Bizarre Events In Skunk Ape Territory

The Trail to Bigfoot team are perplexed by strange, seemingly supernatural events taking place while out in the field. Is something really happening, or have they just spent too much time in the sun?


  1. This is the phenomenon that was originally described as the "beeping Bigfoot" by Erik Beckjord in 2004, and was reported by the Ray and Shelley and their Grants Pass Bigfoot group. Basically, what happens is when a Bigfoot gets used to the same researchers coming back to their territory, the Bigfoot play innocent games with them by duplicating sounds that the Bigfoot have heard before. They have the ability to record and playback anything, amazingly. The sound that they were duplicating in Grants Pass, was the backup beeper of a commercial delivery truck. I heard it. I also have personally heard, the sound of a drop of water dripping into a sink full of water, but it came from places where there was no water source. I have heard complicated guitar strums, coming from a location where there was no guitar. They then can duplicate peoples voices and call out your name. They can also duplicate coyote howls. Wood knocks can also be recorded and played back by them to you. So this mobile phone ring tone coming from a location where there is no mobile phone, is right up a Bigfoot's alley.

    1. But of course because Bigfoot will and can do ANYTHING to keep from being discovered.

      It all makes sense now.

    2. Pedo Stu... You do everything you can to [remain anonymous] not be discovered. Yet your temperament and free-will means you’re compelled to communicate for a wide range of [pathological issues] reasons. “Bigfoot” are human, therefore no different. If you can stay hidden and express curiosity, then why not?

    3. Yes all those bigfoot shelters look so secure

    4. No just trees that fell over, since bigfoot don't exist they don't need shelters , little scientific fact for you Mr.Retard

    5. That’s hundreds of years anthropological data, eyewitness testimony and physical evidence you’re brushing aside in one big circular reasoning.

      You sure you’ve got the goods to back that statement up, Pedo?

    6. I guess so, considering that about 10% fewer Americans believe in bigfoot compared to just a few years ago.


    7. Actually Mr Retard no one has proven a Bigfoot creature exists but there is evidence of falling trees, you lack scientific evidence to back up ALL claims made here by you

    8. And it is also a proven fact that you and Joseph are the true paedophiles on this site, you said terrible things about children anonymously and tried to pin it on others to deflect from an argument you were losing about bigfoot, it's evidence of just how twisted an individual you are and I call you out on it here in front of everyone, you are proven to be a liar many times over

    9. You’re right that these disturbed morons often sockpuppet crazy anonymous comments and then attribute them to trolls. What they hope to gain by it — beyond displaying themselves as insane idiots — is a mystery.

    10. The four comments above are all from Pedo Stu.

      There is no evidence, not even a reference, that enthusiasm in this subject has dropped 10%. Even if it had... There’s STILL hundreds of years anthropological data, eyewitness testimony and physical evidence no Pedo will ever brush aside by an effort at circular reasoning. Even if it had, the evidence for Bigfoot is still being studied by pioneering geneticists, and being peer reviewed and endorsed by some of the best scientists in the world. Even if it was dropping by 10%... I’ll take that knowing a few thousand useless people interested in pop culture are subsiding for the subject broadening scientifically.

      In fact... the same type of evidence that field biologists use to document the presence of recognised mammals, is referred to as scientific evidence. And there is 60 years of that, with Gaussian distribution and even species traits across continents. And what’s been proven, is that there is a creature with the same widely reported anatomy as “Bigfoot”, leaving that frequency of scientific evidence. You could try and prove what other creature has the same feet as “Bigfoot”, but has managed to stay even MORE elusive... that’s how pathetic your argument is in context.

      Proof you published child rape threats here;

    11. No one cares about what a sick lying pedo has to say, shut up^

    12. Eeew, a pedo at the door, call the "us Authorities "^

    13. Do the “^” make you forget you got caught publishing child rape threats? I should probably sit back and laugh at you more, since you only ever project what upsets you.

    14. Really Pedo Iktomi? I noticed you sure get upset when faced with the truth that it was in fact you that posted obscenities about children because you were losing an argument about bigfoot, what a sick lying person you are, I'm glad everyone sees right through your nonsense, keep denying the truth , it shows everyone here what an asshat looks like

    15. Ok Pedo Stu... Let’s play it this way.

      1.Your proof that I did that.
      2. One example of an argument I’ve lost against Pedo Stu.

      ... you go first, then I’ll go. What d’you say, Pedo Stu?

  2. Videos are great, I love watching this video. It does not contain much useful information.


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