Two Men Spot Bigfoot In Missouri

Missouri has a long history of bigfoot sightings, and even have a name for their famous beast known as "Momo", short for the Missouri Monster.

Two men in Missouri claim they saw an unidentified bipedal creature.

The eyewitnesses said they were hunting in the woods when they came across the hairy being on November 24, 2017.

“While walking I could hear something walking down in the woods below me, appearing to keep up with my pace,” one of the men reported to the BFRO. “I was close to the hunting blind by then and picked up my friend. We went to the other side of the field and quickly got back to our vehicle.”

It was on their way back home when they say the animal showed up clearly.

“At first, the headlights were not on it and I was trying to figure things out in my head of what possibly could be the big of a creature on our property. It was about 60 yards below our barn. When my headlights hit it, the creature stood there for less than a minute.It looked at us and then, not in a hurried way, turned around and walked back into the cedar thicket.”

The men, who got out of the truck to get a better look, described it as a “huge” creature at approximately 8 feet tall.

For the full description, click here. 



    Anything or anyone can remain hidden

    1. “There are far more gorillas and chimpanzees hiding in the dense and impenetrable rainforest of central Africa then anyone thought, unfortunately, most of these are to be found living outside of protected areas and are still facing considerable threats.
      That is the main conclusion of the largest ever survey of western lowland gorillas and central chimpanzees published this week in Science Advances. While it is undeniably good news that there are at least a third more gorillas and a tenth more chimpanzees living in the remote corners of Africa's forests, this has been tainted by the fact that the apes are still at a significant risk of “guns, germs, and [felled] trees”.
      It is now thought that there are some 360,000 western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) – which account for 99 percent of all gorillas – roaming the rainforests along with 130,000 central chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes). While this sounds like a vast number of apes, the study found that the number of gorillas has crashed by over 20 percent in the last eight years alone meaning that they are still considered critically endangered, and the chimpanzees are still endangered.”

    2. Congratulations on finally learning how to use quotes and providing attribution when citing an outside source. I’m certainly encouraged that you’ve made progress, but we still have an awfully long way to go!

      Ha ha ha!

    3. Pedo Stu... Do you want me to provide an example of how you use quotes? Or is that what you’re trying to bait me into doing, so you can get off again?

      Didn’t I even have to teach you what a reference meant, after you had a breakdown from my “cut & pastes”?

    4. All you need to do to get pedo Stu off is simply reply.

      You are all he has iktomi

      No reply, no jollies

    5. If you tied Stu freaks hands behind his back he'd just flop on the floor and hump the carpet.

    6. Time to change out the carpet


    7. For sure! It doesn't match the drapes anymore.

    8. Ooo that’s a great one chicky chick


    9. When is someone going to address the proverbial elephant in the room and ask Chick the question that’s on everyone’s mind?

      Has Chick invited bigfoot over to join her trailer park Tupperware party yet?

      Ha ha ha! Woo hoo!

    10. Makes a change from you threatening her and her family with rape I guess.

    11. Get lost pedo Stu.

      You are not welcome in the super friend group


    12. Not as funny as y'all are. I just swing through once in a while and throw some candy sprinkles on the edges.

  2. They were just large Negro's !

    Love Joe~

    1. Something about the subject brings out the real obsessed sickos of society. Pedo Stu Saville is one of the top 2 percenters. A highly disturbed mind.

    2. It’s easy for a keyboard critic to pick on footers. Just like it has been easy for people to pick on pedo Stu in real life. You can see that pedo Stu is a social reject

    3. The only one giving sympathy to Pedo Stu is Pedp Stu. Put a bandaid on those rug burns PS>

    4. ^ not defending him chick. I am just saying that this is why he is here harassing good people. Because this is a subject that pedo Stu can pick on people the way he has been picked on all his life. It empowers him to say that we are all nutz

    5. Pedo Stu has a shitty existence, that’s a given. Take it from the psychologists who are writing about his behaviour.

    6. P.U., what a load of skunks

  3. The information you give is very good and attractive. Thank you for sharing.


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