Massive Wolf Caught On Video - Is It A Dogman?

A man videos at something in the front of his house that's causing his dog to bark like crazy. At first it's no big deal until the creature stands up. Then things take on a whole new perspective.


  1. it's not a dogman, it's a demon. Took me years to discover that and I wish all you yahoos especially Ikdummy start to understand this fact. Totally clueless, wake up folks, the devil is trying to fool you every single day !

    1. It's true, I fool you every single day, especially you Ikdummy, and Joe, I'll see you soon because God hates queers, right DS?

    2. You will burn in hell you hateful troll ! The flames will engulf you and you'll be screaming for mercy while i'm enjoying an ice cream on a sunny day.
      Don't mock what you don't understand heathen for you will find out things the hard way and rue what you said today and please don't mention me in the same breath as those other two clueless idiots

    3. You're going to bow down and kiss my anus like a witch now,DS

    4. It's a wolf DS you blithering idiot.
      And i don't mean that in a nice way xx

    5. sick perverts !
      I know Ikdummy who is in jail and spends his time mocking me with his different puppet accounts such as PIB, Joe and the devil.
      Epic fail !

    6. DS you will be with me, God doesn't want a man who takes photographs of demons and directs people to a YouTube site full of demonic images, I laugh at how you try to invoke God after promoting my agenda for years. Your soul belongs to me and you will kiss my anus and like it. I'm your master now.

    7. Not today Satan, not today
      You cannot tempt me with your words because my faith is stronger than you . I will not bow down to you or your evil servants and their sock puppet accounts
      You are the biggest epic failure in the galaxy !

    8. You already did my bidding fool, you and your YouTube channel showing the world my demons, God now turns a deaf ear to you, I own you, would you like me to show you a picture of a real bigfoot? crystal clear, just ask me and I will post it right here

    9. Silver tongued demon , fallen one from heaven, I reject you and all your words and works. I will never do your bidding. you already tried to get at me and my friends by showing your demon face on our toilet paper. . No Satan, not today, not ever. I know how to cast out demons and i am not afraid to use my powers to boot your from my blessed home

    10. Look, I will concede to you that throwing out a roll of toilet paper is easy AND it was pretty stupid and pointless of me to possess a roll of toilet paper AND you should probably not mention the whole toilet paper thing out loud since everyone knows who you are. Really just going to apologize for that one. Okay?

    11. Fake DS, Devil got you bearing false witness pretending to be me, and wasting your time doing it.
      Wake up!

    12. Okay, ALL the DS's out there belong to me and I'm going to put my image on ALL your toiletries

    13. hahaha, this is top notch comedy !


    14. ^ still laughs at the Beano and Dandy comics..."desperate Dan" is a special fave of Joe`s.

    15. ^ you wrote the book on being desperate stu/Bruce
      go take a shower, you smell of something rotten


  2. I don't judge them sissy men but I know in my heart they shall wither before Jehovah

    1. DS, do not kiss his sinful anus, I will pray for you

    2. does Bruce actually think he's talking to the real devil ? what a loon ! lol


    3. ^ wow, the irony is staggering - here`s a guy believes in Bigfoot without a shred of evidence calling out Doc

  3. It does look convincing. However, some BS hoaxes do look convincing. Like the wooly mammoth footage shot a few years ago in Siberia.

  4. Always remember - if it's Nv Tv it's crap.


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