter and this is how he lashed out at the rest of the bigfoot community for his own shortcomings
You morons spend hours upon hours everyday trying to figure out who I am. Here's an idea: spend less time worrying about me and more time trying to find proof of bigfoot. After all, one of you declared that there have been bigfoot sightings only 12 miles from his home. Get off your fat arse and go investigate!
DeleteHa ha ha!
Some of us here already know who you are, PS, and if you didn’t already get the memo... Proof of Bigfoot’s in the evidence that’s now proven to be unhoaxable. And since you are here worrying about getting even every day, why don’t you spend more time debunking that evidence rather than harassing people behind sockpuppets in an effort to seem less warped?
DeleteMaybe you could start another blog again?
You sound hangry Stuey, you should have a snickers mate . Or maybe you are the one who needs to get off his fat arse Daniel Campbell. Just wait til santa fills your stockings with coal !
I would need a calculator to count the number of times that you've definitively "proven" that I'm different people. At various times, I've been Haints, Dmaker, Curious, Barret Sanders, someone from Leeds, and at least three dozen other people. Maybe you should take a lesson from that history of failure and reevaluate your opinion of bigfoot?
DeleteAnd I just love that sentence you wrote about how bigfoot has been proven because the evidence has been proven. It's been proven because it's been proven. Wonderful!
Sometimes I wonder if you're purposely pretending to be incompetent to troll me. If so, you're doing a great job of it! Ha ha ha!
Yeah, I have a bigfoot body and Daisy is in the box you stupid Stu
DeleteThough not dMaKeR (who I can prove posts anonymous comments as well)... you’ve most certainly been Haints, Curious, Barret Sanders, someone from Leeds, not to mention the Rodfather, Mike Honcho, Danny Campbell, Fake AC Collins... the list goes on and on and on. It’s not really difficult to prove when you already have it in black & white, old boy.
DeleteIf the evidence for something with the same anatomy as Bigfoot is proven to be authentic... Then you don’t classify as species, but you have to be a blithering pathological denialist to not admit what that means given the sheer weight of anthropological data and eyewitness testimony.
And there’s no doubt who’s the troll around here PS...
AnonymousTuesday, July 30, 2013 at 12:51:00 AM PDT
Anon12:26, you liked it when the Rodfather spoke in the third and was picking out flaws in the JREF buttpluggers arguments about PGF along with Joe.
Now he picks out something in the bleever side and stopped using the third person phrasing.
Honestly, if I didn't post 95% from my iPhone then I'd do it more. It's difficult to be on the go and phrase stuff that way.
That's right, my evidence is best. Ask FB/FB, they wrote a whole book on it and made my video #1 in the bigfoot world. They verified my evidence with Musky Allen so you know it's true. Bigfoot exists and for 10 bucks you can see it
Delete(Slow claps)
DeleteOkay well you got me. Not including your comments (which themselves constitute about 75% of all the comments in the history of the blog), I'm responsible for 90% of the remainder and I've been radically changing my writing style regularly to try to fool you. But you're too smart for that!
DeleteNow I know how you can be stupid enough to believe in bigfoot! Ha ha ha!
Stey has a multiple personality disorder and each one is as rotten as he is in real life.
DeleteWhat a toad
Who’s talking percentages, PS? Let’s not bother with percentages when people can very, very simply go back to 2013 and see all your comments there in plain view;
Say... Why don’t you tell everyone how Bigfoot is extraterrestrial?
AnonymousMonday, August 5, 2013 at 11:25:00 AM PDT
If bigfoot does exist, it's an extra terrestrial form that will never be found, trapped, killed, or otherwise documented.
If I’m stupid enough to believe in Bigfoot, where does that leave alien-Bigfoot enthusiasts on the loony spectrum?
You're obviously retarded ^
DeleteLet me guess, that was “anyone out of at least three other people trolling me”... right?
DeleteI’ll leave you with a little quiz. How many of your sockpuppets have you been dull enough to spout that crap under?
I’ll check back in tomorrow to see if you remember.
: p
Nighty, night... Einstein.
Actually Einstein yes, but as I pointed out you're too retarded to know that, everyone look at Iktomi the gibbering retard, treat him special. He's mentally challenged
Delete(Slow claps) because I'm retarded and must concentrate just to clap
DeleteThree claps for another of Stuey's sockpuppets ! The winter todger strikes again .please be a kind luv and clean up after you've done having fun
Lol!! Those sock puppets are sticky... in a bad bad way. Please use plenty of bleach.
DeleteOh God how I love this. For the record and I could care less if you believe it or not, I have only posted once today at 12:45 above. I am greatly entertained by this "Stuey" who obviously irritates the devil out of you but of course I will once again be accused of being "he". I WAS the one who has posted in the past that there are at LEAST three different posters who you all refer to as "Stu" and I stand on that. This is what makes it so fun because like your argument for Bigfoot you have it so wrong.
DeleteSay, "Joe's" comments do seem very similar to lktomi's - hummmmmmm.
DeletePS... so I’ll ask you one last time. How many of your sockpuppets have you been dull enough to spout that crap under?
DeleteWhat a sad little person you are, that you cling to sockpuppeting so dearly, your “precioooooouuuuuuusssssssss”... that you don’t care how many times I can embarrass you with exposing you.
Anyone would think this is the only pleasure left in your life, welfare boy.
Obviously retarded, wilfully ignorant ^
DeleteSo I’ll take that as you can’t remember?
DeleteHe he Heeeeeeeee!!! :)
DeleteHey Chick, the type of stuff you come across by reading old comment sections is pretty mad. Check this out...
DeleteDaniel CampbellThursday, February 19, 2015 at 3:18:00 AM PST
Joe, do you dress up in women's clothes and role play in the mirror at home too?
You sure have taken this role playing stuff to the next level.
I banter here, you posture the end you have mud all over your face and a handful of people have seen my testes.
You're a complete buffoon.
... Now where else have we seen role playing comments? Hmmmmm... ???????
Oh my thats funny! You find the best old comments I must say. He is the one that shows his junk and yet considers somebody else the buffoon. Classic PSS mentality if you ask me. And PSS, It should read teste- singular. Because unfortunately I am one of those handful of people to witness him standing up on his bathroom counter with his bits pulled out of his pant leg, posing for the camera in the mirror.
DeleteYou can't make this stuff up, but it's so entertaining. :)
The noose is tightening on Daniel Campbell as our prime suspect for Stuey !
DeleteHe must be feeling the heat today and will relieve it by smoking his meth as usual.
Ahoy there mr Piggot, time to walk the plank matey
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!
DeleteWait till I find his “there’s at least three other trolls here” jig that he likes to pull as both Stuey and F-AC Collins.
I know I’m sad for going back on old posts but I can assure you I only do it when I’m super bored.
I'm not Daniel but then again wrong seems to be your career path Mr. Retard. But you keep guessing with your obvious sock puppet there, poor dumbtard
DeleteYes... (eyes roll) Something like the 50th “coincidence” and of course, you’re not Daniel. Because Daniel was another sockpuppet, you utter nut job, ha ha ha ha!!!
DeleteIt must make you rage to know I’ve destroyed your sockpuppeting. What type of patoot spends his days driving people away, only to see his own precccciiiiiioooooouuuusssss sockpuppeting game exposed because there’s nobody left here? Ha ha ha ha!!!
Hell, nothing wrong with perusing through the old posts Iktomi, some real gold hidden in there. You're catching him up in his own posts! Beautiful!
DeleteSure you are, I can't believe you retards don't know me, listen Iktomi , just because you say it doesn't make it so, you can't stop acting like a petulant child can you? Go back and read all those old posts until you can tell me who I am. Come on retard, it's right in front of your face. Chick no one has time for a liar so suck my ass
DeleteSure thing Danny! And don’t worry... I’m reading them all right, ha ha ha ha!!!
DeleteLike I said retard, you'll never guess, better pull your head out of your ass and start reading ha ha ha
DeleteHaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa!!!! :)
DeleteWe here at the blog have received a message from Dan's, I mean PSS's left ball. We were told it is urgent and have agreed to pass it on to him. Unfortunately he only posts anonymous so I am forced to Leave it here on the open forum. Here is your message Daniel Campbell, Mike Honcho, F-AC COLLINS, Pedo Stu Saville or whoever you are:
DeleteHello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing
Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times!!
Sincerely your right nut
Does anyone know what these people are talking about?
DeleteThey’ve run out of arguments regarding bigfoot, so they’ve decided to form a little sewing circle to gossip and kvetch about each other and people who used to post here years ago. That’s what pathetic losers with meaningless lives do.
DeleteI hope that helps to answer your question 4:24.
Hahahahaha - this is funny stuff! Okay, this will now be my THIRD post (12:45 & 3:53 being the previous) and if Mr. "everyone is Stu" is going to research old posts then I will save him the bother as to my knowledge I was the only one making the claim that "Stu" has to be at least three different people. I have't been posting that long so he won't have to go very far back.
DeleteI don't know of this Daniel Campbell and F-AC Collins and perhaps they were and are the same person but I DO know there has to be at least two other people here besides me that Mr. "everyone is Stu" accuses of being "Stu". If he can't even figure that out than what faith can you put into his Bigfoot arguments.
Keep it coming Mr "Stuey" you make me laugh. Oops - that's right, I AM Stu talking to myself - LOL.
Just for you^
LOL - eh........thanks?
DeleteLook at Danny dance! Ha ha ha!!
What a sad old man. PS, I’m gonna spend the day going over older posts... Just because it f’n plays with your mind so much.
Run out of arguments for Bigfoot? Danny-PS, you’ve never responded to the first 50. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
Like I said, obviously retarded ^
DeleteOh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
DeleteFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain side.
The summer's gone, and all the roses falling,
It's you, it's you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow,
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow,
It's I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow,
Oh, Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so!
But when ye come, and all the flowers are dying,
If I am dead, as dead I well may be,
You'll come and find the place where I am lying,
And kneel and say an Ave there for me.
And I shall hear, though soft you tread above me,
And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be,
For you will bend and tell me that you love me,
And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me!
Go take your dirt nap, don't wait for us
DeleteThe best is yet to come, PS-Danny!
DeleteYawn, you still here?
DeleteDanny likes to play the pipes! Behind the loo!
DeleteRemember all Danny Stus obsessive talk about eating turds and drinking pee? Now he "gugs" who knows what. Bodily excretions are a sexual thing for him.
Delete'Gug',yes, only I know the proper way to handle young lads through the knot hole in the men's room stall, 'Gug 'so good
Hahahahaha - still going at it down here? Your confusing me now - is this "Stu" now "Danny" or is "Danny" now "Stu" or is everyone who writes something perceived to be negative by Mr. "everyone is Stu" still considered to be the same person? This really has me "stewed". Well, I guess I'll go "Stu" up things elsewhere.
DeleteHahahahaha I crack me up.
^ Dedicated lunatic
DeleteNoel looks like the skipper on Gilligan's Island.
ReplyDeleteHey old man !