Where Are The Bigfoot Bones? Cliff Barackman Answers

One of the most commonly asked questions about bigfoot, is if they exist, why don't we ever find their bones? Cliff Barackman talks about this on his website:

A logical question with a logical answer

When discussing the possibility of sasquatches being real animals with the general public, I often get the question, “If they’re real, why don’t we find their bones?”

I usually answer this question with another: “If bears and mountain lions are real, why don’t we find their bones?”

The likely answer makes a lot of sense. They hide their bones, and what’s left is recycled. Let me explain… (By saying they hide their bones, I do not mean to imply that they plan ahead and bury the corpses, though this has been hypothesized. After all, neanderthals buried their dead, and sasquatches could very well be in the same genus, homo.)

Bears, mountain lions, and sasquatches are all apex predators, meaning that they are at the top of the food chain for their habitat. Their only real predators are humans, and occasionally one can find remnants of a hunted or poached bear or cougar. Naturally dead apex predators are almost never found.

It is hypothesized that when an apex predator gets sick, as all animals do at some point in their lives, it seeks a safe place to recover. The animal would be most vulnerable when it is ill, so they probably look for places that make it feel secure, like under fallen trees, in inaccessible caves, or in the thickest brush available. (I would suspect that it also would want to be near a water source, but food would likely not be much of an issue since most animals fast when sick.)

So, by putting themselves in inaccessible areas for safety reasons, the animal effectively hid itself.

For more, click here. 


  1. The simpler answer is that bigfoot doesn’t exist.

    1. Oh that makes so much sense. Wait til i tell the lads down at the pub about this.
      A simple answer from a simpleton as yourself. So my question is why are you continuing to come on this blog if bigfoot doesn't exist ? why not go haunt the unicorn evidence blog? Well probably because you are such a prized prat


    2. Because unicorns exist. Bigfoot doesn't. Simple!

    3. Barackman, lol, as clueless as they come!
      No bones because they are Demons/Spectre's.

    4. Joe is more interested in dick...fatter the better.

    5. Bruce, you are as clueless as they come !
      Top lad banter in 3...2...1


    6. I do like dick and licking toilet seats

    7. I am skillful at hiding "bones " so I believe Barebackman

    8. ^ you are only skilled at being a colossal tosser Fake Joe !


    9. Doesn't deny hiding them "bones"^

  2. Instead of engaging in wild speculation, why doesn't somebody just ask Mary Green, as to what happened with FOX?

  3. The bone is hidden in Steven Stupidtards arse. You know the guy, head cornhole at coalition of turd bangers. Hides away in his moldy lonely cave he calls the willow creek bookstore. I am sorry once he gets a bone in his taderhole its lost forever.


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