Bigfoot Newspaper Article Dates Back To 1873

If you think the bigfoot craze started with the Patterson film, you are greatly mistaken. Bigfoot sightings have been taking place as long as we've been here in North America. Here's an article about sightings from 1873.


  1. Interesting to read these from a time before the name bigfoot was thought of but not surprising since bigfoot are real xx

    1. Did you actually read it you dolt? One witness reported a five foot tall human and the other described a six foot tall gorilla. They were totally inconsistent with each other and neither was similar to the nine foot tall modern “bigfoot” myth!

    2. ^ pure idiot

      Hey PiB

      Check out this cat video


    3. That's about the kind of ad hom response I'd expect from one of Joetomi's sock puppets.

    4. Leave PIB alone tosser !
      She's one of the few commenters on here that aren't Stu or his sock puppet accounts
      three cheers for PIB !


    5. ^ says the guy with the most sock puppet accounts here..and a stodgy-porridge filled sock stuffed up his butthole for security sake as it makes him feel "at home".

    6. Not that I’ve read it yet... But...

      A five foot tall “animal of human form”, and a six foot tall “gorilla”? Do you think Bigfoot are born ten feet tall, Pedo Stu?

      You’re a believer little Pedo, aren’t you?

    7. ^ fiddles with small children

    8. Pedo Stu doesn’t like being called Pedo Stu.

      Pedo Stu projects insults to try and take control of insults.

      Pedo Stu will be reminded of his issues forever.

    9. It’s probably not such a great idea to admit that you haven’t read something before announcing your opinion about it. Although I suppose that’s par for the course for a stupid footer. What a dumbsh*t! Ha ha ha ha !

    10. I read it alright... turns out you‘re a stupid Pedo at that.

    11. “Not that I’ve read it yet... But... “

      Hmmmm, okay.

      “I read it alright...”


      Ha ha ha ha!

    12. “A five foot tall “animal of human form”, and a six foot tall “gorilla”? Do you think Bigfoot are born ten feet tall, Pedo Stu?”

      Tell me Pedo Stu... how else does the newspaper article describe the subjects in both reports?

      Not a smart Pedo, are you?


    13. Pedo Stu doesn’t like being called Pedo Stu.

      Pedo Stu projects insults to try and take control of insults.

      Pedo Stu will be reminded of his issues forever.

  2. Westerners didn't discover gorillas until Oct.17 1902.


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