I agree that you’ll have to look outside “science” to try to prove bigfoot, just look at how much of a miserable failure Iktomi has been at trying to use “science”!
In case you didn’t notice, today is Saturday which is a non-working day for normal people in this world. But for you welfare bums, I guess every day is a holiday as you sponge off hard working people like me and engage in your pathetic role playing fantasy. You’re welcome!
And for the record, my own view of the role playing aspect of bigfoot (and not the sock puppeted straw man copy and paste that the dipsh*t pulled out of his ass) is that almost everyone involved is role playing to varying degrees — mostly to give some false meaning to their empty lives.
Every fact sited by Iktomi is pulled from his ass, like archaic skulls examined from pictures by no one but him, the man is obviously retarded and should just be ignored , it does him no service to feed his obvious autism
To elaborate on Pedo Stu’s comment that I referenced... As you can see, he started off with 100 role-players that account for entire US and Canada, but shortly after it was ”an overwhelming majority” that were misidentifying, then it was all “a joke”, then we went around two more times with the aforementioned, then the role-players amounted to five (four of which were frequenters to this blog), THEN just three... THEN role-play was split into two camps (“producers and consumers”)... then we bounced back and forth from role-players to misidentification again about two more times. All because he was asked the first question ever about his conspiracy theory.
What a clever little Pedo.
You’re not doing a very good job of ignoring me Pedo Stu. Skulls? That was a bit random Pedo Stu? Have you gone back on old comment sections again and read over your tunings or something? Maybe that’s why you decided to start the trolling off again today?
That’s almost as funny as the idea of some Rick Dyer believing, Melba Ketchum flunkie finding a cache of “Bigfoot tools” in the “research area” of a meth head, disbarred lawyer!
Please keep them coming, I need to laugh some more!
Oh, by the way, since you’re obsessed with all things pedo, here is an assessment of Mike B’s prowess as a lawyer (before he was disbarred that is):
“Brookreson is a methhead! A friend of mine recently attended a domestice court hearing and Brookreson was the other parties lawyer. She said that he had meth sores on his face and looked terrible. He lost his ass in the court hearing because he was totally out of it as well as unprepared for court. His little 18 year old girlfriend, who he has been screwing since she was 14, accompanied him to court and sat in on the trial acting like an ass everytime the Judge came down on him and his behavior in the court room.
I would never retain Brookreson for anything. He is worthless. I look for him to get busted before long. His ex wife just got busted for meth. They have a young son together and they both are methheads. It is a shame that scum like Brookreson is allowed to carry an attorney's license.”
14 years old! And he was the only one of you freaks to use his real name. I can only imagine what the rest of you sickos who hide behind role playing names are into!!!! Disgusting!
I actually just “crapped it” over the thought of that sexual psychopath hitting on 14 year old kids! Someone should punch him in his meth sore encrusted face!
The link works fine, maybe your own meth sore encrusted fingers are preventing you from working the keyboard?
And this not only shows what a piece of crap Mike B. is, it also proves the role playing explanation. What does a disbarred lawyer who’s failed miserably in life do? Pretend to have bigfoot living on his property and try to become a big deal in a stupid role playing game in which the other derelicts will look past his sexual deviancy, drug abuse, and criminal activity.
Here's the full quotation from February 17, 2009 with the original message since you're too incompetent to follow a link:
Guest Feb 17, 2009 thomas wrote: are you serious jasper is a pos. on the other hand Stephen Walsh and Danny T Moore are the best damn attorneys that ever stepped foot in p[oplar bluff mike brookerson ive known clients of his no way would i ever recommend that dope head. keep in mind jasper is a sell out artist exspensive sell out if you want to win call moore walsh and albright no question about it
I agree on the Brookreson comment!! Brookreson is a methhead! A friend of mine recently attended a domestice court hearing and Brookreson was the other parties lawyer. She said that he had meth sores on his face and looked terrible. He lost his ass in the court hearing because he was totally out of it as well as unprepared for court. His little 18 year old girlfriend, who he has been screwing since she was 14, accompanied him to court and sat in on the trial acting like an ass everytime the Judge came down on him and his behavior in the court room.
I would never retain Brookreson for anything. He is worthless. I look for him to get busted before long. His ex wife just got busted for meth. They have a young son together and they both are methheads. It is a shame that scum like Brookreson is allowed to carry an attorney's license.
Also, he used to work for Jasper. Jasper fired his ass. Brookreson is just worthless.
That link DOES work "Stuey". I'm not sure what their problem is (denial?) but it came right up for me. The comments are quite dated but I have to wonder what happened to this guy. I take it he was a contributor here at one time and a bigfoot believer?
And when you’ve quite finished talking to yourself, nope... still doesn’t work. It’s a shame you can’t show the same creativity coming up with a coherent narrative for your 100 Club.
1:25, the painfully sad aftermath to this true story (that the above dipsh*t wants to pretend didn’t occur) is that the 14 year old kid whom Mike B. corrupted became a meth addicted, sickly waif. Mike B later dumped the poor girl onto the street and she eventually died. Jolly Mike B. went on with his bigfoot role playing fantasy as if nothing happened.
Nargh... Still doesn’t work. I’ll try and again later, just in case your troll bait libellous, not-even-tabloid-level rubbish has any credence.
You see when people like you, Pedo Stu, are confronted with conflicting facts, you experience what is referred to as cognitive dissonance. You resolve conflicting ideas by means of preserving consistency in your belief systems. For example, when someone as obsessed as you discovered that footprint evidence is now being peer reviewed & published, you of course were faced with the fact that your deeply held beliefs were wrong. At this point it was typical for you to find a means of somehow dismissing that evidence for your prior convictions. Given that your beliefs had for some time became a major aspect of your identity, it meant letting go is still extremely difficult for you. You cope by a behaviour psychologists call motivated reasoning. This is the unconscious tendency of certain people people to mold their processing of information to conclusions that suit a preferred end.
So it’s a little rich for you to call anyone else in denial.
And nope! Just tried it again. You do know how to use the internet properly now, eh Pedo Stu?
Guest Feb 17, 2009 thomas wrote: are you serious jasper is a pos. on the other hand Stephen Walsh and Danny T Moore are the best damn attorneys that ever stepped foot in p[oplar bluff mike brookerson ive known clients of his no way would i ever recommend that dope head. keep in mind jasper is a sell out artist exspensive sell out if you want to win call moore walsh and albright no question about it
I agree on the Brookreson comment!! Brookreson is a methhead! A friend of mine recently attended a domestice court hearing and Brookreson was the other parties lawyer. She said that he had meth sores on his face and looked terrible. He lost his ass in the court hearing because he was totally out of it as well as unprepared for court. His little 18 year old girlfriend, who he has been screwing since she was 14, accompanied him to court and sat in on the trial acting like an ass everytime the Judge came down on him and his behavior in the court room.
I would never retain Brookreson for anything. He is worthless. I look for him to get busted before long. His ex wife just got busted for meth. They have a young son together and they both are methheads. It is a shame that scum like Brookreson is allowed to carry an attorney's license.
Also, he used to work for Jasper. Jasper fired his ass. Brookreson is just worthless.
Ha ha ha, I admit it, I created a fake link complete with ten year old details of every piss ant lawyer in some sh*t town no one has heard of thinking it would fool you! You got me dipsh*t!
That’s actually more persuasive than your bigfoot arguments to be honest!
But nobody can access your link to verify that it’s complete with ten year old details of every piss ant lawyer in some sh*t town no one has heard of. You know how references work eh? Your level of education might gloss over references, but some people actually read them.
You might need to go back to the drawing board, Pedo Stu.
Since you’re too stupid to copy and paste a link into a search engine, here are a few more quotes about Mike B skills as a lawyer from the Poplar Bluff Forum — you know, the one that I created myself!
“Guest Apr 5, 2009 Mike Brookreson is on meth, and likes little girls. His little 19 year old girlfriend was only 14 when he started having sex with her. And his rich former ex-wife is in big trouble for meth. She got busted over a month ago. So, in a nutshell, Mike Brookreson is scum!”
“Thumper Apr 5, 2009 Mike Brookerson couldn't win a case if the judge was going to give it to him. You would have better luck with a Public Defender. He just uses the money you give him to buy more meth. He is a loser, can't beleive he is even on this list. Now if it said, biggest piece of sh*t then I could see him being on it!”
Those comments were two months apart dip*shit. Maybe you can get in contact with Mike B and find out when the poor girl’s birthday was, although I doubt seriously he ever cared to know. Does he know the day she died I wonder?
Maybe you can actually provide a link so someone can verify this libel. Because at best, even with a link it’s libel... but nobody can even verify that because your link is bunk. Conveniently. Hey... Maybe you can role play a meth addict next? Ha ha ha!
Now, now Pedo Stu... The only person actually proven to have made threats about child molestation... ON THREE OCCASSIONS... to me, Chick and Mike was you. Subsequently you were reported.
Hello mates ! Skål ! Hey Pedo Stu Savile ! funny that the only pedo around here is you but nice try at deflection . i do hope you get your arse reported and you serve time with some fellow scumbags cheers
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
This man knows nothing about bigfoot and should stop telling lies xx
ReplyDeleteHey PiB
An in your face example of the limitations of modern “science”
The structures world wide are everywhere. No explanation currently available and proven.
The builders built for the eons, amazing
Maybe Bigfoot ?
I agree that you’ll have to look outside “science” to try to prove bigfoot, just look at how much of a miserable failure Iktomi has been at trying to use “science”!
DeleteHa ha ha!
Iktomi does not like you. He never will. You are not his type.
DeleteHe is way way waaaaay out of your league junior
Is that why when I’m not here, my name is mentioned in virtually every comment?
DeleteHa ha ha!
Right pedo Stu
DeleteEverybody has been lying throughout history according to Pin heads like you
Those drunk Indians and there firewater
Those slant eyed Asians and their orang pendeck
All those porch monkeys and there countless experiences with the billi ape
You are a racist “proven “ pedo stu
^ See what I mean?
DeleteHa ha ha!
Nobody mentioned you pedi Stu.
DeleteYou apparently have nothing else to do
In case you didn’t notice, today is Saturday which is a non-working day for normal people in this world. But for you welfare bums, I guess every day is a holiday as you sponge off hard working people like me and engage in your pathetic role playing fantasy. You’re welcome!
DeleteHa ha ha!
Wrongo bozo.
DeleteJust working on the house
You are the leech pedo Stu.
IktomiTuesday, February 20, 2018 at 10:38:00 AM PST
DeleteHow many hoaxers, liars & role players running around the woods of the US?
AnonymousTuesday, February 20, 2018 at 10:42:00 AM PST
I would guess around a hundred or so judging from the stories reported here.
So you have nothing to do and no responsibilities after work pedo Stu ?
DeleteYou’re only responsibility is to load up on cheap swill for the weekend with that welfare check.
And for the record, my own view of the role playing aspect of bigfoot (and not the sock puppeted straw man copy and paste that the dipsh*t pulled out of his ass) is that almost everyone involved is role playing to varying degrees — mostly to give some false meaning to their empty lives.
DeleteEvery fact sited by Iktomi is pulled from his ass, like archaic skulls examined from pictures by no one but him, the man is obviously retarded and should just be ignored , it does him no service to feed his obvious autism
DeleteTo elaborate on Pedo Stu’s comment that I referenced... As you can see, he started off with 100 role-players that account for entire US and Canada, but shortly after it was ”an overwhelming majority” that were misidentifying, then it was all “a joke”, then we went around two more times with the aforementioned, then the role-players amounted to five (four of which were frequenters to this blog), THEN just three... THEN role-play was split into two camps (“producers and consumers”)... then we bounced back and forth from role-players to misidentification again about two more times. All because he was asked the first question ever about his conspiracy theory.
DeleteWhat a clever little Pedo.
You’re not doing a very good job of ignoring me Pedo Stu. Skulls? That was a bit random Pedo Stu? Have you gone back on old comment sections again and read over your tunings or something? Maybe that’s why you decided to start the trolling off again today?
Like a book.
That’s almost as funny as the idea of some Rick Dyer believing, Melba Ketchum flunkie finding a cache of “Bigfoot tools” in the “research area” of a meth head, disbarred lawyer!
DeletePlease keep them coming, I need to laugh some more!
Ha ha ha!
You’re as convincing about laughing as you are at being a younger employable male.
DeleteI don’t see you debunking tool use.
Maybe your 100 Club Planted then?
Oh, by the way, since you’re obsessed with all things pedo, here is an assessment of Mike B’s prowess as a lawyer (before he was disbarred that is):
Delete“Brookreson is a methhead! A friend of mine recently attended a domestice court hearing and Brookreson was the other parties lawyer. She said that he had meth sores on his face and looked terrible. He lost his ass in the court hearing because he was totally out of it as well as unprepared for court. His little 18 year old girlfriend, who he has been screwing since she was 14, accompanied him to court and sat in on the trial acting like an ass everytime the Judge came down on him and his behavior in the court room.
I would never retain Brookreson for anything. He is worthless. I look for him to get busted before long. His ex wife just got busted for meth. They have a young son together and they both are methheads. It is a shame that scum like Brookreson is allowed to carry an attorney's license.”
14 years old! And he was the only one of you freaks to use his real name. I can only imagine what the rest of you sickos who hide behind role playing names are into!!!! Disgusting!
DeleteSo just trolling and libel?
DeleteI remember when you threatened his child and when he threatened to deck you, you crapped it.
Mike is ten of you, and he’d have the intelligence to laugh that crap off.
I actually just “crapped it” over the thought of that sexual psychopath hitting on 14 year old kids! Someone should punch him in his meth sore encrusted face!
DeleteOoooooh, you’re so tough all of a sudden. You weren’t so tough after you tried threatening his son.
DeleteLet me guess... you went over old comment sections when, Mike used to get ten times the attention you ever did?
Like a book.
Oh, and by the way Pedo, your link doesn’t work... ha ha ha ha ha!!
DeleteYeah i noticed that lol xx
DeleteThe link works fine, maybe your own meth sore encrusted fingers are preventing you from working the keyboard?
DeleteAnd this not only shows what a piece of crap Mike B. is, it also proves the role playing explanation. What does a disbarred lawyer who’s failed miserably in life do? Pretend to have bigfoot living on his property and try to become a big deal in a stupid role playing game in which the other derelicts will look past his sexual deviancy, drug abuse, and criminal activity.
Nargh, link don’t work Pedo Stu.
DeleteWhat an abject failure.
How many role players for North America are we on now?
Don’t laugh at Pedo Stu. He doesn’t like being laughed, ok?
DeleteAutism is sad, I do however like Brookreson, a true researcher
DeleteThe link works, get someone who’s not using a free limited internet connection to send you a screen shot you poor bum!
Ha ha ha!
Nargh... doesn’t work.
DeleteMaybe you should find a real troll libellous drivel next time?
Here's the full quotation from February 17, 2009 with the original message since you're too incompetent to follow a link:
Feb 17, 2009
thomas wrote:
are you serious jasper is a pos. on the other hand Stephen Walsh and Danny T Moore are the best damn attorneys that ever stepped foot in p[oplar bluff mike brookerson ive known clients of his no way would i ever recommend that dope head. keep in mind jasper is a sell out artist exspensive sell out if you want to win call moore walsh and albright no question about it
I agree on the Brookreson comment!! Brookreson is a methhead! A friend of mine recently attended a domestice court hearing and Brookreson was the other parties lawyer. She said that he had meth sores on his face and looked terrible. He lost his ass in the court hearing because he was totally out of it as well as unprepared for court. His little 18 year old girlfriend, who he has been screwing since she was 14, accompanied him to court and sat in on the trial acting like an ass everytime the Judge came down on him and his behavior in the court room.
I would never retain Brookreson for anything. He is worthless. I look for him to get busted before long. His ex wife just got busted for meth. They have a young son together and they both are methheads. It is a shame that scum like Brookreson is allowed to carry an attorney's license.
Also, he used to work for Jasper. Jasper fired his ass. Brookreson is just worthless.
That link DOES work "Stuey". I'm not sure what their problem is (denial?) but it came right up for me. The comments are quite dated but I have to wonder what happened to this guy. I take it he was a contributor here at one time and a bigfoot believer?
DeleteAnd when you’ve quite finished talking to yourself, nope... still doesn’t work. It’s a shame you can’t show the same creativity coming up with a coherent narrative for your 100 Club.
1:25, the painfully sad aftermath to this true story (that the above dipsh*t wants to pretend didn’t occur) is that the 14 year old kid whom Mike B. corrupted became a meth addicted, sickly waif. Mike B later dumped the poor girl onto the street and she eventually died. Jolly Mike B. went on with his bigfoot role playing fantasy as if nothing happened.
DeleteNargh... Still doesn’t work. I’ll try and again later, just in case your troll bait libellous, not-even-tabloid-level rubbish has any credence.
DeleteYou see when people like you, Pedo Stu, are confronted with conflicting facts, you experience what is referred to as cognitive dissonance. You resolve conflicting ideas by means of preserving consistency in your belief systems. For example, when someone as obsessed as you discovered that footprint evidence is now being peer reviewed & published, you of course were faced with the fact that your deeply held beliefs were wrong. At this point it was typical for you to find a means of somehow dismissing that evidence for your prior convictions. Given that your beliefs had for some time became a major aspect of your identity, it meant letting go is still extremely difficult for you. You cope by a behaviour psychologists call motivated reasoning. This is the unconscious tendency of certain people people to mold their processing of information to conclusions that suit a preferred end.
So it’s a little rich for you to call anyone else in denial.
And nope! Just tried it again. You do know how to use the internet properly now, eh Pedo Stu?
How many in the role playing 100 Club?
Oooooooooooooooooooooh that’s why! The penny just dropped! Pedo Stu thinks Mike B is behind “Joe”. Ha ha ha!!
DeleteKeep up the good work Joe, you’re making Pedo Stu stalk people online for libellous gossip in a paranoid frenzy! Ha ha ha! Now that is funny!
If true this Mike B sounds like a creep to me. I haven't visited this site for very long but has he posted here recently?
DeleteIt’s possible that the link doesn’t work for UK users?
DeleteOh look, Pedo Stu in sockpuppet mode.
DeleteWho would have expected it?
Nargh... still doesn’t work.
I wonder what other ex-poster Pedo Stu is gonna libel and attempt to character assassinate next in his paranoia about who “Joe” is?
DeleteTee hee!
I’ll post it again in case you missed it:
Feb 17, 2009
thomas wrote:
are you serious jasper is a pos. on the other hand Stephen Walsh and Danny T Moore are the best damn attorneys that ever stepped foot in p[oplar bluff mike brookerson ive known clients of his no way would i ever recommend that dope head. keep in mind jasper is a sell out artist exspensive sell out if you want to win call moore walsh and albright no question about it
I agree on the Brookreson comment!! Brookreson is a methhead! A friend of mine recently attended a domestice court hearing and Brookreson was the other parties lawyer. She said that he had meth sores on his face and looked terrible. He lost his ass in the court hearing because he was totally out of it as well as unprepared for court. His little 18 year old girlfriend, who he has been screwing since she was 14, accompanied him to court and sat in on the trial acting like an ass everytime the Judge came down on him and his behavior in the court room.
I would never retain Brookreson for anything. He is worthless. I look for him to get busted before long. His ex wife just got busted for meth. They have a young son together and they both are methheads. It is a shame that scum like Brookreson is allowed to carry an attorney's license.
Also, he used to work for Jasper. Jasper fired his ass. Brookreson is just worthless.
Yeah... you might as well post it again.
DeleteLinks doesn’t work.
: (
You know how references work eh?
Ha ha ha, I admit it, I created a fake link complete with ten year old details of every piss ant lawyer in some sh*t town no one has heard of thinking it would fool you! You got me dipsh*t!
DeleteThat’s actually more persuasive than your bigfoot arguments to be honest!
Ha ha ha! Woo hoo!
But nobody can access your link to verify that it’s complete with ten year old details of every piss ant lawyer in some sh*t town no one has heard of. You know how references work eh? Your level of education might gloss over references, but some people actually read them.
DeleteYou might need to go back to the drawing board, Pedo Stu.
Hmmmmmmm... I wonder who Joe is??
: )
Since you’re too stupid to copy and paste a link into a search engine, here are a few more quotes about Mike B skills as a lawyer from the Poplar Bluff Forum — you know, the one that I created myself!
Apr 5, 2009
Mike Brookreson is on meth, and likes little girls. His little 19 year old girlfriend was only 14 when he started having sex with her. And his rich former ex-wife is in big trouble for meth. She got busted over a month ago. So, in a nutshell, Mike Brookreson is scum!”
Here’s more stuff I “made up”:
Apr 5, 2009
Mike Brookerson couldn't win a case if the judge was going to give it to him. You would have better luck with a Public Defender. He just uses the money you give him to buy more meth. He is a loser, can't beleive he is even on this list. Now if it said, biggest piece of sh*t then I could see him being on it!”
Ok, so is it “his little 19” or “little 18 year old girlfriend”??? You’ve got conflicting information there Pedo Stu?
DeleteOh dear.
You’re not doing a very good job of this are you?
Do you want more?
DeleteHa ha ha!
Yeah... get really creative this time PS, you can do better than that surely?
DeleteThose comments were two months apart dip*shit. Maybe you can get in contact with Mike B and find out when the poor girl’s birthday was, although I doubt seriously he ever cared to know. Does he know the day she died I wonder?
Maybe you can actually provide a link so someone can verify this libel. Because at best, even with a link it’s libel... but nobody can even verify that because your link is bunk. Conveniently. Hey... Maybe you can role play a meth addict next? Ha ha ha!
DeleteSee ya tomorrow, Pedo Stu!
And it’s pretty revealing to see you bending around like a pretzel to defend a meth addicted child molester. Disgusting!
DeleteNow, now Pedo Stu... The only person actually proven to have made threats about child molestation... ON THREE OCCASSIONS... to me, Chick and Mike was you. Subsequently you were reported.
DeleteNight, night.
Hello mates !
DeleteSkål !
Hey Pedo Stu Savile ! funny that the only pedo around here is you but nice try at deflection . i do hope you get your arse reported and you serve time with some fellow scumbags
Thanks for the link MMC.I would love to know who built all of those,how and why xx
ReplyDeleteSo would I.
I wish this site covered subjects like this also, and lost treasure , and futuristic aircraft.
DeleteThat would be cool
Yeah perhaps BFE could branch out a bit xx