10 Real Cryptid Sightings

From Darkness Prevails comes a collection of ten stories about encounters with real-life monsters. Some of these are pretty creepy.


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    1. So you keep saying but we're glad you liked it xx

    2. PUSS!!

      Can you by any chance remember when the trolls wars occurred? When Danny was copying my avatar, and Shawn came out with the verified tags?

    3. 'Gug',weep weepy weep, when was that ? Go check your records 'Gug',so good

    4. 'Gug',oh Danny boy, 'Gug ', oh Danny boy, the pipes in the knot hole in the men's room stall are calling me. Iktomi is on to you Danny boy

    5. I think I’ve got it... circa Feb 14.

      Thanks Chick.

    6. 'Gug',weep weepy weep, 2014?2013? How long have we been trying to prove Bigfoot? 'Gug',so good, 'Gug '

    7. Wow, I can hardly wait for more! I’ve actually got this dim witted dope so emotionally destroyed that he’s wasting an entire day trawling through three year old posts! Does your family know you do this? Ha ha ha!

      Oh, and by the way, one of the few things I remember about Dan Campbell was that he used to say some terribly transphobic things about PIB. I was one of the few here who attacked him for it! See if you can find those posts while you’re at it.

    8. 'Gug',I'm sure you are Danny, Iktomi says you are so there

    9. Oh, Danny boooooooooooooooy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
      From glen to glen, and down the mountain side.
      The summer's gone, and all the roses falling,
      It's you, it's you must go and I must bide.
      But come ye back when summer's in the meadow,
      Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow,
      It's I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow,
      Oh, Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so!
      But when ye come, and all the flowers are dying,
      If I am dead, as dead I well may be,
      You'll come and find the place where I am lying,
      And kneel and say an Ave there for me.
      And I shall hear, though soft you tread above me,
      And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be,
      For you will bend and tell me that you love me,
      And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me!

    10. Danny?Stu is at it again with his distraction posts but he can't fool the superfriends so please go gug and weep all you want mate, you have been busted over and over again by Iktomi and now running scared with your tail between your legs, oh gug,weep,gug you pathetic man


    11. There is one troll. There has only ever been one troll. And there will only ever be one troll.

      And he’s a bigger fantasist, and more obsessed with Bigfoot, this blog, and the people who come here more than you can ever imagine.

      And PS at 12:47... The stuff you’ve said about people here amounts to nothing but a big coward with little *****.

      Oh... and I’m more than happy to admit I’m going over old posts, I know it breaks you.

      ; )

    12. Honestly, what an eye opener this is. For example, look how unhinged PS comes across. This was when he was pretending to be me...

      (unverified)Thursday, February 6, 2014 at 12:59:00 PM PST
      You don't get it do you? You can't stop it now, it has branched out beyond me. I'm not pulling the strings.
      Even if your pathetic little cries get my IP banned, I have an army of other IP's waiting to be used.
      The more you go on off topic personal chats, the worse it's going to be.
      To save your beloved blog, you aren't willing to curb your petty private conversations that shouldn't be held in public anyway?
      You people are incredibly selfish, no wonder you cling to bigfoot like a religion. It's a complete social avenue for fringe riders.
      So, in the end you care more about yourselves than you do about the welfare of this blog.
      Just what I thought.

      (CRINGE!!!!) Man... PS... you are one messed up puppy like.

    13. 'Gug',weep weepy weep, now prove it's just 1 person Iktomi ,'Gug',so you don't look like you're full of shit again, 'Gug ' go ahead and prove it now

    14. It’s February 2014, Puss... Thanks though! Hope you are well!!

    15. Haa ha! Army of ip's on the ready! He fancies himself as being so all powerful. It must kill him that we are all still around.

      Hey PIB!

    16. Chick, it’s an eye opener going back reading that nut jobs posts. Trust me, you take a look at Danny’s anon posts leading up to the bet... Then Mike Honcho when be exposed himself... then when he started using Danny Campbell having admitted to all the previous stuff... then back to anon mode to copy avatars, and use MMG SR... Then back to Danny Campbell admitting he was copying avatars and being MMG SR...

      That’s where I am so far, and the bombshell comment I’m looking for will come up in the very near future. Bearing in mind, the comment I pasted up top had the space bars taken out from between lines because I didn’t want the comment to white out like it sometimes can. He’s been Haints too... trust me, this dude is utterly tapped like. Spends his entire life on the internet, literally... and has a serious inflated narcissism like a proper sociopath.

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. OMG! I totally can see that too- He's always here. Yes, HAINTS too. Haints hated me for no reason I could ever figure out. Same with MMG- so I just left them alone on the blog. But it made no sense to me at the time. This person does not work- and yes is very convinced that bigfoot is real. Its more about his ego and mental problems then bigfoot and it has been all along. I wonder what other blogs hes obsessed with.

      See ya tomorrow IK

    19. 'Gug',weep weepy weep, you have no proof, it's just like bigfoot 'Gug',I'm sorry there's nothing to back up anything you ever say.'Gug',weep, at least you can trot out your Chick persona although everyone kind of figured it out, damn you Danny

    20. Hahahaha - I see Mr. "everyone is Stu" is back at it and is going to past posts to prove eh...well...???... that there is only one poster behind all the comments. Well, good for him but I haven't been here that long and I HAVE made posts skeptical of Bigfoot but I KNOW I haven't wrote the others and there are at least two others besides me making these comments. The point is that he's wrong about that but it is amusing to me - almost as amusing as these bullshit stories I read about Bigfoot here. This "Stu" would have to monitor this site 24/7 if it was only one person and no one sane does that....oh wait - except lktomi!

    21. You are not sane Danny Stu. Stop splintering. Feck off.

    22. Thank you so much for the early Christmas present! It’s been an absolute joy watch ikdummy go completely bonkers the last couple of days! Keep wasting ten hours everyday wading through ancient comments sections. Marvelous! Please continue! Ha ha ha!

      And for the record, I always disliked Dan Campbell because he was a racist and homophobe. The fact that he figured out that bigfoot is BS doesn’t change how I feel about him.

    23. Oh and one other thing — if anyone around here could be mistaken for Dan Campbell, it’s ikdummy himself. Ikdummy and Dan eventually became good buddies and used to have insipid conversations about football and their crappy tastes in music. It was enough to make me puke! Thank goodness one of them left! Ha ha ha!

    24. PWAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! You disliked that persona of yours, did you PS? Maybe that’s why you stopped using it... got s little old did it? So in an effort to distance yourself from that sockpuppet, you’ve pretty much just admitted that you’re behind the racist comments that were posted here... not that there was any doubt after I exposed your F-AC Collins sockpuppet. Nobody has ever read Daniel Campbell posting racism on BFE, though he quite clearly was a raging homophobe. Nobody has ever read anyone talking about football or music with Daniel... And to the very last day your sockpuppet was disliked around here just as much as you are to this day.

      Oh, and by the way... This loon above believes in Bigfoot! That’s the craziest thing about it all!! He lives for the internet and just hates people talking the limelight, his ego threatened, or having his cyber-playground snatched from him. It’s why he hates on any Bigfoot proponent and the people who frequent here. Some serious moma issues too. He told people here once during Danny-mode that his mother was an alcoholic and abused him... as sad as that is and as much as genuinely I hope isn’t true, it would pretty much explain every last thing about his behaviour. People aren’t born with personality disorders, sadly they’re traumatised at a young age into having them.

    25. Wow, maybe Danny Stus mother was the inspiration for the gug gug gug a lug chug.

    26. Iktomi's pursuit of the truth behind a boy named Danny Stu is paying off, Danny stu is breaking apart worse than humpty dumpty after the great fall.
      Poor Danny Stu ! all the queen's horses and all the Queen's men wont be able to put that egghead back together again once we are finished with him
      KER-PLUNK !


  2. Hey Darkness Prevails, I can make up creepy stories too. Can I play?

    1. Go play in the port a potty with your pipes

    2. 'Gug',I'm playing with 'pipes ' in the men's room stall, 'Gug ','Gug',so good


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