Walking Towards An Angry Bigfoot

Rich Coule joins World Bigfoot Radio to discuss his bigfoot experiences, and discuss the elusive sasquatch.


  1. Probably Joe smashing stuff up because the England team can`t make the grade...ever...even though they are supposed to be the "best" in the world...haha hahahah hahaha

    1. Your infatuation for joe possesses you

      A true stalker you are Stuwart

    2. Stuarts name is Brian and he lives in Washington.

    3. Are you somewhere around 32 Brian??

    4. But some of them are step kids.

  2. How do you stop a bigfoot from charging?

    Take away its credit card.

  3. Stevie Shribes, BIG DORIS, IKTOMI, JOE, REAL JOE, FAKE JOE<— IS A PEICE OF CRAP, Recpie Guy, B @ ll Boy, FFS!! SHAUN, MATT, UNO, EVA, RUFF, CHUCK, RICHARD PORTER, RPP, CLIVE SQUASHIE, BIG JON, ERNIE STREET, BIGFOOTSTUDENT, MIKE B, MMC, Leon, ALL CAPS, RUSH, RUM, Zabo, Lobster Trouble, AVERAGE JOE, D. DOVER,MMG, HARRY B., GRANTCITY REDZ, TTL, ARROWMAN, D.S, SHANNON DUBOIS, FINLANDER,DAVID MAZZINI, Doctor Squatch, DAN CAMPBELL - M. Honcho, AND DMAKER, VEGASTHEDOG, TROLL KILLER, THE GUY IN LOVE WITH WILD BILL, THE GUY THAT ONLY TALKS ABOUT THE GREYS, FLOOR BIGFOOT, POOP IN A JAR GUY, GRAMMAR NATZI, SOME GUY NAMED DON, THE BIGFOOT PATRIOT, GATEKEEPER, HAINTS, PORKCHOP, HERB GARDNER, SQUATCHIN LOVER, Chick, DARTH VADER, THE MAYOR MC CHEESE, The Hillbilly Mumbler, The political news update guy, CHEWIE, FOZZY, KELLY SHAW, FASANO, BIG JIM, ZORRO, STEVE AND BILL, rDR, STEVIE STRINGS, Mikes Neighbor Louis, Finlander, David Mazzini, True Dat Guy, Ernie Street, Big Dad, Arrowman, D.S., TTL, Big bad Mean Mad Momma, Shannon Dubois, Blueberry Jones, Khat Hansen, Stone Reader, Puss in Boots, Rooster. Alpha Dog, John Reed, Bill Phillips, Ragin Cajun 84, d3w177, Tripple Cheese, The Count, Fox, Randy, Hoodiesquatch, SasquaiNation NothingImportant, GnRfan, Jay, Travis. And that damn Stewart. AC Collins, Leon, Muckelgrunt, Butcher wing, Tocimah, YGNALI GUY, Georgina, Uncle Tancred, Sheila Simmons, Wheelman Stan, Unknown, Martin, Merch, Rick Hunter, Todd Sikkema, Darren Rogers, I Love Turtles Guy, NC, Tracker, ANONYMOUS, BIGFOOTS_BROSKI, Momma Bear, BLACKBADGE, John Melland, PROKILL, Paul Hulsey, Mr. Caluya, Mulder, Rick Dyer, colorado Angler, Cindi, S1, Robert Lindsay, St e ve n Str ui f e rt, Scottyboy, Kryder, TATERH()LE KID, Rictor, Tube buster, Ricky:), MountainMan, Mickey Vader


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