Bigfoot Seen Dragging Deer Into Cave

From the RMSO bigfoot site comes a report about a witness observing a bigfoot dragging a deer into a cave.

Rob B. writes RMSO
I was in West Texas, and I was deer hunting. The closest city to me was Comstock. I was sitting in a bronco enjoying the view but from across the canyon I saw a blackish brown creature dragging a deer carcass to a cave.

I grabbed a pair of binoculars and I zoomed in on the creature. I saw that it was very dark skinned and had a very flat nose. It's eyes were very bright amber color. It had very thick hair around the torso and legs but lightened up around the face. It had very large ape like lips. The terrain was very rocky so it was very good at climbing and maneuvering the terrain.

RMSO responds
Hi Rob. How long were you able to observe the creature? Did you see it drag the deer into the cave?

Rob B.
Hi, I would say that I observed the creature for about 5 minutes. I was about 200 yards away. I did see the creature get into the cave. The cave was up on at least a five foot ledge but he just stepped up there like climbing stairs.

For more, click here. 


  1. It would be handy if someone was able to check out the cave xx

    1. Hello sweety , would you fancy checking out my " cave" ?


    2. You're talking about your taterhole, amirite?

    3. No PSS, no one is crazy enough to check out your man cave. it's probably crawling in disgusting bugs and the walls are thickly caked in semen no doubt. you sicko !


    4. 'Gug',so good, I shall lick the man cave clean

  2. Google best Bigfoot trail cam photo ever -> squatch watchers......pretty cool!

  3. It would be handy if one of these deer hunters decided to be a bigfoot hunter for a day and get us a specimen instead of making up stories.

    No specimen means it didn't happen.

    1. Don't direct people what to do. Get off your ass and do it yourself.

    2. He’s too busy harassing people, and too scared to get out from behind his desktop to even get out into the country. The entitled old alcoholic is also far too depressed to do anything productive with his old age.

      But that’s not the half of it... it really is worth asking him about how hunters (people he hasn’t the first clue about) might go about shooting a Bigfoot. He insists that a “hunter would have killed a Bigfoot by now”, and that that if one were shot he would have definitely heard about because “he knows everything about Bigfoot from watching Finding Bigfoot and following this cruddy blog”. But that “all the people who claim to have reported shooting one are liars anyway”, but then again “they’d know how to differentiate from a gorilla costume to a genuine primate” anyway, yet people for thousands of years have “mistaken bears for tall hairy humanoids.” THEN, he’ll claim that all hunters would simply take a chance on homicide & potentially shoot a civilised human if they were “aggressive”, which anounts to chucking rocks at them.

      This is a clown who really has no clue about life. Try it... it really is worth it for a laugh if you’re bored.

    3. ^ Someone woke up this morning with a bug up his arse.

    4. I'll wager that's not all he has up his arse.

    5. Stop answering your own comments and catch up with all the YouTube channels and blogs, PS... That itch still needs scratching.

    6. 'Gug',weep weepy weep, they're spoiling bigfoot for everyone

    7. He’s spoiling bigfoot. Can’t you read dumb dumb?

    8. I managed it by reading his comment and noticing that he wrote "spoiling bigfoot."

    9. That’s right PS... You’ve got a long way to go yet before you spoil Bigfoot for anyone. Especially whilst you “believe they may exist.”

    10. Of course you are "Stu" I am "Stu" EVERYONE is "Stu". According to "everyone is Stu" there is only one person here who doesn't believe in Bigfoot making all these comments. This is what makes it so entertaining and hilarious. We can all take shifts and keep the poor sap glued to the screen all day trying to keep up with the "Stu comments.

    11. Sure PS.

      You’re as convincing about more then one nut job pleading for attention here, as you are that you don’t believe in Bigfoot by watching all the YouTube channels, reading all the blogs, and publishing comments like “I believe Bigfoot May exist.”

    12. AnonymousSunday, December 21, 2014 at 3:27:00 PM PST
      MMG is an ass!

      AnonymousSunday, December 21, 2014 at 5:34:00 PM PST
      lol. smoked.

      As far as the video goes, it could be a squatch. They might dress in ordinary clothes to throw us off. Probably in sexy women's underclothes as well.
      You can't prov they don't.

      AnonymousSunday, December 21, 2014 at 5:51:00 PM PST
      ^^^^ A.C. Talking to himself. Conversation between two idiots! Or a sock puppet!

      AnonymousSunday, December 21, 2014 at 7:33:00 PM PST
      TBP thinking its ME Again! Sad little dude!

      AnonymousSunday, December 21, 2014 at 8:10:00 PM PST

    13. As you’ll know well... People have been calling you out on sockpuppeting for years, PS.

    14. 'Gug',weep weepy weep, you're right, they're spoiling bigfoot for everyone

    15. I thought you and Joe were friends ,you should probably hold back on the loser thing until a bigfoot is produced

    16. You’re quite welcome to suggest what other hominin other than Bigfoot is being proven to be leaving its physical sign on the environment of two continents. But reality is that’s what you’re left with at best. The footprint evidence now published, can’t be hoaxed. Don’t like it? Do summin about it Sporto.

    17. You've never provided any evidence of such an animal that is recognized by scientists, do so or shut up

    18. “There is no evidence, there is no evidence... THERE IS NO EVIDENCE!!!”

      Ha ha ha ha!!! You don’t know what science is, what evidence is, or the first thing about a subject you’ve cried about for ten years.

      Don't you know, you fool,
      You never can win,
      Use your mentality,
      Wake up to reality,
      And each time I do just the thought of you,
      Makes me stop before I begin,
      'Cause I've got you under my skin...

      I've got you under my skin,
      I have got you, deep in the heart of me,
      So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me,
      I've got you under my skin...

      : )

  4. Once again Ikky has no clue who he's talking to.

    1. So am I Chick now? I thought I was a blog admin?

    2. No one would hire such an ass

    3. You sure now? That’s another dance you’ve done for years without the first ounce of substance...

    4. Yes, 100% sure, your comments confirm

    5. Really? All those paranoid meltdowns and raging tantrums blaming me for banning you... ????


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