Searching For Monster In The Rain

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization takes to the backwoods to search for a bigfoot creature in a remote canyon. The weather was horrible, but they made the trek anyway. Check out the video their trail cam captured.


  1. What's this? Some kind of video by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization of them looking for their game cameras in the hail and rain? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? Well they certainly proven that deer exist but I already knew that so I guess I'm.......

    Not interested. Done.

    1. ^ Buggyeyes stalker from willow creek moldy bookstore. Hi Steven! Where are you planting fake bigfoot tracks next? Oregon again or just down there at bluff creek?

    2. Hello Shaw, maybe I’ll plant my own boot track in your fat butt!

  2. Did Itkomi get banned or just humiliated enough that he now uses an anonymous profile? You can always tell that it's him. He's such an arrogant jerk and it just oozes out of everything he says.

    1. I am sure Iktomi has a life and a job unlike vulgar hillbillies like you who buzz around this forum like flies . Maybe get rid of the bag of chips and moonshine and you may one day be just like him with a life of your own. Huzzah !
      cheers and carry on


    2. Thanks for that Itkomi.Talking about yourself in the third person is really weird.

    3. whatever you say Stuey . Shouldn't you be beddie bye at this time or are you having a pornhub marathon tonight?
      bloody useless wanker !


    4. Ha, Shawna and Mattilda finally fired him

    5. If I wanted to do so, I could have the bird brain back here posting 50 rambling comments every day. He’s essentially my trained monkey at this point. =~)

  3. Wow! Their trail cam got footage of deer and elk. Now we know that deer and elk exist.

    1. ^Now they need to capture footage of this basement dwellers pathetic life in mums basement

    2. I wear mommy's dresses in the basement


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