Bigfoot Footage Breakdown

In this youtube video, Crypto Reality breaks down some of their own footage, and shows the process they go through to find their bigfoot faces.


  1. This guy is delusional or a terrible hoaxer. No way you can convince anyone of those leaves and branches being a Sasquatch. I actually feel sorry for you. Stop trying to convince people of your delusions. I actually believe in the creatures, but OMG that’s pathetic.

    1. Right on brother. I have been saying this about Crypto Reality for years. Nothing but pareidolia. I know these animals exist but it's clear that the outlines of these "faces" are made up of leaves and branches.

  2. First off be a man and leave your name to comment? are you a man or a mouse? Next ,use a magnifying glass and then you see it,their hair reflects the colors around them so that is why the difficulties seeing them and why they hide so perfectly camouflaged. The personal attacks only outline your ignorance and we all wish you the best if you seek professional help ,as you show you need .

    1. You sound like a manly man, 'Gug '

    2. Scott Green is a douche bag

    3. I agree with 2:32. I believe that Bigfoot may exist as well however when you have to first suggest what you are seeing is a Bigfoot (leading the witness) and then have to manipulate the film and point out details then you could not pick up with just the film alone then it is basically worthless for evidence. This kind of thing does more to discredit Bigfoot than help. There was a guy that use to post here that claimed all sorts of images and was basically laughed at. This is no better.

      As far as leaving a name - big deal. Scott Green means nothing to me and my name means nothing to anyone else. It's the content and information that's important and everyone is free to give their opinion on it and my opinion is this is worthless in advancing the case for Bigfoot.

    4. ^ Get this! Pedo Stu is back to believing that “Bigfoot May exist”!

      Afger spending every day of his life since his last capitulation, maintaining that it doesn’t exist, of course!

      (Face in hands, headshake)

    5. For the record I am not he and I seldom post here anymore but believe as you wish. If you think the video has merit fine but I reiterate it is worthless as evidence.

    6. PWAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! You’re a mess PS!

    7. 'Gug',weep, they're spoiling bigfoot for everyone, 'Gug',weep weepy weep

    8. Not as funny as you backtracking on Bigfoot, sorry.

    9. 'Gug',so good , it can't possibly be different people spoiling bigfoot for everyone

    10. 1. Don’t give yourself so much credit, you don’t “spoil Bigfoot” for anyone when one minute using logical fallacies to “debunk” it, and then admitting you believe in Bigfoot the next. You drunken pervert.

      2. I’ve exposed you a hundred times for sockpuppeting, and the main give away when I’m right is when you feel the need to defend yourself about it.

      3. You’re a pedo.

    11. We found the Pedophiles, gather up everyone on the make believe monster site men

    12. So are we back to “make believe” after you did so well to stop lying to yourself about them existing? We all know you visit every blog and watch every YouTube channel catered for this subject (self-admittedly) because you’re getting on in life and impatient for the big news.

    13. 'Gug',weep weepy weep, Iktomi made me do it

    14. Here's the big news pedophiles, we're shutting down the make believe monster site

    15. It didn’t work when you were reporting your own vile comments to blogger, it won’t work now with your pathological projection/fantasy.

    16. We tried to make him go to rehab and he said no, no, no!

    17. They don't even deny it's make believe anymore

    18. My word... it’s like he has to actually see it in writing to get off.

    19. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Oh God, how I love this! Mr. "everyone is Stu" is now accusing posters who concede "Bigfoot may exist" of being Stu. I wish I would have been around earlier so I could have told the above of the "everyone is Stu" obsession but hopefully he/they will read this. I hope this Stu character keeps posting - he's really getting into ickytomi's head. Oh wait.... that's right, I AM Stu. EVERYONE is Stu who doesn't buy into ickytomi's dogma.

    20. My turd...I like to see guys get off

    21. (Cringe!!!!)

      Oh dear... Thank god you have sockpuppeting, eh Pedo Stu? God forbid you should lose the ability to regulate your own depression. Do you realise how many times I’ve got you conceding you’re not only a believer, but that you’re down with the persormal Bigfoot?

      There is a very real chance that you’re a loon who chases people around every day of his life, people who have a far less kookier take on the subject than you do. We have psychologists writing about you, and they’ve pointed to depression as the main reason.

      Mr. MouseFriday, December 7, 2018 at 9:36:00 AM PST
      I agree with 2:32. I believe that Bigfoot may exist as well...

      Straight in the dossier, Pedo Stu!

      ; )

    22. A man who believes in bigfoot and calls everyone Stu and thinks psychologists are writing about others? Ha, ha, ha

    23. Don’t take it from me Pedo Stu, take it from the psychologists... it’s called Dark Tetrad.

      It’s lovely reading you cling to your sockpuppeting like it’s a family member. Someone who spends his days driving numbers down to ultimately expose something you depend upon = stupid as

      Ho, ho, ho.

    24. I absolutely love watching ickytomi's posts referring to "Stu". I know for a fact there is at LEAST two others here who he accuses of being "Stu". Cling to your sockpuppeting accusations because they are definitely giving us ALL a good laugh.

      Hee, hee, hee.

    25. D’you know what’s genuinely funny, Pedo Stu? How much you scramble around and bite at every chance at defending your little game. Anyone innocent of sockpuppeting wouldn’t even bother responding and just assume I’m a kook.

      I don’t know what’s more cringing, the fact that you think people give a ****, or the fact that you still think people might believe you.

    26. We finally found something that we can agree on: I do indeed just assume that you're a kook! Ha ha ha!

    27. Hey, where’s “Curious”? You haven’t used that jig in a while... Maybe you should bring him back and claim everyone else is mentally ill, after sockpuppeting the 100th persona, admitting you’re a failed researcher, are that you’re more obsessed about Bigfoot than any of us “kooks”? Ha ha ha!!

  3. Nicely done ! The lads at Crypto reality have once again hit the jackpot with this evidence ! You can clearly see one in this video, no bloody doubt about it ! it also shows just how they blend into the background so well but well done lads in focusing in on the face ! skeptics can't deny this evidence but they will probably waste their breath trying to


  4. There are some clips where Mark sees something I cannot see. But when I can them it is shocking. Some are clear and unmistakable, enough to take your breath away. There are proto-humans running around Florida and Crypto Reality is routinely getting imagery of them. My guess is that most who condemn this work never looked at the imagery. When your eyes and visual cortex finally manage to wrap around a Zaskey image it will change your worldview.

    1. I agree with you. Some of the best face shots are Mark and Melanies.

    2. i agree too, Zaskey has captured some of the most compelling evidence . skeptics will dismiss anything that they can't touch but yet they will believe in 13 dimensions and black holes just because science tells them so. Bunch of useless wankers !



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