The Scientist Who Risked It All For Bigfoot

Check out this great article on the late Grover Krantz. Krantz was a true pioneer of scientific bigfoot research, and paved the way for many others.

Krantz holds Clyde’s bones in what looks like a hug. Smithsonian Magazine writes that the skeletons are meant to serve as both a testament to a man’s fondness for his pet and also the anthropologist’s everlasting commitment to his work.

“He knew that he was dying of pancreatic cancer and wanted to be articulated and put on exhibit,” says David Hunt, a forensic and physical anthropologist who carried out Krantz’s request to donate his body to science, according to Smithsonian. “He said ‘well, I’ve been a teacher all my life so I might as well be one when I’m dead.’”

But his Krantz’s legacy is more complicated than just a man who loved being a teacher. More than a decade after his death, Krantz is known as an eccentric anthropologist who believed in Bigfoot. His work as a person who studies mythic creatures and tries to prove their existence was serious, and damaged his career. He published 10 books, five of which were on Bigfoot.

“I think a lot of his colleagues kind of rolled their eyes at him and he was the butt of jokes,” says Laura Krantz. “Even now in anthropology circles, there are still wisecracks made about Grover Krantz.”

For more, click here.


  1. Krantz once entered a room with a large beaker of urine which he said was bigfoot urine, he quickly drank it down to everyone's amazement and said he couldn't help himself because it was so yummy, that Krantz loved his urine

    1. hello there mr fancy pants PSS ! taking a break from donkey kong ?
      sod off wanker !


  2. I am proud to say Krantz was a friend of mine. He took a big risk putting his academic career on the line for advancing the cause of bigfoot ! he deserves to be on the bigfoot Mt Rushmore !
    He didn't sit around his trailer park in his knickers playing donkey kong and smoking meth like PSS does !
    Krantz was legend !


  3. Poor guy spent much of his life trying to prove Bigfoot exists and went to his grave without doing so - as will all who indulge in this foolishness.

    1. Back to playing your donkey kong PSS !


    2. Krantz did things like prove the cripple foot and Elk Wallow casts were authentic, and dedicated groundbreaking research on the PGF, amongst other things.

      If you’d ever picked up a book and not just watched Finding Bigfoot, you’d know this.

      Silly little Pedo is too stupid to read books.

    3. So what you're saying is that bigfoot is a scientifically recognized species? Please enlighten everyone here or can you not produce a scientifically recognized species?

    4. PSS, the meth has really jumbled your brain hasn't it ? Karntz's expertise suggested there was no way the Bossburg tracks could have been faked because it would have taken someone with superior scientific knowledge to know exactly how to produce something so complicated and it wasn't just one print but a trail of them which is nothing less than a slam dunk for being authentic ! Now go back to your donkey kong


    5. Oh dearie me! For such a slam dunk of authenticity I can't find any official recognition anywhere although the words "legend" "myth" and hoax do come up. Funny how these "trails" always lead nowhere and how there is "no" way they could be faked. Okay then - just produce an actual body and you have proven your case. Simples.

    6. Joe and Iktomi are all talk and no proof as always, I used to think they killed the site but it's apparent that there is no bigfoot evidence

    7. And when you’ve quite finished bring a rhetorical pervert (a sign of denial) recognition would mean a classification. Doesn’t mean there isn’t solid evidence that’s peer reviewed. The trails at present, have led to Melfrum’s work getting more and more recognition from some of the best in their respected fields.

      And nargh! What I’m saying is, the exact evidence left behind by the creature in the PGF, a subject that fits every eyewitness description of “Bigfoot”, is now shown to be impossible to hoax, and subsequently published.

      You see, the track castings that were used to track the Bili Ape for a whole year required no DNA for classification before hand. Even though you don’t have a means of classifying what that primate is, the objective outcome is you still have the anatomical impression of an unclassified bipedal primate that has not only been falsifiably tested to your standards. You just don’t have people using that evidence for a consorted scientific study to track them yet. And when you’ve quite finished sockpuppeting, Pedo, you’ve got peer reviewed science to debunk.

      Chop, chop!!

    8. Like I said proof, peer reviewed science of? Nothing. Do you ever get tired of lying all the time, you suck at it

    9. Nargh!

      Proof the exact evidence left behind by the creature in the PGF, a subject that fits every eyewitness description of “Bigfoot”, is now shown to be impossible to hoax, and subsequently published.

    10. And yet we now have a bodies for the Bili Ape to back it up. In appearance they resemble large chimpanzees so it's easier to understand how they went unnoticed for so long and are located in the wilds of the inhospitable Congo. With Bigfoot we have a creature that supposedly can't be mistaken for anything else and located in our very own backyards (according to Chick Chick) and STILL no body to back it up after YEARS of supposed sightings, footprints, pictures etc. It just goes beyond all logic and reason.

    11. Nargh!

      They’re man sized chimpanzees, Pedo. And there are 200 sightings reports a year of Bigfoot, and thousands of years of anthropological data; hardly unnoticed. Do you realise how perversely you special plead when reaching in logic? Indigenous people had been reported Billi Apes for decades, PS.

      You have Bili Ape bodies because indigenous peoples in the Congo have been able to track and kill a Billi Ape. Plenty of missing hunters in the US, PS, d’you think you’re big and tough enough to take down what’s reported, and that has to evade in social groups like all known primates? Tell me how big a tough you Pedo.

      Big tough men harass women online, don’t they?

      I’ll say it again Pedo, needing Bigfoot to die out in the open us subjetive to what has been reported for hundreds of years as essentially a wild human, and goes against what anthropologists know about even primitive hominids. You can beg and beg and beg for Bigfoot to be a dumb animal, but you’re just begging.

    12. So what you're saying is that we aren't going to ever see a bigfoot body, ever? And also what you're saying is that proof of bigfoot comes back to a film that is factually disputed and factually dismissed by scientists? You should probably stop talking shit about other people now since this is all you have, right?

    13. I wonder if Grover Krantz ever mistook a gorilla photo for a bigfoot? His good friend did.

    14. I wonder if Grover Krantz ever said that the PG film was undisputed proof of bigfoot? He didn't seem totally daft to me but you never know

    15. Nargh! What I’m saying is, a Bigfoot body will turn up as soon as field studies can track and study these hominin in their natural environments. Might I add, there’s two decades of very large human bones excavated in the US.

      And nargh! Proof of Bigfoot comes down to the physical evidence that’s impossible to hoax. And last time I checked, nobody has ever debunked the PGF. Sure you have the occasional dated opinion, but it means little when I have science to reference, about a piece of footage that’s doing nothing but gaining more credibility over time. You see, in the real world away from all this cyber silliness you live your existence through... science makes the world go around, Pedo. And physical evidence linked to the PGF is now peer reviewed.

      Science v logical fallacies. Never a contest.

      And to your “gorilla” jig that’s basically an extension of your obsession with Chick. Tell me, how does citing what innumerable people refer to and describe as looking like a gorilla, lessen the likelihood that those people have actually seen something genuine? Bunch that latest face fall in with your “role-play” and “Bigfoot millionaires” that didn’t last the first line of querying.

    16. Naaargh? Look if you're going to get angry at simple undisputed facts then why do I waste time on you? As for millions made by bigfoot, Google proves me right. I can see how you can get so upset coming out looking like a dope every time but that has nothing to do with me.I hope you don't really think there are gorillas running around the forests of America, that's just crazy talk.

    17. Yep! That was the realisation that by harping on about what people are reporting, you’ve merely highlighted a description of what they’re reporting. And Bigfoot from afar look like bipedal gorillas. For example, nobody would make fun of someone reporting a tiger to be a large cat.

      Silly little Pedo.

      Facts, and especially referenced scientific facts, are actually the one thing you’ve never provided. It’s just conspiracy theories and logical fallacies, Pedo. Argh yes... how many of these hoaxing millionaires are running around the US?

      Was it 100??

    18. Just because you have a sighting report does not mean it is true and touting thousands of years of anthropological data is clearly an exaggeration.

      Plenty of hunters out there with high powered rifles large enough to stop any large animal sighted and attributing a hunter's disappearance with being killed by a Bigfoot is just ludicrous.

      You can pout and pout and pout that Bigfoot is real but in the end it's just a temper tantrum which will not booster your argument.

    19. Pedo stu Savile . The one moment that convinced Kratnz that bigfoot was more than a legend were the Bossburg tracks ""Before I examined these prints, I would have given you ten to one odds that the whole thing was a hoax," he says in his book. "But there is no way that everything could have been tied together so perfectly in a fake." . That was his "AHA" moment when he knew those tracks could not have been faked . When was your "AHA" moment Pedo Stu ? Was it the first time you smoked meth ? or played donkey kong ? was it the first time you got turned on by young lads ? Go back to your trailer park chum, you have a lot of nerve to try to argue with the years and years of knowledge someone like Krantz had and i'm sure others like him would also agree if they weren't so blinded by their own ignorance on the subject of bigfoot. Under the law you don't need to produce a body to convict someone of murder , just an overwhelming case for it and in the same way all the tracks and sightings pretty much make it a slam dunk that bigfoot exists. Now by a good hillbilly and go smoke your meth chum


    20. You know he really thinks that the nonsense he puts out is actually scientific fact, he's a real butter knife, dull all over, and then he gets all mad because people make money off his forest gorilla

    21. You HAVE done a valuable service by convincing with your comments how crazy a Bigfoot believer looks by anyone coming here and reading the comments. Keep it up - your helping turn more readers into skeptics with your comments. Thank you from all the skeptics who have commented here - oops I mean "Pedo Stu".

    22. You’re right. A sighting teport would mean little. But try three databases of reports. And nope... I know you don’t know the first thing about this subject, even after years of having this stuff rubbed in your face, but indegenous tribes in North America have been here for at least 14,000 years. Their oral histories have over a hundred names for these hominin, who have named every summit ridge and mountain peak after them. That’s not an exaggeration, that’s an anthropological fact. You stupid ****.

      Plenty of hunters out there with high powered rifles large enough to stop any large animal... But even the most primitive of primates are social. And something that evades as well as this is never alone. Both the behavioural traits cited in anthropological data and modern eyewitness testimony, subsequently supported by peer reviewed science, supports that. You shoot one, you’d better make sure you’re getting out of there without the other getting you. You also clearly have never hunted, because people never shoot anything they can’t identify, or looks human.

      Funnily enough... Bigfoot hoaxes in monkey costumes never seem to end up shot dead? I wonder what that means, by your logic, for the existence of hoaxers?

      (And Cringe!!!)

      Pedo, you do realise that nobody in their right minds isn’t able to recognise when you’re cheerleading your own comments? Was it the dwindling PGF hoaxing cult that made you act so silly?

      Thought so.

      I’m still waiting on about four threads for some scientific facts.

      : (

    23. Still going with the I'm not crazy everyone else is defense?

    24. (Cough, cough... whispers)

      Remember when you thought everyone here was attacking you with a psy-ops experiment from a US airforce base?

      Now that was crazy.

    25. That was actually someone else despite your denials, another crazy attracted to you. Remember now that you're a terrible liar

    26. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh yeah, sure. So it wasn’t a joke like you then claimed before?

      D’you what they say about people who can’t get their stories straight?

    27. Again you are lumping multiple people together just like your narratives, you must focus on one thing only and save plan B


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